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Everything posted by tennesseeboy

  1. Hey..it took us fifty years to get into this mess..I don't think I'm going to be able to propose a way out in fifteen minutes. I don't pretend to be as smart as those on this board who have the instant solution.
  2. nonsense...I suspect we would have played the nuclear card first and the Soviets would have negotiated to keep what they could. You don't really think the forces we had in Europe would have held the Fulda Gap against the entire Soviet military do you? They would have moved into Central Europe and I'm not aware of any significant force that would have stopped them. We had the nuclear card, and they had nuclear cards. I think they would have been more reluctant than we were to play them (that old Hiroshima Nagasaki thing.) and would have played that to our advantage. In any event...we never had to play that game. A pessimist would have speculated on the real unthinkable...that we BOTH would have played the nuclear card.
  3. I suspect that if there had been an attack by the Soviet Union all bets would have been off. They would have taken a great deal of Central Europe, our containment plan (more of a political sop to Germany than anything even our military expected to hold) would have collapsed and we would have had an old fashioned reinvasion of Europe, or possibly would have been on the verge of going nuclear as the Soviets threatened Italy or France. Negotiated peace with an expansion of Soviet interests in Europe.
  4. It is a real possibility that there may be nine or ten coaching searches going on. There are many more attractive teams than Buffalo. I suspect we will be hard put to get one of the "traditional" blue chip candidates. Let me throw a name out (remember I wanted Nick Saban as the long shot when we hired Mularkey, and Marv Lewis when we hired Gregg Williams.) Mike Leach of Texas Tech or Rich Rodriguea of West Virginia University. Leach is an offensive maverick with ideas that could revolutionize pro football or be a massive failure...in contrast to Mularkey and Williams...who were plain old massive failures.
  5. Yes..we are really prepared to go hot in another country. The last I looked folks were on fourth and fifth deployment to Iraq, the military was doing cartwheels to meet its hiring goals. I think this is about as lame as that site Ghost of BIB posted about the plan we have for a war with Korea, which counts on existing forces holding until we send half a million non-existent troops from the US some eight weeks after they invade. We don't have the horses to run the type of race you are proposing. Frankly, Israel is in a pretty tough situation as well, as Iran may have more allies than our intelligence folks think and we could end up being dragged into a regional war to save Israel's bacon. John Wayne thinking isn't going to solve this problem.
  6. You are right in that there is considerable real talent on this team. I think there is a consensus that the major weaknesses are the offensive line (very little talent), the defensive talent (considerable talent at defensive ends, but a critical need for help in the middle) and some help with aging d-backs. Until the o-line is rebuilt the jury remains out on the running and passing game and on JP. Critical need...new coach and GM. The fact that so much talent is there is what makes it all the more frustrating. Not since Joel Collier took an AFC championship team and made several injudicious trades (Lamonica for Flores, Bass for Baker, Gilchrist for Billy Joe) and poor coaching to be replaced by Harvey Johnson for a 1-12-1 season in 1968 have we had a year quite like this.
  7. I believe in 1969 or 1970 the bills won only two games (I think both against the jets.) The quarterback was Dan Darragh. God awful teams. Much worse than this. However those teams had the excuse of having almost NO talent whatsoever. This team strted out as a playoff contender with lots of people earmarked for the pro bowl (Moulds, Evans, Fletcher, Clements etc.) and managed to compete with the nothing teams of the 70's. That is impressive and great tribute to Mularkey.
  8. oh...and given his performance this week, what do you think anyone would bid for him? Assuming that is anyone would really want him? The guy has NOT established himself as a premier running back anywhere but between his own ears.
  9. I suspect such loosey-goosey voting rules might result in a great number of "Iraqi" free election votes coming over there from North America. Its a good thin the Iraqis (from Iraq that is) trust us enough to know we wouldn't stuff the ballot box.
  10. Sounds like a plan. Nothing like a speedy receiver 30 yards down the field making his cut and looking at the quarterback lying flat on his back. He can make it to the pro bowl if he really shines during the 10 minutes a half that we have the ball because we can't stop the opposing offense.
  11. I think we keep Spikes. If we don't get another high caliber defensive tackle, I suspect we will have to go to a 3-4 defense and hard charging linebackers will be at a premium. We have so many needs on the line of scrimmage on both sides and we should use up our draft and whatever free agent money we might have to shore that up. we can't afford to lose him.
  12. You are quite correct, my friend...That really IS funny!!
  13. Look at the bright side. After Saturday night poor Detroit and Houston will have company as the most pitiful teams in the NFL.
  14. Boy our problems were a LOT worse than missing Moulds. I hate to say this but you could analyze pretty much every aspect of the team the last two weeks and it only comes out one way. Losers. We have better players than many of the teams ahead of us, but no one knows how to put them together to play effective football. I guess we're not as talented as we thought in the beginning of the year, and hopefully we're not as bad as we have looked recently...but this is a remarkably bad football team. Our local paper last week summed up the NE and BUF game with a quote like.."Buffalo is as embarrassing as the Detroit Lions." Now that hurts.
  15. Good point. THIS team never could understand that a Drew Bledsoe can be a great offense...but Drew needs great pass blocking and stud tight end of the Coates, Shockley, Witten mode. That wasn't Drew's fault...its like John Rauch taking a rookie OJ Simpson and trying to make a flanker out of him.
  16. I'm wondering how long I'm going to keep whatever sense of humor I have with the way the bills are playing. This is almost as bad as the dan darragh years.
  17. from the line of scrimmage back. And we don't have very much on the line of scrimmage right now. Draft and free agency had BETTER be designed to address this need first and foremost. Might mean passing on some of the top glamour names if we get a top five pick (and we seem to playing our way into a top five pick.)
  18. Another problem is that there will probably be all sorts of openings for head coaches at more attractive places. Clayton seems to think half the NFL will be looking for coaches. coaching changes?
  19. Actually it occurred to me during the third quarter of the game. I could only think of one other situation when the wheels came off so badly...and hence the Brownie idea. The second thought was that if we were to "rebuild" we would start with the only playoff part of the team. The punting game. I'm wondering how much the Bills are going to have to do to rebuild.
  20. Why is it that the thought of Fredo in the little boat on the lake comes to mind?
  21. I remember pushing for Saban when Mularkey was hired and being told he wouldn't leave the college ranks. Apparently Miami knew something we didn't.
  22. GM...anyone have anyone experience with him? To the superbowl Brownie! When asked his plans he pointed out that he would build on the core of the team..a pro bowl quality punter.
  23. Be gentle with them. They're holding the mortgage on this country, and you'll probably be working for them in a few years.
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