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Johnny Hammersticks

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Posts posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Wait until after the combine/workouts to make your final decision about Cam. The draft pundits and scouts will really dissect his game, and provide a more thorough evaluation of his NFL potential. What worries me about the kid (besides the character issues) is that he has never played in a pro-style offense. Athletic talent can only take a player so far....they need to have that "football IQ" that will allow them to adapt to the NFL (see Vince Young, Jason Campbell, Jamarcus Russell, and Dante Culpepper).

  2. Well this of course is just my opinion but I really think they will use the first pick to help the Defense!! The o-line actually functions well with Fitzs' fast release knowing where to get rid of the ball. Linebacker or a "Hellashish" pass rusher would be nice. Don't follow college ball. Any great rushers coming out this year?


    I really think they load up on Defense!


    There are a few other threads discussing this same topic. It seems that the defensive front-runners right now are Nick Fairley (Auburn), DaQuan Bowers (Clemson), and Marcell Dareus (Alabama).

  3. Lee Evans is making 8 and a half mil next year. That's too much, in my opinion. While, I wouldn't cut him, I say we trade him to a contending team. That money would be better spent in the trenches.



    Could be wrong, but I think he is scheduled to make a little over 4 million next season. That's pretty good value for a receiver like Lee Evans. I am in favor of trading him, however, if we could get decent compensation for him.

  4. any particular reason why you are leaving Darious off your list? Beast of a player that has actually played in a 3-4 defense



    Agreed....Dareus seems to be the best prospect of the three players. I was sold after watching the bowl game against Michigan State. I suspect, if he declares for the draft, that he will be the Bill's pick at #3. That is of course if we don't trade down a few spots. I would be in favor of this as well. We could stockpile some early draft picks, and still draft an impact defensive player.

  5. The offseason starts today for the Bills. The mock drafts are already flowing and fights over who the Bills need to add via the draft and free agency have already begun. But before the Bills front office can go out filling holes and working to improve the team it has to first fully evaluate the roster it already has. Part of that process is cutting the dead weight and moving on. So who would you cut from the Bills who is under contract for 2011?


    The first cut that came to my mind was Stroud. Simply put, this guys appears done. I would love it if the Bills took the non-gaurenteed money they are scheduled to pay him next year and try to get a better DE for the 3-4 or add it to a pile of cash and throw it at a true NT like Solari.


    Stroud, McCargo, Kelsey, & Maybin come to mind for me :thumbsup:

  6. We have him going #59 to the Saints. The Saints' Analyst says:

    "the Saints go marching with [upshaw] the "Terror of the Tide" at ILB to follow their previous DT selection. Yes, Vilma is a fine player but the Saints LB corps needs an injection of size and strength and Upshaw provides both, with athleticism to boot!"



    Thanks Astrobot...boy I would love to see this guy in a Bills uniform. Would he play on the inside or the outside in the 3-4?

  7. Another player I have noticed is OLB Courtney Upshaw (#41). He seems to be in on every play, and is known to be a good hitter. He's big too (6'2" 263). Anyone know anything else about this guy? I know he's a junior...wonder if he will enter the draft?

  8. He had play early in the game and just smoked the lineman and forces the QB to dump it early.


    I think Bowers may have hurt his Top5 status his so-so effort in his bowl game.


    Lets see if Dareus can make an impact in this game.


    He had a huge impact in the national championship game last year.


    He looks really good to me right now. He blows up the offensive line on just about every play. Very disruptive...and a little quicker than I thought. Dareus would definitely help to improve our run defense.

  9. Sorry Dre :thumbdown:


    I disagree that LT, NT, CB, and Safety are all greater needs than TE.


    Demeterius Bell is, and will continue to be our starting LT. We just drafted our NT of the future...he's a guy by the name of Torell Troup. Cornerback is perhaps our deepest position, and even if Whitner leaves we still have George Wilson to start at safety (I don't see much of a drop-off in talent there).


    As I stated in an earlier post...I agree that there are greater needs than TE right now. I will say, however, that to completely ignore the tight end position would be a great mistake. We don't even have to draft a TE...we could add one via free agency.

  10. No thanks. TE is the least of my worries and probably should be dead last in position of need right now.


    I disagree...this team has greater needs than TE right now, but to say that TE should be last on the priority list is just silly. We are VERY poor at this position right now, and adding a guy like Kendricks would give Chan another weapon to work with. IMO...Buffalo hasn't had a good tight end since Pete Metzelaars.


    To understand the potential value of the Tight End position, you should watch the replay of last week's game against the Pat's.

  11. Thought I would give props to the Orange for a hard fought win against K-state.

    (anyone know why the chose the name Orangemen?)


    They're actually called "the orange" now. I believe, but I could be mistaken, that their name has to do with the large settlement of Irish Catholics in Syracuse.

  12. For a dynamic game-changer like Lee, you'd think the Bills could poach a pick in the top 100 for him. :ph34r:


    Would trading him for a pick that could be translated into a Pat Angerer sort of player to help the defense from being useless against the run, do you pull the trigger?


    I think the answer to that question is a resounding....YES!! If another team is willing to part with a top 100 pick for Evans, with the young talent we have at WR, I imagine that Buddy and Chan will be helping him pack his bags.


    Take a cue from a more successful franchise (the pats). Get value for players who are on the downside of their career, and stockpile young players with those draft picks. This is the reason that NE has 8 picks in the first four rounds, and also the reason that they will continue to be dominant for the foreseeable future.

  13. He was only a junior this year I thought so no senior bowl. Obviously it only takes one team for him to go top 5 but seeing as Bryant fell to the 20s I could see Quinn falling just as far. FWIF If we lose this week and draft top 3/4, I wouldn’t take him unless we moved back.


    Brainfart....that's right Quinn is a junior. I agree that the safer pick, if we're drafting 3 or 4, would be to go with a player like Fairley or Bowers. I'm just saying that I wouldn't be surprised to see Quinn slip into the top 5 after the combine/team workouts. Teams will be drooling over his combination of size and speed. There certainly are risk factors involved, but (IMO) he truly is a rare defensive prospect.

  14. I'm not so sure that Quinn falls out of the top 5. Does anyone know...will he be able to participate in the senior bowl and/or the combine?


    If he has stayed in good football shape, he might be the 2nd or 3rd defender off the board. The guy is an exceptional player, and a physical freak. He could make it really difficult for teams to pass up on him come draft day.


    I know I often "gush" about Quinn on this board. Truth be told...I'd much rather have Fairley. He's the type of player that could significantly improve a defense.

  15. Don't you think Nick Fairly would be a good pick in the first round ?? He would help the D line pressure a great deal the kid is a HAUS !!


    Yeah...it looks like Failey will be long gone by the time we go to the podium. It really is too bad. IMO..Fairley's the type of player who could turn a below-average defense into a very good defense. He's a menace, an absolute terror. Is it just me...or does he remind anyone else of Warren Sapp? Maybe, like Sapp, he will test positive for reefer at the combine, and slide to our selection :thumbsup:

  16. Just wait until we get Danny Batten back from IR next year. ;)


    I really like what I saw from Batten in the pre-season. Has qualities similar to Moats in that he is a tenacious player who seems to "bring it" on every play. He is also known for his good character and leadership skills...good locker room guy. It'd be nice if we could slide him into that other OLB position. I think he would be best on the strong side because of his size and ability to play the run.

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