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Everything posted by AF88Bills

  1. one thing that really sucks about following a bad team like the bills is how boring the football is. I was watching Indy last night, and thinking about how awesome the football is...the NFL has a lot of good football and we're missing it b/c the Bills can't get their act together.
  2. It's prretty apparent...TE is coached to take what he is given...and guess what, other teams either double our biggest playmakers, or act like they are going to double them...TE reads make him look to someone else...somehting the other team is happy to give us.
  3. the bills stopped themselves...since when does just the threat of doubling your biggest play makers preclude the QB from even looking at him....especially when your TE is running 1 yd out plays, and you have one of the slowest recivers in the NFL in Josh Reed. I don't blame TO for slacking on his routes...how many times are you gonna bust your tail running down the field, then hustling back if you don't even get looked at? Other teams ould would have success with TO and Lee Evans on the outside...the Bills somehow figure to screw it up
  4. I can't think of any. They've gotten us excited a couple of times in the past coupla yrs...but I cant' recall a big games where we've upset someone, or won a meaning game. Anyone know of any within, say, the last 5 yrs?
  5. Add it to your list....all the dumb moves this organization makes....for team that NEEDS great drafts becuase they don't really shake it up via free agency, they sure do make some stupid decision....I list a few, some of which they moved up to make. Losman McCargo McGahee (who was on disabled list all yr) Whitner....good player, but we really needed Ngata with pat Williams gone Parrish...if I remember correectly, I was hoping for Vincent Jackson Aaron Maybin...as a 250 DE...maybe if we needed a 250kb linebacker Jarius Byrd in 2d rd... Every draft, I scratch my head, then the organization feeds us the cool aid
  6. 2 great recivers on the outside, and he's throwing 2 yd outs to a 3rd string TE....
  7. He was getting dominated during run plays right over his spot...ya think the Saints, who actually know how to offensive gameplan, knows that Maybin is a liablity on run plays....all 250 pounds (soaking wet)....all he does is overshoot the QB, trying his dip move, rushing the passer.
  8. Dude woulda been there in the 3rd, possibly 4th or 5th. I think they passed on Loadholt, a starting RT to get Bryrd...we could really use a quality RT right now. there were some other people, they passed on to get him that had you scratching your head... Unfortunately it's been a trend with this team. The team acts like they know something others don't...then 2-3 yrs later you never hear from these guys..
  9. The bills did the same thing to Mould too...and I think they snapped the modest streak Evans had going last yr.
  10. Is it just me or does it seem like a black hole when QBs and WR come to play for the Bills? We can't seem to make anything of the talent that comes here. TO was stud everywhere he's been. Eric Moulds was a stud for a short period. TE most likely would be a very good player somewhere else. The same can be said for so many players that have passed thru the Bills. What gives?
  11. we take our recievers out of the game...we are satisfied with using them as decoys to open up the middle of the field...any other team with 2 baddass recievers and a stud running back figures out how to get the ball to their playmakers.
  12. The team has got talent...and they play hard....they are always playing behind the 8 ball because Jauron is coach.
  13. 3 scores or 2 scores...it doesn't matter when you're down by that much with less than 1/2 quater to go and you need the momementum. I don't buy all this Ivy League BS...he's gotta be one fo the dumbest guys out there.
  14. All things theat are self inflicted...our O-line depth was totally avoidable...and the TE position has been neglected for a long time...same thing.
  15. I wouldn't have cared if the bills woulda played well. the D leaves their hearts on the field, and the O has us shaking our heads again...typical Bills.
  16. no, i think running downfield hard every play and only getting 3 or 4 token looks is what sucks the life out of people. our wideouts are too good to be using them as decoys every week.
  17. well, jeez, who woulda saw that one. for someone on the hotseat, you would think Jauron wouldn't have dealt with 100% turnover on the O-line...that's correct 100%. and 3 guys who never even played an NFL down
  18. It wasn't even 4 and 1...it was 4 and 1/2....and the defense ewas tired...the team was down by at least 2 possessions....everything pointed to trying to go for it. They didn't go for it, for the same reason they thriw a 4 yd pass when they need 10 yds on third down...they just don't get it.
  19. yep...that's the way teams gameplan us...and we are more than happy to oblige them
  20. the only team i think can possibly blow it worse on offense is probably the Raiders.
  21. this remids me why I was really close to not renewing my NFL sunday ticket....this season tanks, and I'm not spending another penny following this team.
  22. how do you figure...the guys got pressure almost every play...peyton manning play well either.
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