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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Burn it down? I thought you types thought America was the greatest? Burn it down? To what end? To what result? To what end game?
  2. SCOTUS conservatives got their majority and immediately did what they were sent there to do. Any case would do …They took a simple case on a 15 week limit and completely overturned Roe. Trying to pin it on Dems just shows how stupid and shallow your thinking is. Your an idiot.
  3. It’s laughable that you want to provide a Christians view of the corruption of the Jews 2000 years ago while present day American Christianity wraps their arms around the most corrupt dangerous false leader right now….not to mention the full on pedo that that Catholic Church was and hid for centuries…What don’t you lecture on something more timely and relevant
  4. Laughable how you state Judaism was corrupt during the time of Jesus….Now “Christians” like Johnson hold up Trump as their leader….WTF….and you respect Johnson as a “man of the Bible” when he does this…Do you have ANY self awareness?
  5. You L O V E him don’t you? Too bad you can’t be adopted….This is Buffalogal level crush 🥰
  6. Actually they don’t. Once they put it on a referendum in all states, and let the actual cirizens decide…I’ll agree with you
  7. "Fix the Border" Does MAGAworld actually know what that means - or do you just blab it? If you want to "fix" the border you have pass legislation through both houses and have the POTUS sign a bill into law. GOP has had the gavel for 10 months already....Where is the bill they will send to the Senate for review so they can send it to their subcommittee - that will approve it and send to the floor for debate...so you know...they can pass a similar bills that will go through...you know resolution. When MAGA world had both the house and the Senate 2017-2018 - How come they didn't pass anything?
  8. Its laughable that you think the GOP is going to do what you suggest above. AFA as both "protecting our borders" and 'reighning in spending" - neither of these will be substanively dealt with without legislation. This means a bipartison effort. The MAGA GOP has made it clear this will not happen. So much for the little guy. Big Corporate Donors? You can thank Scalia for scuttling any control of that under the guise of "textulism" - The cruel joke is that the GOP got the "little guy" to buy in that this was good for him. Bravo
  9. Bravo! So Josh, the Head Coach, Defensive Coach, and Offensive Coach suck?
  10. This board wants to hate this team. It’s where this country is now….just wanna hate everything.
  11. Only in MAGA world is guilty good news!! Thats how effed up you are
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