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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. I dare you to answer this with The Truth Mr USMC >>> When you sit down to crap and you have to urinate at the same time, do you crap and then stand up turn around and pee? Or do you do #1 and #2 all during the time you are sitting down?
  2. When men go #2 they wee sitting down at the same time. There is no shame in that. Sometimes when men wee standing up the stream splits at the point of departure and (if you are tall like I am) only one of the two streams will go in the bowl. The other stream is going to go on the floor. This is a fact that many men will deny but the stains on the bathroom floor will prove to be true. Before I married my wife I changed to either sitting down to wee OR I get on my knees in front of the bowl and pee that way. Eiher way it all goes in the bowl every time and not on the floor. My wife appreciates this behavior and I don't see the point in peeing on the floor of the bathroom in my own house. As for you being a cat owner ... bless your heart
  3. I have heard a lot of stories and yours falls into a common category. She's got someone else. When a chick (with cats) has a boyfriend buying stuff for her she doesn't just dump him for no one. Chicks (with cats) don't work like that. She dumped you for another guy that she likes better. Of course, she won't tell you that because chicks (with cats) don't have what it takes to tell the truth straight up. Just like the friggin cats they have no sense of responsibility. So she made up the "no spark" cover story. The "no spark" BS was some Cosmo mag crap she was selling and you let her think you bought it. Now, you are better off. If you two haven't had any kids consider yourself very fortunate and move on. This time find yourself a gal you likes dogs (big dogs) and hates cats. If she golfs or plays tennis even better. You'll be much happier in the long run. Good luck ~
  4. I hope the place has 2 bathrooms. If it does have her pick one exclusively for herself. ONLY she gets to use it. That will make her happy. Always keep your pubes well trimmed. Always. Split the household chores 50/50. If her parents are alive get a reading on how long they will put up with this arrangement. You're on their radar now bub. If you go to get married remember the MOST important person will be her mom. It will be her Mom's chance to redo her own wedding, so deal with it AND be real nice about it.
  5. That's perfect for business. As long as the games sell out management has no worries no matter what the W/L record turns out to be. Perfecto !
  6. I lived there for two years. Cancel the cruise and fly there to spend more time in Hawaii. After you go I can't imagine you saying ... gee I wish we could have spent more time on the boat and less time on Hawaii! Beware the local tough guys if you are blond. When walking down the street or beach don't make a lot of eye contact if you don't want their unwanted attention. They are called Mokes. Learn a little pigin before you go too. You are going at a great time of year. The sunsets are super. The tap water is as pure as bottled here. Oh, bring money. Aloha ~
  7. You mindreader -- that's just how I feel! Thanks for the good wishes.
  8. Really good advice - thanks. I won't overdo the cough syrup because I don't like it in the first place. I've been eating lots of soup, too.
  9. I'll be happy if it's another 15 years before I get this again. Thanks for chiming in - it helps to know some day I will stop coughing...
  10. Thanks, man - they did give me Mucinex, so it's good to hear you say to take it. I take 2 in the morning, and 2 again at night.
  11. That sounds like it will work. I know of two that had to be put down because of defective hips.
  12. They say mine is bacterial. I don't know if this is correct but they said if it is viral the antibiotics can't treat it. Thanks for your reply.
  13. I loved it. In her world, running her mouth and lying get her where she needs to go. I love that clip and had my wife watch it twice in a row. When the cop said your license is suspended my wife said "ALRIGHT !!!!".
  14. Because of my job I travel too much. Last week I caught pneumonia on the road for the first time in my life. I’ve been to the doctor several times. I’ve had the antibiotic shot in my rear for three days in a row. Even the nurses are afraid of those shots. Now I’m on pill form antibiotics, cough syrup, cough pills and eye drops and I still feel awful. What is the home remedy that is going to make me feel better? Is it vinegar, honey and lemon? I know one of you must know. Thanks ~
  15. They can't be trusted. So ... we blow them up.
  16. He's as tall as a redwood, with a heart as big as all outdoors !
  17. How to survive a Pit Bull Attack You have to cut off it's air supply at its neck and make it pass out. If you can't do that, you're toast.
  18. The article said ... Tursi quoted a price of $160 for the hour, "all inclusive,". That's a bargain price. It says she took over the biz when her daughter died suddenly and she needed money. I feel bad for her she got caught. Her life just went from bad to worse. It reminds me of the Tracy Ullman character Svetlana. She's a madam who's close to 80.
  19. So you've still got two years on me. Don't sweat the math. We can try to keep each other straight. Have a great weekend !
  20. Pharm Sales is your ticket. The market is only getting bigger. Investigate how to do it. talk to someone who is oding it now, and go for it.
  21. 1) Why did you move out of Buffalo? In 1977 I graduated with a BSEE. I sent out 100 resumes. Hughes Aircraft called me so I moved out of my bedroom in my parents house. 2) Where did you go? I moved to LA for 2 years. Then 2 years on flight test at EAFB in the desert. From there I lived 6 years behind the wall in West Berlin. 2 years in Honolulu. 7 years in Northern VA and the last 7 years here in Tallahassee. 3) How does your new home compare to Buffalo? The Tallahassee locals are really nice folks like Buffalo. We're so far south here they don't even have an accent. 4) If the econonmy and job market were stable would you move back? No. I'm a big kitty now and I don't like dealing with the snow and ice. We get 3 real seasons here and that's fine with me. 5) What suggestions to you have to improve the quality of life here? I dunno.
  22. The kid is barely out of diapers. He's getting his chops together now technically. We have to wait a while until he has experienced life more until he can place real emotion and true soul behind the music ... like when he's 10 or 11. Plus, think of it. If he was playing with real soul AND that fast now at age 8 it would be too creepy to watch. Like some alien walk-in or Stephen King book.
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