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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Not to go very far down this road...but how did you know it was a "nice" dump?
  2. I like Bledsoe, still think he's a good quarterback...but even I don't think he's hall of fame material.
  3. Good point. We really aren't in much of a condition to be griping about a guy who won most of the games he played for us. I'd put up with a lot to have such a guy here now. Maybe JP will be someday.
  4. Well, in any event we go against our arch-rival on Sunday without the player who has been most effective against them. I'd say MM had better beat them without Moulds if he expects to be around as Buffalo Bills head coach after the season ends. In fact I think he had better show some outstanding coaching and leadership skills in the next few games. No matter how you cut it its not a "proof is in the pudding" situation but a "I've got excuses" situation and this is a little late in his tenure to think "I've got excuese" is going to cut it.
  5. Don't knock being old...it beats the alternative!
  6. I see it more like this. " I want to run for governor, and am the strongest potential candidate. You (Republicans) want someone else. I'm not necessarily going to run as an independent (been there and done that) but I might run with the Dems and bring my independents with me. That gives me a party that has won a number of statewide races (Senators and Attorney General) and a whole infrastructure that I didn't have as an independent. Of course I would like the Republican nod instead. Oh...by the way...I'm having Bill Clinton as my guest for a hockey game next week. "
  7. Wonder if some arrangement was made in the meeting with Wilson to "accomodate" Moulds informally for the fine?
  8. I don't know...a number of New York governors in New York in recent memory have been democrats. Golisano has the bucks and the independents. May be a good combination.
  9. Took my r&r from Vietnam to Hawaii and the people at Fort DeRussy (who really treated us well) arranged a tour. It is an impressive sight.
  10. Hank Bullogh..the Dan Darragh quarterback era...Kay Stephenson...Gary Marangi..the Billy Joe Tolbert era...we have had some pretty bad weeks. But then we have had lots of terrific weeks...AFL champs, cookie Gilchrist, Jack Kemp, Fergie, OJ, Chandler, McKenzie era, Kelly/Smith/Thomas/Reed days...and I'm skipping a lot of them. The bad days just make the good ones look better.
  11. He seems to be handling this whole thing pretty graciously. Not burning bridges and not hurting himself in his search for a new team. Let's see how he plays in the remaining games.
  12. We got the bickering..but I don't think we have a Reed, Smith, Thomas or Kelly, and we CERTAINLY don't have a House Ballard at Tackle.
  13. I think Belichik's big strength is singleness of purpose and doing what he needs to do to win THIS game. Its unlikely he would put Flutie in unless they are really whooping our asses, and then only to avoid the risk of injury to Brady. The thought of STARTING Flutie would be beyond the pale. I don't think Belichik would be very popular in the coaching fraternity after a stunt like that. Buth then again..I don't know whether he is all that popular to begin with.
  14. Sounds like Golisano is not so subtly sending a message to the NYS Republican party to take him seriously or he might look at other options...like the Democrats.
  15. Just when I think I've gotten out of it....the pull me back in!!!! Godfather III. The opporunity was just too good to pass up. I'll work on it.
  16. Funny but I was thinking about going back to the 3-4 defense. The Kelsay idea is interesting if we look at that and draft a stud defensive end to take his place, counting on Adams and Schobel as the D-line.
  17. I'm not the one being cavalier...Wasn't my decision that led to over 2000 dead (so far) in Iraq. I'd have been a lot more careful before I would have gone in. I'd like to see us not reach 3000. Cavalier would be wearing a flight suit and mincing around on an aircraft carrier with a Mission Accomplished sign...but then...
  18. He gave us a nice counterpoint to the great comeback game against Houston.
  19. Weiss would be a great head coach for the Bills but I cannot believe he would consider it. Notre Dame is ever catholic boy's dream school, if successful you become a national icon (Knute Rockne, Ara Parseghan) and I suspect it pays pretty darn well too.
  20. Oh...you think existing casualties are static and no more will happen? From your lips to God's ear..but I kinda f-ing doubt it as we used to say in a previous war.
  21. ell...there's a warm and fuzzy metrosexual side we don't often see!
  22. I agree with their assessment. Hmmm.. a number one draft pick running back from USC...where have I heard THAT one before?
  23. Sorry for your loss On the other hand celebrate a life well lived and the love he passed on.
  24. You're right Paul...I must admit my error. They are getting $150 an hour for doing a job that a $12.00 an hour security gaurd could do AS WELL. Although my contacts in New Orleans maintain that they are more trouble than they are worth.
  25. We arent' going to the playoffs. EM is not playing for us next year. We don't want to fire MM until the end of the season. Sounds like suspension gives us more of a chance to evaluate or develop existing talent for next year, and we can keep the coach we probably need to end this travesty of a season. Suspension for the season is the easy way out. If Moulds pulled himself (Cookie Gilcrhist got suspended for that once...and the team got Saban to change his mind letting him back to win our first AFL championship.) suspension for the rest of the season might be a good idea.
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