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Everything posted by Surfmeister

  1. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you have some fun plans lined up. Being born in "51 you've got four years on me so I'll respect my elders. Knowing that, I've got to tell you that you grew up during a great time in high school and just after. Have a great birthday. You deserve it!
  2. This September they tell me I'll be 50. Does that makes me the youngster here?
  3. I agree. At 8 years old I hadn't even dreamed of blowing up my first heathkit amp yet. At least his folks got him some nice equipment.
  4. Thanks the kid is great ! I can see those 7 year old groupies lining up now ~
  5. They're classic sell-outs. Articles praising war, republicans, law and order. The PC party line all the time. Useless.
  6. Here are my favorites. My very best ones are in bold >> 1 Jimi Hendrix 2 Duane Allman 8 Ry Cooder 14 Jeff Beck 23 Warren Haynes 25 Freddy King 27 Mark Knopfler 51 Paul Kossoff 70 Eddie Van Halen (with brown sound & DLR) 74 Johnny Winter 96 Angus Young Not Listed: Albert King (SRV lifted his act from Albert King) Rev Billy Gibbons Steve Vai Los Straitjackets Jazz: Larry Carlton Wes Montgomery Kenny Burrell Worst of the list: 6 Chuck Berry 30 Buddy Guy (King of Overplay) 50 Pete Townshend 52 Lou Reed 83 Neil Young (sheer torture) 91 Robby Krieger of the Doors (took pride in NOT changing his strings)
  7. Only if the reason you are drinking is to take the edge off of your runaway coke habit. Then you'll be able to drink and lose weight at the same time. Myself, I don't care for coke. The majority found on the street isn't real. And the main thing it does is it makes you want to do more coke.
  8. I hope you find strength in God to help you through this difficult time.
  9. That's the stipper and SON! Not he Mom. He looks like a Mom but he's just the victim. I can see the symptoms of parental abuse. The poor child, bless his heart.
  10. I checked the list. Here are my favorites from the list. >> Of all of the 100 these are my favorites. Of this list I like “It’s a Gift” the very best. WC Fields at his best. Blade Runner (1982) Brazil (1985) Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned to StopWorrying and Love the Bomb (1964) Goodfellas (1990) It's A Gift (1934) Some Like It Hot (1959)
  11. His lawyer is Bruce Cutler. You may recognize him. He was the lawyer for John Gotti before Gotti got sent to prison. Cutler makes a living getting murderers off the hook. There is a good chance Spector will flee to Israel if this gets too deep. Once in Israel he can't be sent back to the States.
  12. It's true I go way back. Back to the times of Fast Eddie and Miami Don Johnson. Does anyone remember shovel your driveway \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ???
  13. Also, what ever happened to Bills fans being amongst the most knowledgeable? There is only one way to be. We will go 16 - 0. If you say anything different you will be ridiculed. This attitude helps people who find it too painful to think for themselves. It's a world of conformity .. conform or be ignored or mocked. Say some thing now, you're too early. Say something when the season starts, too early to tell. Say something at mid season, nothing can be done about it now. Say something at the end of the season, we'll fix it in the off-season. Tell people nothing is happening in the off-season (again) you still can't win. These folks will drive a car cross-country with one flat tire because to admit one tire went flat would admit something is wrong with the car. There can't be anything wrong with the car, because the owner would have to first think and then fix it. If you don't like the car with a flat tire, become a Dolfins fan. Get it? As for the conspiracy. There are no conspiracies. Just ask anyone with their head in the sand. They won't see any. The Bills will stay in the shadows until Wilson meets his maker. Have a nice day ~ The Thread Killer ... Surf
  14. Brian Regan is my favorite comic. I have his CD, his new DVD and videos from his TV appearances. He is clean and very funny. When is he going to get his own TV show ??? Does he have a movie deal ???
  15. One of the best voices in Rock. All right now !
  16. Can't eat Dairy ??? If you can't eat dairy and you love Ice Cream here's the perfect alternative: Soy Delicious Cherry Nirvana is a really good flavor.
  17. Most favorite 69 Least favorite 96 ~ That's where you both lay down back to back and f*rt on each other's head.
  18. Quick. Move the rice. Move the beans. It is Maria !!
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