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Billshank Redemption

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Everything posted by Billshank Redemption

  1. I don't know actually I am starting to turn around to the idea of tannehill at 10. I don't know about anyone else but I just don't really like any of the pass rushers up top I would rather take a top wideout/l.t or trade down. I really want to address pass rush in free agency as I see it being a major weak point of this years draft. So id rather trade the pick for a tannehill suitor and drop back and grab a wideout
  2. I personally don't exactly like where we are picking this year but I feel that the consensus would be to take ingram if he's there. I just don't see us taking a tackle or wideout, i see us taking a pass rusher period. I guess we will see.
  3. no way its the jets I think arizona is the most likely landing spot and that or the 49ers gives him the best chance to win a championship
  4. certainly wouldn't be opposed to adding him, he's a true number one receiver and would allow us to have a true 1-2 punch
  5. this point is moronic. We simply have too many holes to fill to say that we can just go out and let probably our brightest offensive player walk. We need to grow our talent and resign it. You'll notice thats what the good teams do, almost all of the key pieces on the giants and pats were home grown.
  6. one of the worst mocks I've ever seen on multiple levels.
  7. I like this a lot I don't care what anyone sais at the right price this is a great signing
  8. Per rotoworld he already has a visit planned
  9. Literally the stupidest thread I've ever read. They wouldnt trade him for two firsts
  10. Is anyone else sick of people on this forum bringing up people that haven't had starter worthy season since bush was still in his first term? Thats an exaggeration but seriously. Lets get guys who are in their prime NOW. Pair one with stevie and you will be surprised that it actually works instead of a thin ****ty bandaid that has blood spilling out after 2 games. It is time to get permanent fixes NOW. Im sick of waiting we have the pieces, we need a few more. Sure there big but they are attainable. Lets actually do this for once.
  11. I used to think spy gate isn't really a big deal but this isn't the first time its been brought up and james harrison did tweet about it. I think a lot of the players on other teams still remember it and our well aware of it. They certainly didn't appreciate it and maybe it did have more of an impact on the patriots dynasty then we realize. Football is a game of inches and whatever you can do to gain even just a slight advantage is huge.
  12. This couldn't be more true, anyone who thinks jones deserves to even sniff the field as the #2 wideout is just being ignorant. We absolutely need to 1. Resign stevie, and 2, get a quality number 2 if not number one. I think that david nelson is a decent if not top 3rd slot receiver type guy. He also presents great mismatches. But we need need need a number 2 so that we have more open options. If we don't at least get stevie and a say mario manningham I will be sorely disappointed. Getting a roy williams will make me furious. If we got a solid pass rusher and good wide receiver out of free agency I would be thrilled. Then go pass rush, o line, and defensive backs in the draft and draft a qb next season.
  13. Lets not kid around, gronkowski is a miss match for anyone, he's not like a specialized guy that works in one system. He can block (run and pass), run good routes and catch, oh and the fact that he's enormous. He would be a huge offensive weapon for any team. and also cage, troup was a risky pick I strictly remember everyone saying that he had 1: back problems and 2: was a huge reach.
  14. I do not want roy williams AT ALL. Mannigham could be had for under 4 mil a season why waste it on williams even if its 1 mil
  15. I think that while buddy does believe in building through the draft, he has talked much more about getting f.a this offseason, especially when it comes to wide receivers and d.e. Just look at the post on bb.com today.
  16. The Bills may attempt to work out long-term agreements with restricted free agent guards Chad Rinehart and Kraig Urbik. Both are expected to be tendered qualifying offers, but it would make sense for the Bills to lock them up heading into their age-27 seasons. Urbik was Buffalo's starting right guard in 2011, while Rinehart served in a swing role. Both graded out as top-20 guards by Pro Football Focus. Per rotoworld.
  17. Alright so now that the Super Bowl is finished, what are realistic targets that we could sign and could have a positive impact on our team for the upcoming season. QB: Unfortunately I just don't think this is the year to upgrade at qb. Not that I don't want too but just the fact that I don't see anything that is right now better then fitz. If we can't get RG3 in the draft I say screw it. WR:Besides the usually discussed VIncent Jackson, Dwayne Bowes. What about Manningham, he wasn't healthy all this season but has been a starter the 2 years prior. Knowing how the bills will want something cheap, I think this could be a pretty decent bargain and could get us a true number 2 (as long as we keep stevie). Sure you could argue that Stevie isn't a true number one to being with but its better then we have now. Other options:Marques Colston/Brandon Lloyd. T.E: Even though I think the need for a do it all T.E is bigger then ever, the crop just doesn't look to good this offseason/draft. I think you resign chandler and cut your losses. Other options: Fred Davis, I know he got busted for marijuana and was suspended for the last 4 games, but for a 1 year relatively cheap deal he could have huge upside for us. Just look at his numbers in 12 games this season. He blows stevie out of the water. OL: Im one to think that although it would be nice to improve, its not a necessity its more a luxury at this point. That being said, having quality depth especially on the tackles is crucial. I would be interested in signing Bell back and maybe a durable backup from another team. For guards, I think resigning Rinehart and Urbik will be sufficient as long as Wood can stay healthy. DL: We just need pure pash rush. If we could somehow get ahold of Mario Williams or even Mathis I would be estatic. After that the class looks pretty weak. I want to address this high in the draft regardless anyway. LB: Need help and depth outside for sure. May address in the draft but we at least need to grab one in F.A. There isn't a lot of 4-3 outside backers. Manny Lawson would be a solid pickup, I don't know much about the others just because I don't feel like checking if there 4-3/3-4 I just know he can play both and covers well. DB: I think we hold tight at safety, maybe a late draft pick but thats it. Corner we need some god damn help. I hope Williams gets better this year but I don't really know. Mcgee is on his last legs and Florence looked like a real ass a lot of last year. Mckelvin has all the talent in the world but no brain. The big get here would be carlos rogers, I don't think we will pony up just because for some reason and myself included, everyone thinks that one of our corners is magically going to show up this year and be a darrelle revis which just isn't happening. (Maybe address in draft as well). thats my list, I don't think its really unrealistic thats why the people I put up there were realistic. If we went after an approach somewhat like this we could give a chance for fitz to at least succeed. Also I think what could help our corners is magically having a pass rush for once. The giants rattled brady all night with just a 4 man, it can do wonders.
  18. who gives a !@#$ about long snapping, we weren't in field goal range for rayners pussyass regardless towards the end of the season, lets get a couple pass rushers, a real #2 wideout, some corners and oh a q.b. Yea id say long snappers are really going to be an important get for us this year.
  19. I mean we said were basically switching back to a 4-3 sooo...
  20. not even one small chance that you are correct. RG3 will also pay off quicker than luck mark my words on that too
  21. I would want bowe if he actually is let go. He has a worse qb then we do and is up against number ones all day long and still has consistent production, plus he can do it all
  22. I watched tannehill a few times this year and i wasn't really impressed once.
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