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Everything posted by offyourocker

  1. Well he was probably our second best player on a defense that went 4-12. But you make one good point they always chose not to re-sign players that are successful. Build through the draft my -ss. The few time they are successful with a pick they let them walk away.
  2. I agree that draft is critical to long term but a lot of the guys you listed were FA that they re-signed. The Bills don't do that when they draft players that end up successful
  3. The only way to explain the moves or lack of from this 4-12 franchise is that we are positioning ourselves for Andrew Luck. No other explanation makes sense.
  4. I have not bought tickets or merchandise in 4 years now. Tired of the f___ng bullcrap. Nix is happy with the tackles on the roster. He must be the only human being on the planet thinking our tackles are good enough
  5. If they don't bring some people in, I am done with this team. I have stuck to my guns and not purchased anything from the Bills (memoriblia or tickets) for the last 4 years. I will keep doing that until they show they are serious about winning. You can't just build in the draft. New England is proably the most successfull team of the last 10 years and they get big name free agents. The draft only gives 3 or 4 potential starters each year(not by Bills standards of course) and if they are good we lose them after 4 years. So the draft only is never going to cut it. If the Bills don't address the major holes like RT and TE, I won't even go out of my way to watch the games. It will save me a few hundreds I would have spent on NFL package. People defending the build through the draft only are drinking the coolaid and supporting this team's cheap ways.
  6. I would be so happy to finally get somebody solid at RT. Tired of trying mix of old guys and new guys that could potentially develop. Clabo fits Buffalo in so many ways. He is hard worker.
  7. I love Kyle Williams but I would take Suh over him
  8. O-line help? You bet yer ass. We have been trying to get by on the cheap with OTs for so long it is ridiculous. Undrafted free agents, other teams practice squad cast offs, late round draft picks? Come on! Get real! I think somebody is still trying to prove we didn't need Peters and could get the same job done with nobodies. I guess they are waiting for the law of averages to kick in and they will eventually get lucky. If you have 7 tackles on the squad you should eventually hit the jackpot and find 1 gem right???? So far we have a bunch of below average players that people keep expecting to turn it around and become great. *sheesh* Could not agree with you more. That is my biggest gripe about the Bills. The line has been neglected for far too long. Clabo would be a very serious addition. I like the Front office also. I think bringing a real DC should make a big difference also. But please spend a little money in FA and bring a couple solid contributors. Clabo, as TE and a backup QB
  9. You are pretty poor at substantiating your arguments. Pears is one of 6 guys DanInUticaTampa mentioned. 3 of those were starters at the beginning of the season. Crappy ones but starters.
  10. Thank you. While I agree that building through the draft is critical, it is not the only piece to the puzzle. Most players drafted take 3 or 4 years before they have a significant impact so that leaves you with very little payback if you are not willing to resign them in FA. The whole "building through the draft" poise from the Bills front office is much more of a ploy to justify not being willing to pay for the right components to make a team sucessful. I am happy with our coaching staff this year as we now have a DC that has proven abilities. But our defense regressed significantly last year because the front office went the cheap way with getting a completely unproven DC.
  11. I know that very well which is why I have not purchased anything from the Bills ir gone to a game for the last 3 years. If they ever change that mentality and decide to show they are serious about putting a good product on the field and winning, they will have me back as a customer
  12. I would love a solid TE also but I am affraid those are not allowed in Buffalo anymore I am kind of going on the assumption that Poz and Florence are coming back. Although Florence might be longer shot
  13. The Bills would make me really happy adding one player in Free Agency. Tyson Clabo. I would probbably even drop my own imposed ban on buying Bills stuff
  14. Totally agree there. I am affraid the Bills won't spend money though. They really need a TE and OT.
  15. I am affraid that if they dont, it is really a sign they are no committed to improving. You can't keep losing more talent then you are bringing in. Why make our backfield weaker?
  16. People just can't comprehend that. It has been an achille heels for the Bills for years. The front office has done nothing to address it in years other than signing players the raiders did not want. Every year I keep hoping Ralph spends some money on at least a RT and Guard.
  17. Dont worry about Kyle Williams. There is no question the defense is going back to 4-3
  18. Been hearing the same crap for 10+years
  19. I read the same crap every year. They have not changed anything. The only reason they picked a CB is because they are too cheap to pay the good one they had (Florence). They should have been filling other needs like OT or QB. Watch my words, Mallet will become our new ghost. Hell in a couple years Bellichick migh even give us a "deal" on Brady.
  20. Carollina will take him with the first pick. The radio sports people that have connections with the panthers have no doubt
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