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Everything posted by TH3

  1. I don't get the EJ love. One cannot take a "good" preseason performance playing with and against 3rd stringers and suggest that this somehow saws off and overshadows 14 real games of clearly mediocre performances. Obviously the coaches see it that way too. On a good note - can you imagine pinning your hopes on McCown? - we almost did - yikes!! He looked AWFUL....dodged a bullet there... Compared to last year we are in MUCH better shape TT impressed last night
  2. Huh? Zing Are you married? Actually - its pretty much all of PPP
  3. Thermometers around the world have apparently settled on July being the hottest ever...
  4. Its funny....with all the freebies - which don't amount to much - the floodgates are indeed open!!!! Except - people are LEAVING - there are less Mexicans in the US now that when BO took office. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/07/24/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-the-u-s/ Thanks for coming.....
  5. When did we turn into such a nation of xenophobic arse holes? "illegal" immigrants have - on the whole - a lower crime rate and pay more into the system than comparable "citizens". Gotta blame someone for your problems. Those kids are born here....embrace them as fellow patriots.
  6. The US has the most liberal gun rights in industrialized countries and we have the highest gun crime rates.
  7. Besides this OP being completely racist - "The following link will state that by 2050 this country will be 29% Hispanic. "As a country, are we ok with this?" What? or better WTF? Are we Ok with Jews coming, or blacks?....maybe these people are just ...humans.... I wonder if the Natives were posting in the 1500's..."you know by 1700 88 percent of this country is going to be Euro?".... As well - Who is "we" - us white immigrants?....divinely guided to an already inhabited by the land becuase God wanted us to have it? Or are you Native American? Why don't you do some homework and start with some facts...like the fact that net Mexican immigration in the US has NOT CHANGED over the last 8 years,,,,that;s right as many have left as have come in.....so much for that porous border huh? Maybe these "latins" (is that what us "Merican's officially call them) - are citizens and are having kids....you do know - you have to be a citizen to vote right?
  8. There are more QB options in 2016 (FA and college) than in previous years - and as well - the number of teams in the Bills position has dwindled. I think the plan is to gut out this year and get a real QB answer next year.
  9. Again - you starting with the premise that everything Federal sucks - and again you have no experience so you are talking out your ass. It is not the paperwork....it's the terms Bud Fox....anyone looking for capital wants the best terms - if you think private/VC/corporate investment (I have done all three) have easier paperwork that govt funds - you are wrong. What I can definitively tell you - is that the most important thing is terms - collateral, security, is what makes the difference - not the paperwork. And since you are such an genius - you are breaking the first rule of start up - NEVER use your own money - I assume you own a house and spent a few extra years saving up so you didn't have to borrow money from a bank that ultimately had the loan secured by Freddie..... Keep digging Teacon - full of idealism...totally lacking experience....
  10. Cast your judgement as I know you will but....I work with a State fund who has invested in one of my companies. SMART entrepreneurs of course want to cut a deal with a government as the funds are MUCH easier to deal with (ask almost ANY start up person....like say Elon Musk). VC's and "savvy" money are pretty much out to do one thing - steal your company from you. On the other hand the State fund I work with invests in true start ups which VC's wouldn't touch...and BTW - their fund is very successful - so yes a government can run an investment fund and make money. The fund I work is patient, helpful and they are getting a return on their investment. LA - you clearly have NO idea what you are talking about on this subject (start up funding) - but I am quite sure it won't keep you from yapping and trying to somehow cob your political idealism into this subject....
  11. This line shows that you have no idea what you are talking about Isn't this supposed to be about nukes and Iran?
  12. Maybe a few hours outside of PPP would help most of the posters here.....
  13. Here is a little test...go back to the Cliven Bundy thread - a white racist pig who did not want to pay taxes and completely disregarded authority - and look at your postings. I would think many of the posters here were behind - at least the notion of his disregard for authority....and how is that different from this woman who you now want to throw in the trash bin. Tell me how you are not simply racist trash. For the most part - you guys are simply small small people.
  14. Cuomo is a blowhard and an egomaniac....but I would add that the overturning of campaign finance reform by scotus was a bigger blow to democracy than other elements....witness the current choices for our next president as well as the production of congress....
  15. The contempt for the loss of a life in this thread is stupefying....are all of you truly that bitter and disillusioned?
  16. I find this - not you - part of the lack of understanding of the voters. Illegal residence peaked in 2007 and has been declining ever since - down possibly as much as 20 percent - it was down 10 percent by 2011 - the last time a true gauge was taken. The US borders along Mexico have never been more closed - 38 Billion per year spent - and net immigration with Mexico now is ZERO, nothing, nada, we will have no more illegal Mexicans here next week, next month, next year than we have now. But many prioritize this issue. At the same time - we seem content with a Health Care structure whereas we pay 2x what every other country pays to provide their citizens cradle to grave care. Hmmmph
  17. Have you gone to his website - looked at the issues he outlines and come to this conclusion? Interested to see your logic in how you come to this.....after all there still is congress....
  18. Typing on ipad so forgivevthe typos - awesome burn tho! Someone as well versed as you the subject should be well aware of US inceration rates vs the rest of the world.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Incarceration_rates_worldwide.gif
  19. So your saying the US is correct by standing alone with an incarceration rate many times higher than EVERY other country....is that compassionate conservatism or American Exceptionalism?
  20. All the more reason to insure your safety
  21. Everyone who gets arrested has done something....everyone...thats why they got arrested. You can look at this a couple of ways. Maybe one responsibility of jails etc is to insure the incarcerated are safe. Yes....We all know they should not be there in the first place...but they are. Secondly....everyone of these incidents whether its this one or take your pick is horrifically expensive for us taxpayers. Maybe it would be better to stay away from this type of trouble with some preventative measures and training to save you and me some money,
  22. Some may think that it would be better if people did not die in police custody....causes problems....are you one of those "compassionate conservatives"?
  23. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2015/071615-international-report-confirms-2014-was-earths-warmest-year-on-record.html
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