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Everything posted by TH3

  1. What do the people pushing for JJ think he is going to do? Passing legislation in the house that is not going to get taken up by the Senate or considered by the WH is worthless. Freedom caucus doesn’t understand the basic concepts of how to get actual results. Gonna be a lotta disappointment.
  2. You know….my Dad was born in Germany in 1934…but his 3 sisters were 10-16 years older. So while he doesn’t remember the Nazis …they did. Their path here to the US was quite amazing and many stories are unfathomable to be honest. So too many to tell. My aunts did say, however, that the intoxicating effect of Hitler and the populist movement was real and inescapable for many. They said this in spite of their uncle being in a reeducation camp for being gay. They bribed the guards for his release, he was a doctor, jumped the lines and worked for the Allies and ultimately the VA system. Decades later they had some perspective about rationalizing that monster.
  3. Gee…..indicted egotist manages to get reelected…stacks Supreme Court…evades prosecution and packs cabinets with crony crook buddies who blow it….This could never happen here….
  4. Well, to be clear…to make that statement…I guess you could be an idiot, ignorant or just brainwashed…. The fact that you don’t see the difference proves my point….and further proves why the GOP voting base is the root cause of our current inability to make progress on anything…including the issues they prioritize Keep rewarding and rationalizing these clowns….working out well isn’t it?
  5. Its the next logical thing in line...GOP hates the FBi, paying taxes, the CDC, the government, the ACA, health care, preschool, womens rights, easy and fair voting, vaccines, clean energy, public schools, Hollywood, teachers, unions, immigrants, battling Russia, law and order, NY, Chicago, California, Budweiser, science, logic, the NFL, Taylor Swift, big cities, keeping kids safe from guns....they have run out of things to hate, Now they hate themselves (of course that has alsways been it...hasn't it)
  6. Judging by most of the threads and most of the posts…This forum agrees
  7. #2 scoring offense last year ….just scored 38 and 37 points…..FFS
  8. That's not how it works here....Post like you know it all and just glom onto a theme and hammer it home without any analsys
  9. Wtf Why are you clouding this topic with actual analysis….We all know Mclappy stinks!
  10. Discourse without perspective is just self important complaining
  11. Ya …ummm…keep complaining and dreaming….Bills were number 2 offense last year and just crushed a team on the road and scored 38 and 37 in the last two weeks….
  12. No ....Bman posts these tweets or whatever like they came out of some burning bush....Not hard to google and see they are just dumbass posts from 20 something clowns taking him for a ride...but that is where you guys are
  13. From your boy Collin Autobiography "Collin Rugg Height and Appearance Collin stands at an impressive height of 5 feet 11 inches. His towering stature enabled him to play college football for the Jewell Cardinals. He played as a quarterback and spent two seasons playing for the team. In addition, he has a masculine build and has short black hair and brown eyes. He has revealed that he enjoys working out a lot and also playing football." And you LOVE him ....don't you
  14. Exactly ….the way the GOP nailed HC to the wall on Benghazi and the emails thing means JB might as well resign right now! Polls at this point are irrelevant….half the country is so brainwashed going to vote thumbs down no matter what the quest is
  15. What are dope and his lapdog leading off with? Taco ingredient draft?
  16. Bet against your team….you always lose
  17. It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want? It’s good….Bills sucked for 20 years before…. Now they are a powerhouse …..FFS what do people want?
  18. You mean things are pricier now than during the during the the pandemic? Whoa! You know - you have a choice everyday...why do you choose to be angry...all day...every day....?
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