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Everything posted by cvanvol

  1. HAHA yes and doing it for over ten years is incredibly hard to do. If rodgers falls off or gets hurt in the next two year he will just be anoter QB that had a few great years in the league.
  2. I saw that as well lol must be something inside of the team?? maybe they want him to lead the league in dfensive TDs otherwise thats just dumb and selfish
  3. They were after week three now there tied with the redskins
  4. i think i asked this before but what became of the return that we got for peters?
  5. ???? i cant tell if this is sarcasm? do you understand if that was legal people would end up dying? Why would you want someguy with a clear road to the endzone being ripped down from behind by there throat? THIS I am sick of this, the NFL needs to adapt more to this century. Why do we not use computers???? CHAINS are rediculous.
  6. Exactly the DE just saw the LT react to the DT so he moved to get the call.
  7. Promise I saw it clear as day and while I'm as upset at the officiating as you are I am trying my best to keep it contained
  8. go back and look at it again the DT flinched at the count and while in the neutral zone caused the LT to move, the DL cannot influence the offensive line by making movements or sounds, it was perfectly called and you are obviously not at the caliber of the NFL officials So your argument is that since the other officiating squads had got it wrong that since one crew called it correctly then it becomes bad officiating??? Even if the rule is stupid it was called correctly. Just cuz ur butt hurt over the bills game don't look at it through rose colored glasses
  9. video of stevies catch that wasnt?? I was in a bar couldnt really see all that well.
  10. Thats just a bad QB rolling out when he should have stepped up into the pocket... it does happen though but i remember a similar play in the steelers last game and Ben out ran maybin on either a really long 3rd down or 4th down. I still think that was the play that lost the game or our own player tackling our kick returner.
  11. Agreed if any coach tries to run that in and give the bal back to brady they should be fired on the spot.
  12. It was pass interference and was called correctly.
  13. I have seen him on tv with a headset and a play card in his hand... does that mean he is calling the plays? Most likely but that doesnt neccessarily mean he is. Is that all you wanted to know? Did you think fitz was lying?
  14. He isnt my friend but that didnt seem like what he was trying to say IMO. It seemed like he was saying chan did have a lot of balls making that call. Why wouldnt a fan have sour grapes about losing to a team they have beaten 15 straight times?? Thats a bitter pill to swallow and BB doesnt get out coached much.
  15. ??? really? the pats fan is making you look stupid. On that first play Bill without a doubt told them to try and let them score. His premise is entirely correct. Also after the first knee they obviously saw what was gonna happen and were upset BB didnt tell them to do anything dirty. ??? what is wrong with you? A pats fan come into the board after a loss and is actually contributing to a discussion and you say dumb crap. You make the rest of the posters here look bad. Entirely true, i believe it was on a play where Nelson was wrapped up and on his feet with the front of his body exposed. It was a NE DB that jumped over guys on the ground and went head hunting. Should have been a penalty for sure.
  16. I still dont understand how he can say that??? We beat NE and they beat the Jets... thats probably more difficult for us. Week one was a push if anything. Then the only other game we beat them. Their schedule is more difficult because they had to go on the road but not by much. I dont believe that just because a team beats you that means they are overall better but in this case we have to be more real than the raiders. We stopped Run DMC as much as possible and won. The Jets were horrible and let him beat them almost single handedly. The Jets are less real than us. ALso how does he go from picking us as his upset special to dogging us in less than three days???
  17. I will definately be oming down there next weekend didnt know there was such a large contingent there. I am crying reading this thread and watching the videos i am so happy
  18. you do understand we did the best of any defense that has faced brady right... one of those teams was also 1st overall in the league last year. All in all thats pretty much the best you can ask for. You arent going to hold that offense and Brady to under 200 yards passing just like i dont think a team can do that to fitzpatrick either.
  19. ??? you did see Dareus jump up to block the ball... it wasnt that lucky its just a good play by a defensive lineman.
  20. Your Recievers are garbage behind Ford and DHB, why do you keep posting heights and weights? That doesnt mean anything... The more I see your secondary and WR situation the more i think this is going to be a blow out. Fitz is a whole lot better than kyle orton and is going to expose you.
  21. Any idea of when those that ordered when they will be sent out?
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