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Everything posted by cvanvol

  1. It really looks like they are far and away the best rookie tandem the league has seen. It might not turn into them being hall of famers but for youngsters in this league they are doing very well for themselves.
  2. he will get top ten rb money i expect something around 7 mil a season for 3-4 years with a bunch of incentives
  3. hahah saw that and even if he was sarcastic i would lie and say i was a genius
  4. Quick search and it looks like cleveland, buffalo, detroit, tampa bay, chargers?(i think it was mostly sports writer speculation), and the eagles all had interest in him
  5. your opinion on all of this was a spelling correction.... interesting take
  6. hahaha yeah he put us right at the cap ceiling
  7. I can promise you people on this site would have called ralph cheap... remember when we traded lee evans?
  8. Other teams wanted barnett he could have easily gone to a team that was projected to be better than the bills.
  9. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article241361.ece Guess buffalo was at the top of the list and Jerry I hope you enjoyed him while you could...
  10. The pictures are not bad this is a non issue and who knows how this became a story.
  11. Where is JW I want his take on this... I can see calling it a mistake but I think that it helped in a lot more ways.
  12. So why doesnt sully talk about Merriman recruiting players and telling them how good buffalo was??? Simply getting Barnett here pretty much justifies the merriman deal and we are only a few weeks into the season.
  13. They are better than last year, Why does that make you question him?
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackout_(broadcasting) I dont know why the buffalo news would write that... everything else i saw while researching it said that the toronto series doesnt follow NFL blackout rules Toronto Series games are the only NFL games not subject to the league's blackout restrictions. For instance, the 2010 Toronto Series preseason game had nearly 15,000 available seats but was still seen on television within the station's blackout zone.
  15. already discussed the tickets for all toronto games are already bought it is a sell out there just wont be anyone there...
  16. You guys understand its Collins not collinsworth right?? We are talking about the politician not the broadcaster... Did either of you even read any of this ?
  17. hahaha IHOP joke... he still beat him pretty handily and while it may have been a coverage sack he was still there to make the play
  18. The 100m dollars is worth it to the state, why are we still talking about this?
  19. Really? You think their corporate tax is more? I really have no idea about any of that but i would think just looking at it that the sales tax generated would be more....
  20. ???? it will be paid over years this is an investment.... It will be paid for and then some which is why any state government would build or help finance stadiums. What are you trying to say?? Pay 20 Million now - - - The bills make more money which means more taxes... They stay in buffalo People buy tickets and concessions and merchandise all making the state more sales tax... After a certain number of years the tax income generated by the bills offsets the cost of renovations... All other tax money generated by the bills is NY state making money off the investment... - - - What dont you get about this?
  21. IT IS how many times does it have to be pointed out that it is making the state money.... therefore it is benefitting the tax payers
  22. Why do people not get this??? THE BILLS MAKE THE STATE MONEY TO KEEP MAKING THAT MONEY YOU KEEP THE BUSINESS HAPPY Hahah read the last three or four posts somehow people dont get it
  23. I dont think thats true really... If a team goes to LA and cant draw fans or support they wont stay there just because of the market. I think that the plan is in place but this isnt truly a part of it stadium upgrades have been around and will be around forever no matter the owner or the plan. I think he was just saying that the bills make money for the state and that the money earned through the bills will ultimately be more than what it would cost to invest in the upgrades. Not that the bills taxes go directly to the renovations.
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