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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. You don't get that award by taking games off. The Bills slowed him down in the first half. He was almost an unstoppable force in the second half. 8-10 weeks so another 6-7 weeks if all goes well
  2. They did in the first half. Doubled a lot...but the Rams are going to find a way to use their weapon .
  3. You are not stopping a force like that all game. 3rd and long and your QB is in peril.
  4. Yeah Aaron Donald owned him like he does every lineman. He has played pretty good I would prefer Feliciano but he is hurt.
  5. He would pull a Bateman in the Movie The Replacements. Coach: get me the ball JA You want the ball? Coach: yes JA: I will get you the ball
  6. Stats say int Like an error in baseball who cares? Not like they are overturning now. Get over it.
  7. A+ leading a clutch drive against a pretty good team.
  8. They went to a SB a few years ago that alone makes them elite
  9. Just score more than the other team and you win. We got the players to do it
  10. Good players and good scheme for those Rams. Thats a tough Offence to stop
  11. They did review and the bad on field call stood. At least they had the guts to make that call at the end.
  12. The RPM's are up a little I am sure the BP will come down in an hour our so
  13. You can't keep everyone. Its not like Beane didn't know he was trading away talent...he did draft him. BTW all the best Wyatt except when you play the Bills
  14. I know he is going to get 35-40 m I was just making a point that if it were a team friendly deal with lots of performance bonuses it might be better received.
  15. I voted first ballot HOF... in the Beard HOF https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/jefffsbeardboard/who-belongs-in-the-beard-hall-of-fame-t12919.html https://www.facebook.com/BeardHallofFame/
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