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Everything posted by OldTimer1960

  1. I am not arguing that the Bills should draft Tebow, but why do you think "Pike or Skelton are the best options for us"? Pike is a guy who showed nothing until someone ahead of him got hurt and he is very skinny (injury prone) and didn't play against a very high level of competition at Cinci. Skelton is a big-arm who didn't dominate against an even lower level of competition. Granted, these guys both have good arms, but why is that enough - especially if they'd need to be taken within a round or two of Tebow? College play and level of competition should have a lot to do with evaluation and Tebow was much more productive over a longer period of time at a higher level of competition. If having the raw arm-strength is enough, then most pitching starved MLB teams should only have to turn to a couple of their outfielders who have great arms. Clearly that isn't enough. There is more to playing QB (or pitcher) in the majors than just arm strength.
  2. You can do the same exercise for each round of the draft for any team. Have the Bills missed more than their share of 1st round picks? Maybe, but they aren't that far off from most other teams. As you said, the draft is a crap-shoot and the Bills biggest problem has been a lack of decent QB play. Where would NE be if they hadn't gotten stupid lucky on Tom Brady in round 6? Yeah, they did pick him, but there is no way they expected anything like what they got from their 6th round pick. Take Brady away and the Pats are probably much like the Bills have been for some time. Now, I am not saying that I think the Bills should draft a QB this year. I don't like what I've read about any of them other than Bradford who won't be available. I am just arguing that sometimes its when you get lucky that you are the smartest (like SF was with Joe Montana in round 3).
  3. It isn't just about "practice and learning", a player also has to have enough size and athletic ability to play a position. By that logic, Demetrius Bell and Jamon Meredith should also be fine at LT because they too have all offseason to practice and learn. Now, maybe Levitre is an exception and he can overcome his relative lack of height and shorter arms to be a good NFL LT. I don't know that. But, I do know that most or all of the starting LTs in the NFL are taller and have longer arms than he does.
  4. I respectfully disagree that Jackson is an "excellent" #1 RB. Jackson had a very nice season last year, but he did not have to carry the full load and he is closing in on 30 y.o. when many RBs fall off a cliff. Jackson is not a top 15 RB in the league. Note that I am not saying he is bad or disrespecting him, I just think that calling him "excellent" is over-estimating his ability. That being said, I still don't like the idea of the Bills' first pick being spent on a RB. However, with the way that mock draft is laid out, there isn't a LT left worth taking at 9, I don't like everything that I've read about Clausen (especially that he is rumored to not be well-liked by his teammates) and there isn't a NT worth the 9th pick. So, where do you go with that pick? If it were me, I'd look at helping the D at either DE or LB, but I'd still have to consider Spiller as he would likely be rated much higher than any of the DEs or LBs left at that point.
  5. Why do you think Quinn is any better than Edwards, Fitz, Brohm? What has he done? Better yet, look at what Cleveland got for him: a fullback and a 6th round pick. If any team thought he was any good, Cleveland could have gotten more for him. Just because there are QBs that play for other teams, it doesn't necessarily make them any better than what the Bills already have. I am not saying that I am satisfied with the Bills' QB situation, only that adding another mediocre QB to the bunch wouldn't help much.
  6. Not really a lot available at LT after round 1 this year. I guess the best of the bunch that might be around after the first are: Vlad Ducasse U Mass - Now, some questioning if he is good enough to play LT, more a RT or G Roger Saffold - Indiana - Played LT in the East-West Shrine game and was reportedly very athletic - finesse guy Charles Brown - USC - Finesse LT, think he is a converted TE Beyond these guys I think you are wishing and hoping rather than finding a good prospect to play LT.
  7. Judging by the lack of information about the visit coming from the Bills, I'd assume that Kennedy is leaving and won't be returning. I am not saying that it is good or bad, only that it doesn't look like they will be signing him.
  8. No problem with taking this guy in the 5th or later, but he is a long-shot. Really, beyond Bradford and Clausen, the other QBs in this draft are much closer to long-shots than sure-things. Even Bradford and Clausen are not sure-things, but they are head and shoulders above the other QB prospects. I'd go so far as to say, I wouldn't consider any of the other QBs in the draft before round 3 and even there I'd hesitate. I'd rather see them get a guy at another position that has a good chance of developing into a starter or at least strong backup than to spend a 2nd or 3rd rounder on a QB who likely will never be more than an NFL backup.
  9. No. I am just a draft fanatic who has purchased and read lots of draft publications over the last 25 years including Kiper's, Draft Scrapbook, Ourlads, Pro Football Weekly, Draft Insiders and Lande's GMJr. I am sure that I forgot a few, but I think that is most of them. I just appreciate the product and thought that I'd mention it on here as (obviously) there are a lot of folks on here who are very into the draft.
  10. I know that I am not a big optimist, but to get upset that the 3rd string QB of the Chargers may sign with another team and the Bills will "miss out" is way past me. Why would anyone think that Whitehurst is any better than Ed FitzBrohm?
  11. Why do you say that? Is it just because it doesn't line up with other mock drafts that you've seen? How do you know which one is "right" or if ANY of them are close? I applaud them for going with their opinions on the players and team needs instead of just going with the popular "flow" from other prognosticators. Realistically, most of the mock drafts will be wrong A LOT, even in round 1.
  12. He may get stronger, but I doubt that his arms will get any longer. Again, that doesn't mean that he can't be a good NFL LT, it just means that he will have to find a way to overcome not having ideal arm length.
  13. I am a long-time draft fanatic and I find SportingNews' WarRoom to be one of the most credible scouting services around (I also like Pro Football Weekly's Nolan Nawrocki). WarRoom is run by Russ Lande who actually worked in the NFL as a scout for the Rams (and I think the Browns, too). Now, I know that there are good and bad scouts in the NFL, but Lande at least knows how to study tape, knows what NFL types are looking for in players and likely has some contacts in the league also. He also isn't afraid to express a bold opinion. For instance, he isn't down on board-favorite Rolando McClain, but he does go against the "common opinion" in thinking that he isn't a high number 1 pick. FWIW, Lande was not that high on Aaron Maybin last year when many others were touting him as the best pass rusher in the draft. To be fair, we can't write Maybin off after one year that would have been his Junior season in college, but so far Lande looks to have been spot-on. Another fwiw, Lande publishes his own draft guide (GMJr) in addition to working for SportingNews. Lande's guide is BY FAR the most detailed of any that I've seen over the past 25 years of following the draft. For $20 it is really worth-while if you are into the draft.
  14. I think that they are doing their due-dilligence on all the players that they could consider at 9. He will not be around in the 2nd unless there is some medical issue/injury or drug issue that hasn't yet come out. I disagree that RB is "not a need" for the Bills. Yes, Fred Jackson had a special season, but he is about 30, when many RBs fall off a cliff and the Bills may also be trying to move Marshawn Lynch. I do agree that there are bigger needs for this team than RB, but let's say that the only LT candidate available at 9 is Anthony Davis (concerns about work ethic), QB Bradford is gone and they either don't like Clausen or he is gone and both Suh and McCoy are gone. I'd say they should be prepared to look at other positions including RB and LB. In this scenario, Spiller could be the best player available or maybe LB Sergio Kindle or a board-favorite like Rolando McClain. I'd be disappointed if they WEREN'T looking at all the top players coming out, regardless of position.
  15. The knocks on Brennan coming out of college were the following: * small stature * suspiciously quick weight gain red-flag (from 185-207 between the Sr Bowl and combine) * marginal arm strength * does not throw a tight spiral * did not have to read defenses much in college due to the offense they ran Now, all that doesn't mean that he couldn't be a good NFL QB, but reasons like the above are why he was still around late in the draft.
  16. I agree that Bulaga seems to be the "safer" pick. However, there are those that don't think Bulaga should be picked that high. The knocks on Bulaga from those with that point of view include: * doesn't have a powerful lower body to drive defenders off the line * has marginal arm length (this supposedly can let a defender with longer arms have an advantage) * is built more like a G than a LT However, those knocks seem less scary to me than Davis' reported lack of work ethic and maturity.
  17. I wouldn't want to give up the Bills 2nd this year for an old D. McNabb. I think he is 34 and likely has only 1-2 years left in a good, but not great, career. If the Bills had the other pieces in place (OL, D), then maybe it would make sense to throw a 2nd round pick to Philly for a year or two of good QB play, but that is clearly not the case for this Bills team.
  18. I am not known to be one of the more optimistic guys on this board, but "a bunch of solid role players" IS a foundation. I agree that finding a QB and OTs are very very important (and difficult), but this team is not completely devoid of talent. I believe that the lack of FA signings is more a case of there not being much available and a (refreshing) unwillingness to over-pay for mediocre players (like Langston Walker and Derrick Dockery). There were maybe a few outstanding players available in FA (Julius Peppers), but the Bills really could not compete $-wise for the top end guys - especially this year with supply far far short of demand (price goes up and up). Beyond that, there might be some decent starters/good backups available as unrestricted FAs. Not rushing to over-pay those guys is reasonable, especially considering that none of them are going to turn this team around immediately. Heck, I might argue that if the Bills signed any 5 of the remaining unrestricted FAs today, that might not translate into two more wins - that is how weak the UFA market is. I do expect that the Bills will pick up a few depth guys during FA and that is fine. I don't think that there are any difference-makers left. The team will need to build through the draft.
  19. If Jamal Williams is health and has much left, then SD would very likely not have released him. Unless the Chargers are in trouble financially (I don't think they are), you have to consider that Williams may be a shell of his former self. He may still be better than the alternatives the Bills have, but you can't justify paying him the amount that he used to make when he was dominant if he no longer is. For all we know, the Bills may have contacted his agent and found out that he is looking for $ that is too high compared to what the Bills believe he has left. Just because a guy used to be an outstanding player doesn't mean that he still is. Injuries and age take their toll in the NFL.
  20. Problem is, moving from 9 to 2 almost certainly would cost their 2nd and possibly 3rd this year and maybe next year's first also. If so, I think that is too steep for either Bradford or Clausen.
  21. After Bradford and Clausen, the talent level DOES drop off precipitously at QB.
  22. I am not sold on any of the QBs in this year's draft and, even if I were, I'd rather shore up the OL as NOBODY is going to be successful without decent OTs. I foresee disaster if the Bills pick Bradford or Clausen (or any other rookie) and throw him in behind Demtrius Bell and Jamon Meredith at OTs. Whomever is back there will get killed.
  23. Not really. He is at best a long-shot to ever become a decent starting QB in the NFL. I think that you can get better odds on a future starter/contributor at another position in round 3. Just my opinion, but I'd be looking at the other positions and pick the guy that I thought would have the best chance of contributing. I don't think that is Tebow or Snead. When you are talking QB after early in round 1, then it means that most of the 32 NFL teams have significant reservations about the guy, because if not the guy would have been snatched up early due to the demand for and importance of good QBs. Now, I am clearly not saying that there are never QBs that are drafted later than round 1 that find success. However, I am saying that if a QB makes it past round 1, then most/all the NFL teams have concerns about the guy.
  24. While the Bills may be way under the cap, the reality is that they are one of the low-revenue teams and they have a budget that they can/are willing to spend. Letting some older higher-paid players go frees up money that they can spend elsewhere. Just because the Bills are allowed to spend up to the cap, doesn't mean that they have the money to actually be able to afford that much. That being said, the FA crop is very weak this year (IMHO) due to many many players being restricted who would have been unrestricted had there been a collective bargaining agreement reached. I do not expect the Bills to be able to compete for the very few high-end FAs. Given what is available as unrestricted FAs, I wouldn't count on the Bills being able to find much besides hopefully serviceable players - no stars in FA this year. While I am at it, I thought that Ryan Denney was a pretty good backup DE. He certainly didn't embarrass himself when he was on the field. However, he is 33 and this is probably the end of the line for him.
  25. Wasn't Larsen somewhere around a 5th round pick? It isn't unexpected for 5th rounders to have undistinguished careers. Larsen was big and strong, but not athletic enough to use the strength he had. He got out-leveraged by guys who weren't as strong because he wasn't quick or flexible enough to be in good position. Still, hard to knock Phillips for having picked a guy late in the draft who didn't pan out.
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