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Everything posted by tonyjustbcuz

  1. It wouldn't make a difference in the final score...I like Moss as a player, but our offensive line doesn't protect the QB well, and our QB has a tendancy to overthrow his receivers if he's not running for his life! With our offense Moss would be lucky to catch 2 or 3 balls a game. He may even get a touchdown a game, who knows..so instead of losing 38-14 maybe we'll lose 38-21. But, Moss is getting up there and Buffalo is trying to build the team through the draft and get a young foundation of players on the roster. I don't see Moss fitting on the Bills roster, and New England really knows when to release a player who is on the downside of his career. I remember when we picked up Lawyer Milloy and we all got excited! He did next to nothing on the Bills and I don't know if I've heard his name since he left Buffalo. All Minnesota is trying to do is put themselves in a position this year with Favre for a Superbowl run in the playoffs. They feel that Moss covers an immediate need, which he does and is a better choice than Evans for the short term. But, if I was the Bills GM I would consider trading Evans (who deserves better) to a team with playoff aspirations, and hope to get a 2nd or 3rd round pick for him. The logic is that by the time the Bills draft a franchise QB (HOpefully), and a dominant OLT, a WR who would complement evans on the other side...well it'll be just about too late for Evans, as it will take a year or two to develop these rookies..especially a rookie QB ! If everything went perfect you would be looking at 2 to 3 years most likely to have a respectable to good team again and by then Evans may be yesterday's news!
  2. With the Bills, even when someone like Brian Orakapo DE lands in your lap in the draft, but you pass on him and instead and select the undersized "tweener" Aaron Maybe Maybin which defies all logic, and is a typical move of the Buffalo Bills organization!!!!!!!!!
  3. Yeah..might as well..because the Bills lose on trades anyways..what would we be offered for Lynch..probably a 5th rounder, figuring we'll counter offer by demanding a 4th round pick. For that, I'd rather keep Lynch! I think a 3rd rounder would be the mininum I would consider in compensation in the form of a pick. Now, if we can get a player that is worthwhile that would be tempting, but unlike us why would Philly give us a viable player. Only we as an organization would do that. I'd say, a 3rd rounder and include RB Joique Bell and we'll talk about it. But like you said cash for ralph's wallet would probably be the deal. The Bills are having a fire sale and all teams are invited!
  4. All great points, and it almost sounded like some of my blogs! I was saying to myself before I read the topic..Okay who are they going to pin it on this time? Marshawn Lynch...no not really, Fitszpatrick...no not really..he overthrew several times and had some drops..but nah...Any of these coaches..umm not yet it's only 4 games! The wr's who dropped some balls..no they really did a poor job yesterday, but they looked good against N.Eng. last week, Aaron Maybin..well he's about useless and doesn't help much at all, but did he cause this..no not really. The defensive coordinator? too early like I mentioned. Then I came to the conclusion that it starts at the top and Ralph won't sell the team or fire himself..lol...and Buddy gets a free pass for being new! I think if you are going to hang someone out to dry it would be TOM MODRAK! He's been in the organization probably longer than anyone else, and has had a direct impact on drafting for about 10 years or so...(negative impact). I don't know how actively involved he is, but I think if your going to start somewhere it should be right there...but then again I heard that he and D. Whaley who came over from Pittsburgh are friends..so like everything else I think the Bills SHOULD do, the just dont! TOM MODRAK SHOULD BE FIRED!!! That's the breaking news I want to hear from the Bills. That would show me a step in the right direction, by using deduction. Da Billz
  5. Yeah..I know! I agree! When I posted how upset I was after the 2008,2009,2010 drafts I got blasted by a few fans for being less than optimistic! If this draft class resembles the draft mentality of the Bills organization/coaches then we are in for more of the same. I tried to rationalize that this group of coaches and management ie: Buddy Nix & Chan Gailey may have had less than an ideal amount of time to prepare for the draft? But, there was scouts and people in positions that should have adequately evalutated talent and shared that information with Nix and Gailey so they could make an informed decison of personnel that they were considering at selection time. Well if they were well informed, in the loop, and up to date...that is where I am saying we are in trouble because the first 3 picks without trying to analyze the rest of their draft...is severely flawed in multiple respects. I was in shock..and disbelief when we selected C.J. Spiller (no disrespect intended to Spiller..who may be a budding superstar?) But, we had many specific needs in the draft and we did not address any of those with our first round selection. That subject has been hashed out many times, and I will never agree that it was the right pick. He isn't a big enough back to ever be completely dominant RB in the leaugue! For every 20 yard run he has..he'll probably always have 3 or 4 -2 to +2 yard carries. He's a homerun hitter that won't always hit the homerun..just like today! When your QB has more yards than all 3 runningbacks that should tell you something about your selection of a 1st round rb in the previous draft! I did not like the pick of Troup or Carrington! I studied every piece of information on the draft and had my own mocks draft. My own war room etc...I would have selected Jimmy Claussen in the 2nd round (yes, he may be flawed as a rookie..but he may become a franchise QB ! But T. Edwards won't and he is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank God!! We could've drafted that TE Grankowski that N.England grabbed! How is it that they can evaluate talent and pick well after us every single year and yet their drafted players perform well and ours usually end up cut, traded, or mediocre ie: Donte Whiner....... I could've screamed when we passed on B. Orakapo and selected A. Maybin when it was so obvious...that Orakapo was the dominant player!!!! Maybin was rated as the 4th best DE that year depending on the source..3-5 ! Yet we picked him over the clearly better player! My point is that..even if we end up with the 1st pick or 3rd pick in the draft, I can see the Bills outhinking themselves again..and trading down to the 10th-15 spot where they are used to picking and picking a CB or something like that. I think Tom Modrak is part of the problem, and it amazes me that he is still here! Whyyyyyyyyyyy? How do you rebuild we draftpicks, when you don't have a scouting team that can identify talent? Basically, it's about useless and I am going to go now and find something constructive to do with my time, instead of wasting it on an organization that is not truly committed to getting better!!! I guess it all starts in an owner who hires the proper people at the top? There is a reason why Bill Polian is successful and as he went so did the Bills. I'll still get excited over the draft, but I know once again that the Bills will still keep doing the same incompetent things they always do, because that's what this Bills organization does!!!!!!!
  6. Well QB is the way to go in the 1st, but if the QB the Bills want is not available then OLT would be 2nd on my list. After that we need a WR, but drafting a WR early in the 1st round probably would be a bad spot to select one. We need a ORT somewhere in the first 4 rounds I would say...and yes we always need more LB's especially in the 3-4 defense. We probably have other priority needs as well, but QB, OLT, WR, de/OLB, probably are our most desperate needs.
  7. Love the optimism!! Unfortunately, I don't see the Bills winning this week..if we win a game anytime soon I think it will be against Jacksonville. My prediction this week though is NY Jets 24 Buffalo 17. I hope you are right and I'm wrong! Go Bills!
  8. I am gonna be honest and say I think it's a totally stupid idea!!!! Where the heck is Batavia anyways? Is it a suburb of Rochester? Besides Batavia Downs I've never heard one thing about Batavia good or bad! No identity! Even though Buffalo's rep is for Chicken Wings, Snow, etc...at least it has a reputation! It's the Buffalo Bills..and yeah, the stadium is located in Orchard Park which is 10-15 minutes from Buffalo...But, Batavia? Yuck! I'd be done with the Bills if that was the case and they moved there! Buffalo, never gets things done huh? And just what has Batavia done lately? World Hockey Championships? Have a Pro Hockey team? Had any NHL All Star teams ever? Ever have pro baseball or basketball regardless if the Buffalo Braves are still here or not? Do you have a big bridge shared between Canada and the United States? Really, can't you give better reasons than Batavia being the same distance from another Country? Woopie Doo! Bigest thing in Batavia since....ummm it's conception as a city or town or whatever it quantifies as. I'm not going to patronize you or anyone by agreeing that this is a good idea! I think it sucks, and I think The Ralph Rocks ! It's not the Stadium, It's not the Fans!, It's not the location, It's not even the team, or coaching staff..even though they are not that good! It's the owner hiring people in positions of management that do not know the recipe for success in the NFL! That is all that is lacking with the Bills...That is why team presidents/General Managers like Bill Polian are of the greatest importance to an organization, as they know the recipe for success and hire people beneath them that are highly capable and stay clear of people like Tom Modrak who has produced nothing but failure in the decade plus that he has had input in their NFL Draft! You can't build through the draft when you avoid positons of extreme need and instead select players who generally qualify as busts. I'll tell you in advance that Aaron Maybin is a bust! Trent Edwards was a bust! We know Mike Williams was a bust! etc....and if you occasionally select a player who is good, but you selected a player at a positon of strength like running back, what sense does that make when you need QB's, OLT'S, WR's, DT's, LB's etc...Even when this organization develops a player like A. Winfield, Pat Williams, Jabari Greer, Nate Clements, etc...they don't want to pay the going rate to keep them! So you develop a hole where their was a capable player, and then you select a undersized tweener like Maybin that doesn't do anything particuliary well, and you keep players you drafted early in the draft like Alex Carrington and Terrel Troup inactive for games, yet expect them to develop talent at the positon you drafted them! The organization is mismanaged from the top to bottom, and before they move to Batavia, I would be even more inclined to believe that Ralph will eventually sell them to a prospective owner who will move them to LA. What Ralph really needs is to have a plan for the organization in the event of his passing which grows considerably each year, and after another year or two of dismal performances to finally hire a President/GM who has a proven track record and isn't a rookie himself in his field of expertise!!! I don't personally know all the answers as to where the Bills will reside five years from now, but I would bet my last dollar that it won't be in Batavia! I don't know who the Bills should have hired as a General Manager/Team President, but I already have analyzed what I witnessed in the draft, free agency, and personnel moves ie: signing C. Kelsay to a 4 yr 24 million dollar contract!!! And after my own personal evaluation I have concluded that coaching and management are going to continue to fail misearably, and unbelievable as it sounds now, (please remember my post 2 years from now!) the win/loss record of this team after this staff's 3 or 4 years will be even worse than that of the Dick Jauron era! That makes me want to just about vomit!!! So even though the Bills aren't going to Batavia, Be careful for what you wish for!!!!!
  9. After Trent Edwards getting the ax, I started to think about a fantasy cut of 5 Bills players who are currently on our active roster. Seeing that none of the Bills players would be a viable choice in a typical fantasy football team, it would be more realistic and a better fantasy of the 5 cuts you would make before the game Sunday! I don't want to dominate this topic with my opinion, although Cornell Green is rolling off my lips before I can close. Go ahead pick the 5 Bills players most deserving of the ax who can go join Trent Edwards on the Jags!!! Can't wait to read your selections! GO BILLS !!!! Have to add a 2nd player I would want to get the ax, and that's Aaron Maybin!
  10. I was so peed off when the Bills drafted Aaron(Maybe)Maybin! Brian Orakapo DE fell right in our laps and instead (as the bills often do) they think they are wiser than everyone else and they choose Maybin who was the 3rd or 4th rated DE in that draft! I just wonder if Pozinjury being a former Penn State player did some influencing on Maybin's behalf prior to the selection! I wouldn't blink if he were cut, as well as several other players ie: Cornell Green etc....As long as there is a warm body to fill any roster holes I'd shitcan at least 6 players and possibly more! That has the makings of a topic...I'm going there now!
  11. I'm a skeptic...maybe the info was just at the onset of being released and you have a little inside scoop...whatever..but if you tell me the lotto numbers to play this week I guess I would play a ticket based on your intuition! (Just in case..lol) But, regardless...Thank God Trent Edwards moves on...!!!!!!!!! I wish him the best and hope that someday he succeeds. Kinda reminds me of a young Joe Ferguson who gradually became a average QB. Watch out J.P. Lossman, you and Trent may be competing for the Las Vegas Locomotives or whatever that other leaugue's team is called (Starting QB spot)..Bye Bye Trent.
  12. I second that..lol..Why not? According to Bills logic (there's a contrast in terms)..they needed either a OLT or QB last year, so they selected a RB because now they have 3 RB's good enough to play, but none good enough to be selected as the starter?? So realizing last year's logic...They still need a OLT or QB, So that means they should select a RB or CB because they are positions of strength and want to continue to take the best player on the board! Huh? Exactly! And that's the point!!! Bills Logic! Sure wish Bill Polian was our GM again..could you imagine? We would have had B. Orakapo DE, Probably Donoavan McNabb at QB with Jimmy Claussen as he's understudy. Likely would have addressed the Offensive line by now...specifically OLT ! and instead we are less talented than Jacksonville or Carolina were when they were expansion clubs!! Nothing like starting from scratch as an organization and being a laughing stock of the leaugue when you allow people in mangagement like T. Modrak to somehow still hold a position after a decade plus of continious blunders/failures! Just goes to show you about Bills logic!!
  13. I would rather keep Lee Evans than give him up for a 3rd rounder. I don't blame him for the state of the offense. A 2nd is interesting, but unless it's a high 2nd rounder I would probably be inclined to hope we wouldn't do it. A low first or high 2nd would be okay with me or a solid/prove OLT that still has a lot of tread left would also work for me. I doubt that there is a QB available worthwhile of a trade, but that may work as well.
  14. Back in April, and even beforehand, I wrote about the Bills organization from top down and emphasized just how misguided this franchise is. I gave many examples of how we were headed in the wrong direction and explained everything in great detail. I mentioned about winning organizations have people on top that are totally competent in creating an environment of success within an organization. Bill Polian being the GM (and president?) of Indianapolis is a wonderful example of a General Manager who already understands the recipe of a successfuly run NFL franchise. Essentially all Bill Polian self-addmitedly replicated in building the Colts of today, are the Buffalo Bills of the early '90s. Marvin Harrison was Andre Reed, Peyton Manning is Jim Kelly etc...Not an easy task, but Bill Polian has the know how, and staff that he hired to identify talent, and the resources to retain talent. Unfortuantely, Our beloved Bills of today are clueless on how to retain talent. The Bills occasinally hit on the right player in the NFL Draft, (less times than needed) and when we do, we develop the player and sign him for a 3 or 4 year contract. The unfortunate part is the Bills fail (Mostly Ralph Wilson) to realize the players value, which is not much different than a crop that a farmer would produce. Once a player is developed and ready to pay dividends in the productive sense, another team plucks him right away from us, because we don't want to pay the market rate for said player. There are many examples of this, and not all of the players were drafted by the Bills. Just a few of the many players that come to mind: Nate Clements, Jabari Greer, Pat Williams, Leonhard, A. Winfield, etc...... If I held the reigns of the organization, the first thing I would do is release Tom Modrak. There is no reason for him to remain in any capacity with the Bills "Braintrust"...lol He must be part of the blame for over a decade of uninspiring performances. He has had his hand in the NFL Draft each year, and has been part of the problem, not the solution. I suppose that there is a good ole boy network in the management level of the team. This is definitely a problem, and when Doug Whaley came here from Pittsburgh I was excited, but now I have come to terms with the appearance that Tom Modrak and Doug Whaley must have a connection and that means more of the same regarding Tom Modrak. I hate the fact that Chan Gailey was hired and fail to billeave that this project (Ralph saving $$) is the ultimate solution to the Bills problems that have spanned a decade. It is apparent that Gailey is a loyalist to his old College buddies (assistant coaches) from Georgia Tech and slotted them typically in positions that were superior to which they have held prior. If Modkins was really Offensive Coordinator qualified, Chan Gailey wouldn't demand that he runs the offense for the time being. If that is how Chan Gailey prepares an offense what is the worse scenario, an inexperienced Modkins or an experienced Gailey who is underpreparing the team for gameday with a pointless game plan? I have mentioned before about how we passed on Bryan Orakapo DE for Aaron (Maybe) Maybin, and we could've drafted the guy that sacked our QB 3 times against GreenBay but passed. We could've at least had some hope at QB if we would've drafted Jimmy Claussen who is going to get his first start for Carolina next weekend, but instead we picked...oh crap..can't remember his name because he's been a non-factor! I almost choked on my nachos when the Bills selected a RB in the 1st round ! I have been explained this by the coaching staff, and the media...and it still doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Maybe the first step for the Bills is to have someone hang up another billboard and list who should be released in management and on the roster! Tell me why the bleep is Trent Edwards still taking up space on the roster if the Bills weren't actually considering using him once again in the future if Ryan Leaf...woops I mean Ryan Fitzpatrick is the "new" starter again this year. I suppose by week #5 Brian Brohm will be the "new" starter and then they will recycle garbage once again and put out a "brand new" Trent Edwards. Just do me a favor and release him! Pick up anyone available to fill his size 1 shoes!!! Well, I'm not going to rehash all the things I've talked about in the past..this was a sample, but I'd like to know where all the people are now that thought I was one of those DebbieDowners back in the offseason when I could see the writing on the wall ! I was being kind when I predicted the Bills to have a 5 win season. That was mighty optimistic in my view as the only two games I think the Bills have a chance of winning is against Jacksonville and Cleveland, and I would give a slight advantage to both those teams at the moment. Jacksonville is better than the Bills right now, and Cleveland has had our number for the past few years in very boring losses to them. My new prediction is 3-13 on the optimistic side, and I hope I am wrong! So all the optimists out there...I am more than willing to hear all the reasons why this team is headed in the right direction under the current management, ownership, and coaches that represent the Buffalo Bills organization! I'm waiting...... I would love to feel good about something...I just don't know what regarding the Bills? The only thing that gets me through a game now is wondering if we can get the 1st pick in the NFL Draft, but even then instead of taking the next Bryant Mckenny (Minnesota) we'll end up taking the next Mike Williams !!! I would bet the Bills based on prior drafts, and based on their love for CB's will spend their first pick on either a CB or WR which I would expect from them. Personally I can't fathom anything but a OLT or QB !! That mistake this year makes for a year longer to have hope towards rebuilding something and possibly developing a franchise QB !! The last draft should've cost someone their job! Da Bills
  15. Strictly answering the question presented without having enough time to read your whole post..(watching my 9 month old baby)..I love going to the Bills game, but I have encountered things that make it less attractive as an enterntainment venue than lets say the Bills Game, Erie County Fair, any museum, fireworks displays, art festivals etc.... From my perspective here is one distinct difference. Football seems to bring out the rabid animal in many fans who adore the Bills. The losing record doesn't help matters any as fans get frustrated. I think mix that with the festivities that usually include 2 to 3 hours of drinking prior to the game and you got a bad mix for many people. You just don't see much of this at the Sabres games, therefore there are many more kids percentage wise. When I brought my daughter to the non-alcoholic section at the stadium some people were actually sneaking alcohol into the section anyways. I actually got beer spilled right on me by these young Candiens. It was the game when Kevin Everett got injured. They wouldn't even shut up when the stadium was otherwise quiet. They were so rude and obnoxious that they weren't even aware of the injury. Many other times I've had people right in front of me and my 8 year old daughter and they stood the whole game. When I kindly asked if they would please sit down so my daughter could see the game they just ignored me and it fell on deaf ears. Many similar instances until we don't bring our kids. Now they just go on kids day during a preseason game. More examples but baby's crying...
  16. Well it would be nice if they could throw in a QB, OLT, WR, ORT too! I am really inclined not to buy into any of these rumors anymore. I've been reading rumors for a couple of years now and nothing ever happens when it comes to the Bills or Sabres. It would be refreshing to see the Bills organization do just about anyting at this point that shows that they are trying to change the losing mentality that the organization has had for several years. I'm not losing any sleep over this like I said as I just won't believe it until it happens. The last time something surprised me was when the Bills signed T.O. and I was also happy when Jauron was let go as well, but not shocked! I just want us to get through this year quickly and if it's a dismal year like I think is probable I am hoping that the Bills finally draft a franchise QB and find their way back into the 1st round to grab a OLT. I would then go into the 2nd round and snag a WR. This won't fill all the holes, but it would go a long way in filling our needs! Unfortunately, the Bills organization seems to run on a whole different set of logic which means they will probably draft a CB in the 1st round, another "best available player" RB in the 2nd, and who knows a Punter in the 3rd round. That is more likely based on past experience than the Bills fulfilling their positional needs as I see them.
  17. I would be willing to trade T.Edwards for Sanchez straight up without blinking! I would consider trading T.Edwards & M. Lynch for Sanchez as well, but I may blink a couple of times first! The question would be would anyone want T. Edwards? Probably not and it would be the arena leaugue or that Las Vegas team in that new leaugue I never hear about anymore. Maybe J.P. Lossman and Trent can compete for the starting QB spot on that roster!!! lol lol lol
  18. It's all relative! I live in the Southtowns so I love the Bills in Orchard Park! Also the Ralph is already paid off and I don't see Ralph Wilson paying a portion of a billion dollars to build a state of the art stadium. He's got it too cushiony in O.P. for that. It's fine that the Buffalo Bills reside in a stadium that is a suburb of Buffalo, but to me Niagara Falls is it's own seperate entity and should not represent Buffalo! The Falls is spectacular in it's own right and it doesn't need all the glitter and everything that goes with a state of the art stadium. The American side is somewhat tranquil and nice to visit as it stands. If you want all the cosmopolitan glitter, congestion, and huge towers that is what the Canadian side represents. Except for NFL restrictions I would rather see a new NFL team in Niagara Falls, Canada (and not the Bills of course!) to be on the other side of the Falls. Yes, there would be many arguements against that idea..as the population of the region may not be able to support 2 NFL clubs in such close proximity and it may reduce the Canadians that currently are season ticket holders of the Bills. But, based on just purely football matchups...wouldn't be awesome to have a game between the Buffalo Bills and the Niagara Falls (Canada) Thunder! You think the rivarly between us and the Dolphins is something? This would be huge! Oh well..just thinking out loud..probably wouldn't work?? Pros? Cons? (if it were allowed by the leaugue?) Maybe the distance between franchises shouldn't apply if the location of franchise(s) are not in the same country with another franchise in close proximity? I know this isn't the topic and I'm too lazy to start a new one...curious for feedback, the good, bad, and ugly! ...lol
  19. Loved the video....He made some of the same moves in preseason...I was totally against the pick when it happened!!! I was mad, upset..wanted a QB, or a OLT. Still prefer those positions to be addressed, but after watching Spiller in the Pre-season I am signing up as a fan!! I think he may average at least a T.D. a game like in College..he may have did that in preseason as well! I was thinking while watching the video, that we may unveil something offensively that we haven't shown the leaugue in preseason. The Bills were very secretive about some of their practices..even to the media! I wouldn't be surprised to see some hurry up/no huddle....but also the wild-cat as well..and who knows what else. Coach Gailey is known to fix problematic QB's and T.Edwards looked great in preseason...(but it's hard to take preseason too serious!) ratings in 140's, 120's, about 100...and in the very first game I have no clue but the Bills looked like crap against the Redskins. They never looked interesting, explosive, or good in the past several preseasons, but this year they were just the opposite, and took very few penalties, ran well, passed well. The main negatives were there seemed to be a noticeable dropoff in the kick coverage by the Special teams and they've yet to close up the gaps sufficiently in the run game. I only had the Bills pegged to win 5 games, but I think they will beat the Dolphins with a last second field goal and win 27-24...A month ago I would not even engage that thought!! 8-8 is not out of reach from the looks of things! I don't dare to think beyond that, but at half-time back in the 90's comeback game against houston oilers. I said to my wife while we were down 28-3 "Stranger things have happened" and I went outside to wash the car and listen to the game on the radio as I couldn't watch anymore, (It was on t.v. in Virginia when I lived there). Sure enough, Stranger things did happen! And the Bills won in overtime!!! The greatest comeback in NFL History! Buffalo 27-24 !!! C.J. Spiller 157 yards, 1 touchdown ! Trent Edwards 17-22-214-1 T.D.-1 int....and the Bills Defense gets T.D. (Jairus Byrd)... Dolphins do run a kick back for TD...BOO! Lets go Bills Lets Go Bills Lets Go Bills lETS gO billllllllz !!!!! Oh my goodness 1 and 0 we have a winning record!! whew! (Lord let us pray!!!)
  20. I was stationed in the Navy in Pearl Harbor, HI (Oahu) up to 2003 and I never did find any type of Bills backer club. I did frequent one particular bar that had many t.v.'s probably a good 15-20. It was a sports bar as well...NFL Football was a great day there!!! It was an early day...I forget..maybe 8 or so...(maybe 7)...they had all the chilli and snacks you could want..and I think it was free! There were fans of all the teams..of course a big contingent of Cowboy fans! (Boooooo)....But it was fun! I can't think of the name of the street that it was located, but it was on the main street in front of the airport. I lived in Navy Housing at the time in Catlin Park. I think the street I walked down was CATLIN Drive which brought me to the street right in front of the airport that ran across. If I walked all the way down Catlin Dr. until I couldn't go any further (3/4 mi)...I'd practically walk right into the sports bar! So if you rent a vehicle...bring a GPS with you if you want to. Punch in Catlin Drive and if you get to the end of the street facing the direction of the airport, you will see the fence surrounding the airport with planes in the background. You then would take a left, and maybe go a couple of hundred yards or so..and it'll be on your right. There wasn't too much built in that area and it would probably be easy to find. You can always ask a cabby...a lot of the fans that over induldged would call a Taxi from the club to the Navy base. They would know without a doubt! Most locals know the island like the back of their hand as there's nowhere else to drive..lol I edited this reply to add this note: When I was there I searched for sports bars..and I went to all the ones that were in downtown honolulu area, and they were awful!! Small, not too many tvs..I hated them! This place I mentioned was THE BEST BY FAR!! I went to them all...Good luck! Plus in Waikiki area your going to pay a lot more for your beverages and be surrounded by people from other cultures and countries that have less interest in the NFL. The one I went to a lot of the guys are in the Air Force or Navy and have a common lust/love for Pro Football !!! I had to almost argue trying to get them to switch to the Bills game in the Downtown Waikiki area...Some lady wanted to watch something else instead...and I ended up leaving there frustrated! I am a diehard and unless things changed drastically, I'd try the place I mentioned first as their was nothing even close! If you search for a map..of the area around the airport...or type in catlin dr. or catlin park...you could almost find it before you go...and type in sports bar/whatever the street closest to the airport that catlin park runs into. You may even find it online. I will try to do a search later as I have a 9 month old to watch who is waking up from her nap. Hope this helps..it's a fun sports bar..they even had women mudwrestlers on another evening. Also some rock concerts, so it was a pretty good sized establishment... Good luck if you decide to try and locate this place. Let me know how it turns out if you do. I'd be interested in hearing about it!
  21. The last I knew...which was several hours ago..and things may have changed...but I think we filled up 4 of 8 practice squad spots. I don't know if they used anymore up..so I am hopeful that they will place Levi Brown on the practice squad, unless they are able to pickup another QB that may be better. Was it Troy Smith or something like that released from Baltimore? Maybe their looking at him or Lefeveor someone before deciding if they want to retain Brown. As long as they don't bring Lossman back, who was released by Seattle...lol...(but, you never know with this organization..??)
  22. Thank You for the topic! I was thinking of doing the same very thing and appreciate you letting me off the hook...lol Even though I think the Bills are a project, lack critical depth, and have several holes on their roster...I think the home opener is a game that usually is won by the home team if there is not an absurd difference in the talent level of both teams. I do think Miami has a better roster, but I can't say that it's a huge difference. Miami is well coached as well and the Management from top to bottom is probably more solid. I am mildly impressed with Chan Gailey so far! It is hard to take the preseason for more than a grain of salt, but what I liked is that the offense seemed to run smoothly even with captain checkdown at QB. Actually, (It's premature to some extent)..Trent Edwards has done a good job to date at leading the offense and shows promise if he doesn't revert back to his old ways of dumping the ball off for short gains and getting injured quite easily. It will be interesting to see just what Edwards is capable of when the weather starts getting nasty, as he seems to lose his skills in rain, sleet, snow, fog, high-winds etc..and that will be a big challenge for him. It's not quite as hard when everyday is sunny and 60-80 degrees and the opponent isn't gameplanning. It will be interesting to see if the Offense can carry the same momentum into the regular season once teams gameplan for their offense. I hate to say it, but I like the pick slightly better regarding C.J. Spiller as I was dead set against it initially. I still believe we should have selected a OLT high in the draft, but I can see how the Bills were mesmerized by Spiller. The key to improvement this season probably hinges on the Bills ability to stop the run! I am not convinced that they have improved much in this area and it's a huge problem to have on defense. On another note, I know a lot of you (including myself) are hoping the Bills pick up one of the QB's that got cut yesterday. But, unless it's a rookie who would replace Brian Brohm I don't see the Bills bringing in anyone that could present a present day challenge to Trent Edwards. The Bills probably feel that they are set for the season, have the continuity and unit cohesiveness that they desire at the position this year. Pending this years outcome, The Bills should strongly consider drafting at a high selection in the 2011 NFL Draft. All that being said, I think the Bills will kick a last second field goal and beat the Dolphins. I also think the Bills will get a defensive touchdown, and C.J. Spiller will rush for 127 yards and 1 touchdown. I would not be surprised if the Dolphins run a kick back for a touchdown as well as the special team coverage has been porous so far. BUFFALO BILLS 26 MIAMI DOLPHINS 24
  23. I agree with everything you say except that I am saying we should go out and get Housurmama..lol...Seriously, why not? We need an experienced WR opposite of Lee Evans and there he is. The benefit would not only include the catches that Houshmanzadeh would make, but also open up Lee Evans some as well, and make us even a more legitimate multi-faceted offense. Then again we had T.O. and Evans last year, but Captain Checkdown refused to throw the ball their way much! I think another thing this would do is eliminate a built-in excuse that Trent Edwards would have in blaming the WR's for not being open after the season is over. He won't directly make that statement, but he will elude to it in some fashion. With Housh here and having burners on each side (once again) it further proves if we are once again Offensively challenged that (besides) OLT, the QB is a position of primary concern when it comes to the 2011 NFL Draft and Free Agency. I think Housh is a no-brainer and that is why I doubt seriously that the Bills will pursue such a transaction. Almost every move that I think is wise the Bills seem to avoid. Normally, I would say "They are the professionals, that's what they get paid to do. So they must know what's best," but in the past several years it hasn't worked out that way ie: Drafting Maybin instead of Bryan Orakapo who fell right into their laps as the highest rated DE in the draft!! Not finding a way to keep some of their better players that are up for a contract ie: Antwoine Winfield, Pat Williams, Jabari Greer, Nate Clements, Leonhard, etc........This creates holes in their roster and your drafting to patch holes created from within, instead of drafting to strengthen the talent level on hand while creating adequate positional depth. I mentioned on another topic earlier about drafting James Hardy at WR. He wasn't even the best rated WR on the board when we drafted him. Malcom Kelly and Limas Sweed were both ahead of him...and I think there was one more WR ahead of him as well..so he was the 4th best WR remaining on the board. Hardy has had legal problems as well and his character had some question marks. All the signs were there to read and I knew that from reading 3 or 4 draft guides! So, what is a staff of clods that get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars each or more doing when they overlook the obvious and draft someone just because he's a 6'5 or 6'6 receiver? Why would you take an undersized tweener that's the 3rd or 4th best available de left on the board when it's your turn for your selection? They even knew that they may have to shift Maybin to OLB, but they took the project player anyways, probably at the prompting of the injury prone Pozluszny who put in good words for Maybin who came from Poz's Alma Mater. Even though I am off-topic some I'll backtrack momentarily. If it makes sense for the Buffalo Bills to do something, then that is the very reason why they won't! When have the Bills done the expected in the past decade (well except for having a losing record..)? It comes down to the organization, the owner, the GM, and his staff. I was glad that Doug Whaley joined the "management team", but I am just as surprised that Tom Modrak is still here! He's had more than ample opportunity to begin to build something here, and he should be gone! But, I'm not surprised as I know there is a connection between Tom Modrak and Doug Whaley and believe they are part of that good 'ole boy network that will overlook continued past failures in the essence of friendship. That is why this is the Bills and not the Colts! Remember if you can..it's been a while...when we were good and I used to hear people talk about the "Dolts" also known as the Colts! They were a joke, we were awesome. It comes down to leadership from top, and the knowhow that Polian has to properly assemble a staff. Bill Polian knew what he was doing, and has a recipe for success. When he left, so did the soundness of our organization. Yeah, Butler wasn't bad either..but we were in a slow downward spiral as Polian was the mastermind of the 90's Bills. When Bill Polian built the Colts he built them in the image of the 1990 Bills team. He found players who mirrored the talent that the Bills had during their Superbowl run. They found their Kelly in Manning, their Reed, etc...Same principles were applied. Polian has a recipe card and follows it closely. That is why Indy is a continuation of what we once proudly had here in Buffalo ! It all starts at the top! You've heard that before, and there is merit to the little saying. Quickly now, after the owner R.W. whom we all know, who is next in line? Is their a clear line? Is it really Buddy Nix? or is it really Russ Brandon? Hmmm...yeah, I know their team positions are different, but don't kid yourself to whom R.W. is more loyal to. With Indy it's Bill Polian (NO Question!) Who is the owner??? After several minutes I believe it's Irsay? I can't remember...Who is under Bill Polian?? (I don't know...his son is somewhere in the equation I think) and that's the point!! It all starts at the top! It all should be crystal clear! There should be a recipe for success that the team follows! In Indy Bill Polian is the man..cut and dry! This creates team identity which the Bills have been lacking for several years! For instance: You know Indy is a passing team! No question! What are we? Passing? No not really! Running? mmmmmm to an extent? But are we rushing for more yards than our opponents? No not really, not the way we give up rushing yards! Pretty much, we lack identity as well. Oh yeah, it's before the season...I know the Bills are improved! 10-6 you say? well even the optimists might say 8-8 with our schedule. Think again! I love'em Bills too, but I think it's more like 5-11 or 6-10 at the most! I think the more things change around here the more they stay the same! I will bet you at the end of the year these things will be talked about by the fans: #1 We need to find a franchise QB #2 We need to draft a OLT #3 We need to find a compliment to Lee Evans at WR #4 We need to find a player that can help stop the run #5 We need to trade Marshawn Lynch Doesn't all that sound familiar???? All that being said, after over analyzing the spectrum of the Bills organization, and it's structure as well, already answers my question as to whether the Buffalo Bills will pursue T.J. Housh. or other desirable players available. Not even a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Yeah, Lynch is street tough and brawls as he dances left and right...but I don't see him gaining many yards..maybe 2 or 3 typically. Lynch also has a difficult time breaking any long runs and even when he does he gets caught from behind. I'll take Fred Jackson, and Joique Bell anyday over Lynch. I also think that Lynch is bad for chemistry and team morale. I think he brings out the worst qualities in some of the other players! Pretty much a punk if you ask me, both on the streets of Buffalo and in the game as well. I just wish he was gone, and I think in the end he will be gone! either by getting a major suspension, getting into more legal trouble, making demands that the team won't grant, whatever....Lynch do us all a favor and go back to CALI !!!!
  25. Well when the Bills drafted James Hardy I remember that moment... I was mad about it...as I had him as the 4th best WR left on the board when we picked....I wanted Malcom Kelly or Limus Sweed at the time. I don't know if either of them have done much as well, but I knew Hardy wasn't the right pick, and unfortunately today my assesment was confirmed to be correct! On another player Aaron Maybin...I also was "shocked" that Bryan Orakapo DE was available when we selected. I almost cried when we instead picked Maybin as he was also 3 or 4 players down my list as the best available DE when we selected. I don't listen to Mel Kiper, as I do my own research and I usually disagree with the Bills War Room! I still think we should have picked Jimmy Clausen at QB, especially after dropping so far and right into our laps, but in all honesty I thought we should've drafted Matt Leinhart when we had the opportunity and I was obviously probably wrong about that one. I felt great when we picked Jairus Byrd in the draft as I had the Bills projected to take him. I was amazed I got that one right, as I don't think me and the Bills agreed on any other of their picks. I did have A. Levitre and Eric Woods as an alternate choice if the player that I projected instead were available. But, why should they listen to me when they have Tom Modrak???? lol....Second thought...maybe they should as they definitely would be fielding a better roster Sept. 12th against the Dolphins!! Despite my jaded views I am going to still predict Buffalo to win against the Dolphins which seems illogical according to all the media Nationally. But, you have to remember the first few weeks..especially week #1 the home team has a distinct advantage if the talent level isn't in absurd contrast. I don't think it is...Like Parcells used to say..(probably still does) I can beat you with my guys or I can beat you with your guys! I think Chan Gailey is a better coach than Jauron was (which may not be difficult), and I think the Bills will escape narrowly with a win and a last second field goal.!!!!! Buffalo 27 Miami 26 I also am going to predict that the Bills defense gets a TD & Miami returns a kick for a TD. Spiller leads all rushers with 152 yards and 1 touchdown !!! Getting Psyched!!! Lets Go Bills
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