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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. Neither. The NFL exists as an agreement between players and team owners. Being fortunate to do something you love and getting paid for it is a privilige. Being able to go in your backyard and play football is a right.
  2. +1 Hopefully Buddy & Co. already has a quality free agent backup QB lined up.
  3. I thought they were done with that Toronto crap. It's the NFL. Not the IFL.
  4. How about nobody changes a darned thing. Leave it the way it has always been. It ain't broke so don't fix it. There is always someone who wants to lead the charge, changing something for the sake of change. That person is usually gone by the time everyone realizes why things were the way they were.
  5. The owners know a 18 week schedule will never fly with the players. It's just a bargaining chip they threw out there. That is how collective bargaining works.
  6. I remember the announcers said after that game that the Bills looked like a bad restaurant closing early. Those were the good ol days.
  7. My quess is he will be flipping houses with Vanilla Ice. Baby
  8. No weeping here. Bledsoe was the one literally weeping after that game. I think it was the worst game he ever played. If they couldn't beat the Steelers 3rd string then they had no business being in the playoffs anyways. But man, that was a defense. I sure wish they had that defense a few years earlier.
  9. Has anyone else noticed that after almost every play he is shaking his head. Whats the deal with this? It's like he is non verbally saying something. Does he think he is too good to be on this team?
  10. I agree 100%. Make him know he played Buffalo when he wakes up Monday morning!
  11. I hope he uses some performance enhancing drugs
  12. Linebackers? What linebackers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr3UFJjNXTI
  13. Isn't that what Troup was drafted for? Maybe next year he will grow into the position.
  14. Ayodele got knocked on his can like a girl by Peterson on the goal line. A real linebacker would have at least stood him up.
  15. No sour grapes here but I have point out a couple things I noticed. On several pass plays I think the Stealers could have been called for illegal contact for hitting recievers before the ball got there. The dude trying to block Kevin Williams must have post traumatic syndrome today. Did the refs just give up on calling penalties against him. On every play I saw some kind of illegal move. Hands to the face. Tackling by the helmet............ Anyone concur or not agree?
  16. They are what their record is. Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda doesn't amount to anything.
  17. I am working on a Fitzbeard for hunting season
  18. If only they had a run stopper in the middle they would have ........................
  19. I like Tasker as an announcer almost as much as I like Joe Thiesmann
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