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Everything posted by cvanvol

  1. hahhaahha i love when they pull info off of here... last night i had to tweet bulldog the link to the GQ stuff
  2. yeah asked my bos who was a former lab guy, i am in the military but he said any lab would be equipped to test if a substance was a PED or not. I dont see Erie Counties Lab especially with the border there not being equipped to test for almost all substances...
  3. Those laws are not confidential from your employer
  4. The NFL can do whatever they damn please as evidenced by the last two days.
  5. I'm guessing you are that blogger on sportrac that was posted 17 days ago.... really breaking news.
  6. Ok that I can see I'm not whining about Buffalo and I dont think it has anything to do with the situation, I understand Philly was the best place for him and the league and obviously so did Goodell, I just dont believe that goodell should be able to leverage Vicks reinstatement with pressure to go to a certain team.
  7. That still is a dumb hypothetical argument, those three people were with Philadelphia now what? wiper of asses
  8. So you are saying that if we were Philly and Philly were us then vick would have came to Buffalo?????? Thanks Sherlock
  9. I am just reading the quotes from vick not the bloggers perspective. He wanted to come in and start right away he says that buffalo and cinci seemed to be offering that but his mind was changed whether by goodell or not it just seems that way. I am sure some other team could have offered more money and a starting position but i dont know that. I think Vick ended up in a great spot for him but I would hope that all 32 teams were open for him and it seems from his quotes that the league made it clear that was not the case.
  10. We are now playing into him, I did it without think but he should just be ignored.
  11. Have you seen the numbers on his contract? That second year in Philly he was going to get more money there than anywhere else. Also most adult making life changing decisions aren't facing bankruptcy and foreclosure on multiple properties so while i see where you are coming from I just don't think that was his situation.
  12. OMG just go talk in another thread or make your own and talk to yourself. We dont want to hear what you have to say its moronic and you accusing the organization for not signing a QB because he is black its absolutely racist. Go Away!
  13. I'll find the link but dungy was quoted as saying we were a very likely destination for Vick as well as being a place he could step right in and make a difference. I cant really comment on the QB coaching that he would receive and I dont really care. He is one of the most talented players the NFL has seen recently and maybe ever. I am upset that pressure was put on him not to come to Buffalo. And before Vick got to philly what history of developing QB's did they have ???? Also I think the pressure in Philadelphia would have been more than it was here.
  14. That is just plain stupid, Why do you talk? At least offer up something, ignorant comments like this are just annoying.
  15. I get nothing is going to happen, it still is unethical.
  16. It's a little different when the team has the choice to not sign him. When that power is taken away by the League front office that is wrong. This isnt a conversation about "we shoulda got him".
  17. This is ridiculous... How can they allow this to happen? This is against NFL business ethics and something should be done about it. I know that it will not and looking back I don't think the league could be proven to have forced him into Philadelphia but I am sure there was pressure put on him.
  18. Thank you god. Also someone was talking about the eagles wildcat trying to be too cute... last year on the first play of what seemed like every game they would have vick roll out looking like he was going to take off and chuck one to desean and it worked amazingly well. I consider that just like the wildcat just because a RB or a WR isnt the one behind center doesnt change the offensive scheme.
  19. Yeah thats why Dez is there... At this point I would say that Dez and Miles do almost everything better than lee does
  20. Hahahahaahaha Another thing about that game can someone please find the video of the OT kickoff???? I am more upset about our own guy tackling our kick returner than I am about stevie dropping that pass.
  21. I posted this yesterday with the link and now its gone.... thats weird, I must have done soemthing wrong. Do you see where the raiders are? That is absolutely crazy I dont care if they swept their division they are garbage.
  22. I think you might be more miserable dang. I dont listen to WGR for anything but sabres games so I am not in lockstep just remembered I used to like listening to Howard in the afternoons after school. Also I didnt know the background with the previous sports station going under with adelphia and never remember another sports talk radio station.
  23. Do you work there??? Also I thought Howard used to be on Empire in the afternoons when i was a teenager but I cant really remember.
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