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Johnny Hammersticks

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Posts posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Multiple Super Bowl wins is what's needed by this franchise. MULTIPLE. We need to build a long term contender. Winning one Super Bowl would be Great. But I hope I won't be the only one here satisfied with just one.


    Are you kidding? Multiple Super Bowls? I'd be satisfied with a playoff game. Baby steps.

  2. Enough skeptics, Fitz is our guy. Can thread the needle. Bright, String Tough, Inexpensive.

    15 straight games with a td. Think about that stat.


    21 tds 11 picks, not to shabbee.


    Can run the ball. Mobile.


    Played with how many different lines??

    Full beard...

    How cheap is he,.... The cheapest top 20 qb in the NFL. Use this qb money for other holes.


    Stop with the draft qb nonsense. Why waste a top 8-10 pick on a qb when we have so many other holes to fill?

    Plus, drafting qbs is a total crapshoot ( we all ready know this how many wasted picks since kelly, uhhh 3 #1's).


    This is defensive filled draft. Get Lbs and d linemen.


    Fitz has sold himself to this 30+ year Buffalo bills fan.


    I love how he is willing to throw a block to spring his RB for a few extra yards. He's got balls.

  3. - I thought my man Moats had his best all-around game today. He was solid rushing the QB again and covering. I think he almost knocked the ball out (again) of Henne's hand on the last drive--not positive. Almost...

    - 2 inches and a drop, and it's closer to a blowout. Jones had a TD but was barely OB. The drive ended on Fitz' INT. Jackson's drop ended a possible scoring drive. I seem to remember one other drop.

    - I thought Troup played one of his better games today. He and Carrington are going to be solid if not excellent players. The run D is playing much better, and they could be a reason why ( more so Troup at this point).

    - Miami's front 7 is very strong. I think we're two LBs away from something similar.

    - I get the feeling that Gailey either doesn't like Freddie J or he's trying to make his Spiller pick look better? Granted FJ did not have a great game, but he's the kind of guy who needs 20+ carries.

    - Good win today. While the D looked better, they will still get picked apart next week by a good QB.

    - Hope the Bills win at least one more!



    I saw Troup out there today, but I didn't see much of Carrington. Troup looked as advertised....didn't get much push into the backfield, but occupied blockers and did a nice job creating congestion in the middle. Can anyone provide some analysis of Carrington's play today? I watch the games on a crappy internet feed, so it's difficult to see who's who out there. I am particularly interested in Carrington's development, as I see him as being a potential replacement for Stroud moving forward.

  4. Adding a free agent like Kevin Kolb makes zero sense unless the Bills are convinced that Fitz is not going to be their starting quarterback moving forward. He (Kolb) simply makes too much money, and has too much talent to be riding the pine.


    IMO....Fitz has earned the starting job for next season. Perhaps the Bills will add a free agent, or draft a mid-late round QB to add depth if they don't like Brohm, but I highly doubt they will go QB in round 1.

  5. First off after his performance last year i can't for the life of me understand WHY George Wilson was not the starting safety instead of Whitner anyway . Last year Wilson had as many tackles & interceptions in his play last year as Whitner did in his previous 3 years at the position .


    I would hate to see Whitner leave but i think it would be worse to let George Wilson go & his contract is up this year too . Wilson is a much more solid tackler & is as good if not better of a leader because he leads by EXAMPLE !!


    Whitner is probably looking for big money too & that wouldn't be bad if he had big play to go along with big contract but the Bills i think want to pay him according to his over all play not his big tweet promises on twitter !!!!


    And some one please tell me if i'm wrong but a lot of Whitners tackles i seem to see him turning sideways when he hits a guy instead of tagging him with his shoulder , if i'm seeing things please let me know but i seem to see that out of him a lot !!


    Please Bills sign George first then worry about Donte !!!


    I have been critical of Whitner's play all season long, but I must admit, I have been impressed with his play over the past four weeks. That being said, I agree that starting George Wilson would not be a tremendous drop-off in talent. George has proven to be more than capable at SS. I say let Whitner walk.

  6. Sounds like he was telling the Ravens fans to be thankful they have a winning team rather than a team that consistently loses. I don't see how that is a shot at Bills fans or Buffalo.


    Yeah, but why didn't he refer to Carolina or Cincinnati? Clearly, those teams are worse off than the Bills are right now. I guess the Buffalo Bills have created their own stigma of perpetual suckitude :sick: Perhaps we are doomed to be the punch line of every football joke until we make the playoffs a couple times.

  7. Hmmm...Where to start with this thought... :unsure:


    Ok...Luxury Pick...You do realize your talking about the same GM and Head Coach who selected a Running Back at #8 overall when they had one RB in-house coming off a 1000 yard Season, AND the other in-house RB was a former 1st Round Pick, #12 Overall just a few years ago? So with this bunch you can throw that "luxury pick" logic right out the window...


    Plus lets face the facts here...The assumption that we will Draft a Defensive Player in the 1st Round that is going to have some kind of incredible immediate impact is just that, an assumption...The 1st two Draft picks on the Defensive Side from the 2009 Draft have been average NFL Players...BJ Raji was the 3rd and he's been a little better than average...Aaron Maybin was the 4th...The Bills currently have a 6th Round pick (Moats) that's outperforming a #11 overall pick (Maybin) by a country mile...At the same position no-less...Even though the 6th Rounder was actually Drafted to back-up at a different position...So I kind of have to chuckle when I see the thought, and it's only a though at this point, of Drafting a QB as a luxury pick...Because without knowing how these Kids are going to play in the NFL, and realistically none of us truly knows, how can we possibly determine what is the right or wrong move ahead of time?


    So lets turn this around hypothetically...Lets say the Bills pass on Newton and take Fairley for example...Fairley goes on to be a decent player but struggles a bit with injuries...Fitz still plays well but never reaches that elite status...The Bills make the Playoffs once in the next 5 years...Meanwhile Newton goes to The Cowboys and in 3-4 Years has them in the Super Bowl...Everyone on this board knows what the general consensus would be...We passed on the star QB...How in the world could The Bills of all Teams pass on the star QB???


    Now that was a complete hypothetical, and you could turn it around just as easily...We take Newton, and pass on Fairley...Newton struggles vs NFL Defenses and Fairley becomes the next Bruce...What I'm getting at is this...Who really knows? And if you trust your Scouting Department you have to go with the consensus...If the consensus from this FO is Newton it's NOT a luxury because Fitz, as adorable and Fan friendly as he is, probably falls short of being an elite NFL QB...So if Gailey and Nix LOVE Newton there's no way they are passing on him and thinking it's a luxury pick...They're thinking he's the QB that is going to lead The Buffalo Bills to the Super Bowl in 3-5 years...That's all they're really thinking about...Just saying...B-)


    To the contrary, I don't believe you could consider the Spiller selection to be a "luxury pick." First of all...Spiller was irrefutably the #1 RB in the 2010 draft class. Secondly, I suspect that the front office knew that they had to address the RB position due to Marshawn Lynch's character issues, and his sub-par performance during the 2009 season. Marshawn was one screw-up away from a year-long suspension, and having 2 strong running backs is a necessity, particularly for a cold weather team like Buffalo. With that in mind, it is quite possible that Buddy & Co. felt that they were drafting a position of need, and also the best player available on their draft board.


    At this point in time, Cam Newton is not considered to be the top QB prospect in this draft class. I know a lot can change between now and the draft with regard to who declares/who stays in school, the combine, performance in bowl games, etc... That being stated, Cam could end up being the #1 QB prospect come draft time.


    I consider Cam Newton to be a "luxury pick" for Buffalo because we already have a good QB in Fitzpatrick, and we have much greater needs on defense. I agree that draft picks are always a gamble, regardless of their position. IMO, however, I would rather take a gamble on a guy like Fairley or Bowers than draft a guy like Newton who is likely going to ride the pine for 1-2 years.


    I would like to see this team make a run at the playoffs next season, and I see this as being entirely feasible with the right personnel moves.


    Mr. Hammersticks, Simply out of curiosity where did that "whose chair" diatribe under your postings come from? Every time I read it I laugh. :thumbsup:


    On YouTube, look up "drinking out of cups." Watch the clip with the little cartoon lizard. It's a sound clip of some crazy musician who is allegedly tripping-out on acid or something. The sound clip is sync'd to an animated lizard which makes it even more hilarious. The first time I watched it, my wife and I laughed and laughed until we were crying!


    Expecting immediate contribution from any draft pick is a recipe for disaster and disappointment.


    IMO, the fact that Fitz has proven to be a better-than-serviceable QB gives the Bills MORE ability to take Newton. With the full expectation that he will sit the entire 2011 season to learn the offense from 1. The best offensive/QB-minded coach the Bills have ever had, and 2. the 5th smartest athlete in all of professional sports.


    NOW is the time to get a young QB. No pressure to start him for at least another year, which could be stretched into 2 if need be.


    If we decide to go Dline, I'll be just as happy. I'm just saying I understand if we do pick him, and not to expect anything from him (or any other QB we draft) next year.


    My only knock on Newton is that he has only proven himself over 1 season.


    Agreed...but why do we need to draft a developmental QB in round one? I just feel that this team desperately needs to upgrade it's defensive front, and that a defensive lineman would be a much less risky pick than would Cam Newton.

  9. While I'm far from a Maybin fan I must agree; it seems as if everyone is just piling on. The sad thing is that Moats isn't the answer either as far as pass rusher goes! I mean he only has 1.5 sacks! While he has gotten a few more pressures the past 2 weeks its not like he has been consistent at it; I mean for 4,5 games I have watched him get manhandle the same way Maybin does by bigger OT. Difference is: Moats was given a chance to learn on the fly while Maybin rots on the bench.



    Maybin has been given plenty of chances, but he just hasn't proven that he belongs on the field. IMO...he is very poor in run support because he is not strong enough, and he is very limited as a pass rusher. He can't rely on his "initial burst and speed rush" on every single play!! NFL left tackles are far too athletic.


    Moats appears to be a good player. He's stout and strong, he's coachable, and let's face it....the guy just makes plays.


    I'm not ready to anoint Moats as the next James Harrison, but I certainly am optimistic that we have found our starter at OLB. Bye bye Maybin.

  10. Moats




    Compare it with the clip of Maybe (half way through) and listen to how STUPID Maybin sounds and looks





    Moats looks stout, quick, and powerful.


    Maybin has a scrawny lower body, and he kinda looks like Herman Munster when he runs...LOL!!

  11. I get why Cam is so appealing to many Bills fans. He undoubtedly is the the best college football player in the country. That level of talent is enticing, especially for a team that hasn't had much to be excited about in a very long time.


    My concerns is that Newton may not be the best NFL ready QB prospect, and that he would require 1-2 years of grooming before he deserved to be the starter. I really don't think that the bills have the luxury of spending their first round pick on someone who would not be an immediate contributor.


    I am concerned that he has not played in a pro-style offense...he currently plays in a shotgun spread type offense. I also am concerned about the character issues. Unless he is available in the 2nd round, which he will not be, I say pass on Newton. IMO....Fitz has proven that he is a more than capable starting QB, and he will only get better. Let's build around him.

  12. First, there's a difference between trading down and getting a guy like Spiller at 20-30 (range for guys like Felix Jones and Chris Johnson) and taking him at 9 overall.


    Secondly, for every Darren McFadden, there's 25-30 guys who suck their rookie year because their skills don't translate to the pros, they're injury-prone, or they have personal issues that prevent them from being good pros.


    Basically, if they suck their rookie year, there's a greater than 50% chance they're not going to work out. By year 3, it's about 100% chance.


    So, yes, Run DMc shows that it's not a foregone conclusion, but it's more likely than not that Spiller is not going to be worth a 9th overall pick at the very least.


    Sounds like you've reached a sound conclusion based on solid, statistical data. So what you're saying is that there is "a greater than 50% chance" that CJ Spiller is "not going to work out" because he didn't have a good rookie year?


    Please try not to make assertions, sighting bogus statistical data, when you really are just stating your opinion :thumbdown:

  13. 1. Nick Fairley DT/DE Auburn This guy is a Beast, plays with a mean streak and could be used all over the D-line.

    2. Greg Jones LB Michigan State Sures up the inside with Poz. Athletic, maybe a little undersized but still very effective against the Run.

    3. Dontae Moch OLB Nevada He could be gone by the middle of round 2 but if he's there he fills a big need.

    4. John Moffit OL Wisc. Interior Line Depth. Has really come on strong this year for Wisconsin.

    4. Derek Hall OT Stanford. More Depth on the O-line.

    5. Roy Helu RB Nebraska. Would be a nice insurance policy on Fred untill CJ proves he can carry the load. Would be a nice #3 RB.

    6. Andre Smith TE Va Tech. Very versatile TE who can actually run block. Can also play Special Teams and did for Frank Beamer at VT.

    7. Ryan Winterswyk DE Boise State. Not the Most athletic and doesn't really fit the 3-4 scheme but the kids just a football player. What the hell?


    Flame Away! :thumbsup:


    Love the Fairley pick, but like many other posters I don't think he will last until our pick. Greg Jones is a gamer. We need more players like him. Guys that leave it all out on the field. Love Dontae Moch, but again, he'll probably be long gone by our third rounder. Lastly, I'll take any offensive lineman from Wisconsin :thumbsup:

  14. I don't get it. Granted, Poz has looked lost on the field at times, but I have never heard anyone question his effort. So you are suggesting that he's "ramping up" his game at the end of the season so that he gets a bigger deal?

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