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Johnny Hammersticks

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Posts posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Rudy is down 1 more dog after the grueling 75 mile leg from the Rohn Roadhouse checkpoint to the Nikolai Village checkpoint. He left Nikolai in 47th place.


    Fairbanks local, and 4 time Iditarod winner, Lance Mackey is currently leading the race. Apparently, the mushers need to take a mandatory 24 hour and 8 hour layover during the race. Only one musher has taken their mandatory 24 hour layover.

  2. I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I'm sick of you fuggin people and your stupid smartphones. I wish all cellular phones still weighed 14 pounds and came with a shoulder strap. The next geek who asks me to check out their new "app" gets a :censored: corkscrew to the eyeball!!

  3. Hey! My dog had a raincoat, snowsuit, trenchcoat, and santa suit. And he liked them. He didn't wear them everyday though. Only when needed.


    Say it ain't so Jack...say it ain't so.


    Trenchcoat? Now that's just bad parenting :thumbdown:


    Take your eyes off the mutt for a minute, and he/she will be flashing little kids at the playground.

  4. http://a1.ec-images....ac7155f82/t.jpg






    I am definitely a cyber stalker. And no. I did not have that book marked. Just googled her name, this town, it lead me to myspace, then googled her myspace user name which took me to her twitter.


    Oh, and by reading the tweets, she is pregnant. I am trying to do the math right, she may have been 17, I know she was telling me she'd be 18 sooner then later...and doing the math, that would have been 2008, maybe 2009. That's 4 1/2 years ago. I guess she is 22 now.


    The first pic looks like an asian girl.

  5. Well there's always the red lantern award. Just completing that race is a hell of a achievement.


    Oh yeah, I think it would be amazing for him to finish the race.


    Rudy is back in action though. He pushed through the night, arriving with his team at the Rohn Roadhouse checkpoint at 12:51am. He then departed Rohn this morning at 8:25am, and now is mushing one of the more grueling legs of the race (so I have been told); the 85 mile trek to Nikolai which is the first native village on the Iditarod trail. Rudy currently has moved up to 40th place, and has a good chance to move up even further in the standings with a good run today.

  6. Pretty good news....after a 6 hour and 4 minute rest (the guy is 67 for chrissakes) Rudy departed the Finger Lake checkpoint with his 13 dog team, and arrived at the Rainy Pass checkpoint after a 4 hour and 58 minute trek. He hasn't left Rainy Pass, so I'm assuming he is staying over night there and will be leaving for the Rohn Roadhouse checkpoint in the morning.


    I was afraid Rudy might have dropped out of the race after such a long delay, so I was relieved to hear that he is pushing on. Rudy could make up some serious ground tomorrow, a many mushers take a 24 hour layover at the Rohn Roadhouse checkpoint before entering a long stretch of really treacherous terrain.


    GO RUDY!!!!

  7. Girls at the gym who jack the treadmill gradation as high as it goes, and walk...while holding onto the monitor, thus negating the incline altogether.


    Guys at the gym who walk over to the dumbbell rack, grab their dumbbells and proceed to do their exercise without moving, thus blocking anyone from accessing any of the dumbbells or replacing any of the dumbbells in the space in front of them.


    Guys who insist on grunting and groaning obnoxiously at the gym. We get it...you're feelin the burn buddy :thumbsup:

  8. Rudy has dropped back from 35th to 45th place. According to recent reports, he has yet to leave the Finger Lake checkpoint (has been resting there for over 5 hours). I'm hoping that nothing has gone seriously wrong for him. Losing 3 dogs from your team is tough to overcome. It would be great for him to at least finish the race.

  9. If Ennis doesn't pan out, there is no real plan B at the point. Kinda scary. Maybe we should hope that MCW stays.


    I don't think you have to worry about Ennis panning out...the guy is the real deal. Barring an injury to Ennis, we should be all set at PG next year. There still is a very outside chance of Cuse landing 4 star combo guard Rysheed Jordan from Philadelphia. He recently cut his list to St. Johns, UCLA, and Temple, but his interest in Syracuse has been long standing. He is not expected to make a final decision until late-April, and MCW leaving for the NBA could change his mind. Signing Jordan, IMO, would give Syracuse an embarrassment of riches at the guard position.

  10. I have no idea why Triche is such a polarizing player. On one side you have a legion of hyper-sensitive Gmac-like fanboys waiting to say "I told ya so, always loved him" after a good game @L'ville (I guess because he's local?). And on the other side is the "leadership" attackers (ie he doesn't talk enough but only brought up when he misses shots).

    OK whatever. Bottom line is he is an average Big East Guard, which means he has good and bad games and has compiled a great record by being on good teams.




    Ya I'm not going to miss those guys too much. Do they have anyone to play Guard next yr other than Ennis & Cooney?


    1. Michael "Silent G" Gbinije - Transfer from Duke. At 6' 7" he has the size to play the 3, and also the shooting talent to play the 2. He's a slasher who loves to drive and dish or take it to the rack and throw it down with authority. Very good outside shooter, and also an athletic guy who likes nothing better than to run the fast break. Also regarded as a good character kid who responds well to coaching.



    2. Ron "Buss" Patterson - 3 star shooting guard (many scouts say he has elevated his ranking after this prep season) who was formerly committed to Indiana. Needs some polishing, but I hear he is a pretty solid outside shooter and plays very well in the clutch. He's also a great defender with a 6' 10" wingspan...will look really good at the top of that zone. Very strong kid...think Paul Harris with a jumper.


    With Ennis holding down the point, I think we will have a pretty solid rotation of guards next year. Even more impressive is our incoming class of forwards highlighted by Lower Merion star BJ Johnson and Roselle Catholic's Tyler Roberson.

  11. My attempt at coming up with a semi realistic FA wishlist:


    WR: Brandon Gibson (he's 25 years old, and the beginning of his career was marred by injuries....had somewhat of a breaout season last year.


    S: Laron Landry (Still young at 28, and would bring an immediate "toughness" to our secondary. His connection with Pettine couldn't hurt.)


    LB: Larry Grant (49ers LB who played in the shadows of Patrick Willis. He played really well when Willis was injured in 2011.)


    CB: Sean Smith (Young, Big corner who would fit in nicely with Pettine's scheme.)

  12. I get what you're saying. Truth is I couldn't concentrate on the RT play because I was distracted by the QB missing open receivers and tossing game ending picks and our D giving up 200 yds on the ground every week.


    haha....you make a good point. Also, you nearly made me spit up my morning coffee all over my keyboard :lol:


    I certainly get the urgency to address LB/QB in the early rounds, unfortunately I don't see a LB or QB worth taking with the #8 pick (with the exception if Geno Smith). I see the "good value" picks in the top 10 being OL and DL. I think we're pretty well set at DL, so unless a guy like Milliner or Geno slides to #8, I could definitely see the Bills taking a bookend OT. That would solidify the position for the next 5-6 years. JMO :thumbsup:

  13. We have an OL. We have squat for QB and Lbs as all as a paper thin DB squad.


    I wouldn't be so sure....did you happen to watch our RT position this season? Not too great. Besides, it's all about BPA in round 1. I would say Milliner, Jones, Geno, or best OT available. If we do lose Levitre, Warmack should be considered as well.

  14. .....says the guy who just made a crude and childish remark about alcoholism among natives.


    So, you don't like it when people make cracks about others you happen to respect?

    Isn't that ironic........


    Don't ya think? You might even say it's like rain on your wedding day.


    Not crude and childish when they admit it them selves. They know they have a problem with alcohol and so does every one else.

    I was merely commenting on the fact that Johns post mentioned his friend needed a "nip".


    I was commenting on my friend, who is an Alaskan Native, who also likes to drink. Not condemning an entire culture of people.


    Now, those of us who live in Alaska are well aware that the native population struggles mightily with alcoholism (among other things). That's just a fact. Jim...you have to admit, however, that you are being a bit hypocritical in this situation.

  15. Don't know any of them. I do admire their guts and courage however and found the remark crude and childish.


    Fair enough Jim.


    Rudy successfully departed Willow with his team at 3:14 pm Alaska time. Hopefully he makes up some ground from his 38th starting position by the time he reaches Yetna (42 miles).

  16. It's hard to like anybody on the team not named C.J.


    Very true. In the past, Brandon Triche has been one of my favorites, but his complete failure to respond to his senior leadership RESPONSIBILITIES has caused me to lose all respect for him. He has completely folded under the pressure. If I were Boeheim (and many might chide me for this) I would bench Triche for the Depaul game and start Cooney at the 2. That might light a fire under his nuts.

  17. In the same vein, I am a walker, and when I'm walking I want to keep my pace/stride..........And, then you get the over-cautious drivers who get to a stop sign, see me 20 yards away from the crossing, and stay stopped.............WTF, do you think I'm going to all of a sudden become Usain Bolt and run as fast as possible and get hit by your car...........I will motion them to keep going, and if they are not total dumbasses, they will, and then I'll look to see where there car is when I actually do go across the crosswalk. About half a mile down the road..............Wow - that was a close one!



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