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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. Wrong on one ~ I'm a dog lover, CAT HATER to da max. I don't think Garfield is funny either. Cats stalk birds, I stalk cats. It's their rules. I just play by them.
  2. He and his friends are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yikes! I cannot relate to them, at all. They might as well be Mormons If this dude is in WITH THEM then he's got a bigger problem than if he's married or not. He's been brainwashed and if his friends have decided he needs to be married to "fit in" good luck to all of them.
  3. I'm a betting man. The next time you want to bet give me a call. We'll have SDS hold the cash. Here's the truth. Your name is Traveling Dad. Maybe you're married. Maybe you were married. Anyway I'm married. My wife and I play golf. She's also my best friend. My wife beats me 3 out of 4 times. What can I say ... I married an athlete. She's got soccer and bowling trophies out the ying-yang. Just the two of us play together on the weekend. She plays with the gals during the week. When we play together we both tee off from the men's tee. We both tee off together. We have a great time when we play. We celebrate each other's good shots and we forget the bad shots. We DO NOT give each other advice. We just try to have a fun. We take our shots seriously and try as much as we can to do well. We don't drink booze when we play. We just love to be outside swinging that club. So she's also an LPGA fan and I have become one too. We have a few favorites and leave it at that. I like Creamer, Nicole Perot and the Asian gal who wears tees in her hair. I'm not a big fan of Wie. There are PLENTY I don't like and can hardly stand to watch. But that's the way it goes. I hope this answers your questions and if not let me know. I don't think they should disband the LPGA because they don't play as well as you would like them to play. If you don't like it just change the channel and watch something you enjoy and leave the gals in the rough.
  4. If I'm Nick Saban, I'd make him pee into a cup TODAY. Yeah, and in addition to doing that I'd also have it tested for drugs too!
  5. He had to go somewhere where dating jailbait is the status quo.
  6. Hoegarden Beer ~ It's great when it's hot outside
  7. My thought is women are people too. They want to play fine. Until you or I can beat an LPGA player they are better than us. My favs are Paula Creamer and Nicole Perot. Creamer won $365,000 yesterday in the Evian Classic. She's a great player, and very poised for 18 years old rookie. Were you pulling in $365K a week when you were 18? I wasn't.
  8. No way was it a hoax. I just read on CNN the other day were going to have a satelite zoom past the moon and send back pictures of some of the American landers and stuff we left up there. I wonder if the photos will have Forrest Gump standing next to the flag?
  9. Let's here it for our brave astronots who landed and walked on the moon on this date in 1969. Wearing rubber and cloth space suits they braved the extreme temperatures and found their way to the moon and back with computer technology equal to today's four function calculator. NASA Web Site ~ Apollo Anniversary
  10. I take 4 Delta flights a week, every week. They suck.
  11. I watched the video "Hail Hail Rock and Roll" on the weekend. If you’re a fan of The Boss you’d enjoy seeing him describe what it was like for his band to back up Chuck Berry at a club in New Jersey. It is a fine interview and a really funny movie if you’re a fan of rock and roll. Bruce is real young here and tells a great story. Chuck Berry on the other hand is a real piece of work. I had no idea he was such an educated man and eloquent speaker off stage. It was worth the price of the video just to see the look Keith Richards gives after Berry corrects his intro to “O Carol” a few times. If looks could kill Richards would have been arrested.
  12. You're a true Patriot for NOT using that weapon to get yourself some free mini bottles of Jack Daniels. I for one, am damn proud of you.
  13. I told you Darth Vader was Captain Kirk’s father. But you guys wouldn’t listen. So now who’s laughing?
  14. Mencia yells too much and is too angry to be funny. I like Pablo Francisco. He's a funny guy.
  15. UNIX ? I don't even attempt to pretend I know UNIX. That is one hard language!
  16. Maybe the people offended were big Hendrix fans and the band did a poor version.
  17. You're in a pickle. If your wife sided with you, you'd stand a chance. But with the present situation you've got a big problem. Try to do something, anything with your father-in-law. Play cards, take a walk, watch a baseball game on TV, or something that he likes. Anything to try to make his miserable life just a little tiny bit better. You'll make a friend in an unlikely spot and who knows ... maybe God will take mercy on you for showing kindness to the poor guy who took the brunt of the crap so far. My M-I-L was a total B word. We warned her. She didn't listen of course so we cut her off for 10 years. That was 5 years ago. Now that she is completely through menopause she's mellowed out and considers my wife her best friend. Good luck and write back if you have more questions. Surf
  18. Big deal ~ I have seen Pink Floyd live twice without Roger Waters and they were great. Dave runs that band and has for years. Pink Floyd will go on without Waters in the future. This is a one shot deal. I'm glad you enjoyed it ~
  19. My band can beat your band in thumb wrestling !
  20. JET ~ Who let a new band play real rock. Isn't there a ban on real hard rock?
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