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Everything posted by angrygnome

  1. Sounds like the dog is really attached to you. Why don't you let him sleep in your room? I have a 3 month old puppy and he doesn't bark anymore I just put his crate in the bedroom. When dogs get really attached to one person they get upset when u leave .
  2. There's no denying that at all. The real losers here are the fans in Denver who ACTUALLY wanted to see the WWE live.
  3. I'm 23, maybe there has been in the past, but when the hell has anything entertainment wise ever happened at the Ralph other than a bills game? Besides your situation it ridiculous because WWE usually doesn't do shows outside, so they sure as hell wouldn't do one in buffalo in January/February. (Wrestlemania 9 and 24 were the only ones i remember, one was in Vegas the other in Florida) Secondly McMahon is throwing stones here. For those who know a lot about him and his business practices (used to be a wrestling addict, haven't watched the crap in 2 years) know that Vince loves to pull out of venues last minute. Hell he did it yesterday when the Pepsi center agreed to let McMahon tape Raw on Sunday so the Denver fans could still enjoy the show. But instead he pulled out and is doing the show at Staples Center. The Nuggets should have shown more faith in their team, and this would have never happened.
  4. I can not listen to Howard in the morning anymore because of him. I love Howard Simon, used to watch him on the Simoncast on Empire Sports. But Jeremy White is the biggest douche in the univerese. I remember an argument he and howard got into on the air a few years back; basically the espys gave the team of the year award or something like that to the Cletics I believe and Jeremy could not believe it didnt go to the 18-1 Pats*. He was even more infuraited that they werent even up for the award. Obviously the Championship teams were the only ones eligable and Howard tried to calm him down and explain to him that the Patriots* werent even the best team in their own league because they failed to win the super bowl. Jeremy then proceeded to throw a 10 minute temper tantrum and Howard just sat there and listened. If Howard assaults Jeremy White I will have no problem being a character witness in his defense.
  5. I think you have this or some variation of it. http://www.f-secure.com/sw-desc/toolbar_w32_mostofate.shtml These browser takeover crap are really hard to pinpoint and usually comes in the form of a toolbar add-on or something. If the link I sent you is the one you have you could probably get rid of it by deleting the registry keys associated with it. Or two free programs I recommend to everyone that are free are Lavasoft's Ad-Aware free version and Spybot search and destroy. This seems more like spyware and those are a solid place to start. Spybot Lavasoft Ad-Aware
  6. Gotta say more impressed with Buffalo Place Rocks the Harbor, I would go see Black Crowes, Mule, and Wallflowers in a heartbeat. Ok going to watch PCU now, back in an hour and a half.
  7. Pisa Visited the Bills per buffalobills.com Free agent linebacker Pisa Tinoisamoa visited with the Bills’ coaching staff on Thursday. The outside linebacker was the leading tackler for St. Louis in 2008 with 135 tackles as compiled by the Rams’ coaching staff. Tinoisamoa (6’1”, 230) has spent his entire NFL career with St. Louis, but was released by the club in a salary cap move last week. The six-year veteran has been a starter since his rookie season when the Rams made him a second-round draft choice. An athletic, fast moving linebacker, Tinoisamoa would be a good fit in Buffalo’s scheme. In fact the Rams drafted Tinoisamoa for a very similar defensive scheme to the one Buffalo runs now. St. Louis ran a version of the ‘Tampa 2’ system under their defensive coordinator at that time Lovie Smith. A member of that defensive staff during two of Tinoisamoa’s first three seasons with the Rams was Bills defensive coordinator Perry Fewell. Despite a couple of seasons compromised by injury in 2006 and 2007, Fewell sees the same player he remembers from his coaching days with the Rams. “He’s still that rangy, athletic linebacker that moves very well,” said Fewell. “Early this past season he was used mainly in coverage, but toward the end of the year he was used more as a blitzer. So that was an interesting added dimension to his game that we saw on tape. But yes, he has shown he is still a very productive player.” In his time with the Rams Tinoisamoa has played both on the strong side and weak side at linebacker. He turns 28 in July.
  8. The stupidest argument people can make about a player is the team he just came from was bad and released him. In today's NFL its all about systems, and if a player doesn't fit into that system (especially after a coaching change which BTW the Rams just did) then they're no longer good to them. Simple. Hell even the Lions who went 0-16 last year have at least 2 good players; WR Calvin Johnson and LB Ernie Sims. If either of them got cut this year due to their coaching change would you not want them because the are "A cast off of an 0-16 team?" I for one would give either of them a piggy back ride from Detroit to Buffalo if it were an option. I for one like Pisa and hope we sign him. Why? He's solid and fits OUR system. Then again I would be for anyone putting Ellison on the bench but this is the best option were gonna get unless one of our younger guys (Bowen or Harris) steps up. Just my $.02 p.s. still making the rounds at mighty taco and no sighting yet. P.s.s. Tomcat, I ate your 5 pack.
  9. Due to the fact I have made a vow to myself that I will not crack another David Patterson joke until I can look at his picture without laughing, I will not take a guess. Just gonna walk away and pretend I didn't read this.
  10. I'm canvasing the areas local Mighty Tacos and have nothing to report. Tomcat I have your six 5 pack of Mighty's.
  11. Sad to say I've watched most of the films listed in this thread, but to date there is only one movie that i have never been able to finish. Anger Management. Give me the wicker man any day of the week over that.
  12. I'm starting on a weight loss routine myself. The hardest thing for me I can tell is going to be the cutback of soda and iced tea. I am not picky about food; healthy/unhealthy it really doesn't matter to me but not being able to have my Coca Cola? Ouch. Anyone know off hand if DIET Arizona Iced tea/Sierra Mist Free/Diet snapple is OK to have every once and a while? They're all free of sugar, carbs and calories but have some sodium in them.
  13. Get the hell out of here! That's awesome!
  14. It has to be a smokescreen. Right? But I just cant figure out how making teams believe this would help posture the Bills so they can get the player they really do want. If this is true, like I said, I'm gonna be catching up on some yard work.
  15. I think if this happens ill check out of the draft early and enjoy some of this beautiful weather the Buffalo area will be having this weekend.
  16. Why yes /dev/null I love fishsticks. I like to put fishsticks in my mouth and eat them. Why do you ask?
  17. Nope. He was a third rounder in 2001 I believe. taken right after Ron Edwards and before Brandon Spoon. He's probably got some tread left but just gets hurt too often.
  18. Beauty pageants are the stupidest things in the world. Like I really care if the blonde with the nice rack is for/agianst gay marriage or can juggle. Just have them walk by once and pick the winner, its really not that complex. Even though I am pro gay marriage i would never chastise someone for their opinion even if i disagree with it. We all have a right to our own.
  19. What a horrible HORRIBLE mental image I have right now. Hillary... Just... No! Looks like I'm staring early today
  20. The blonde is Anna Farris and if you think shes hot do yourself a favor and rent "The House Bunny" its a Happy Madison movie and isnt that bad. It also has some sports cameos like Matt Lienart, Shaq.. and ESPN's Dan Patrick and Sean Salisbury of all people. I thought Knocked Up, Superbad and all those early Rogan movies were funny... But am I the only one getting a little tired of seeing Seth Rogan in every comedy?
  21. As a fellow Gnome I officially agree with the Above statement. But to add my own I would say John Frusciante the on again, off again guitarist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers is someone who is underrated. Just listen to the album "One Hot Minute" which had Dave Navarro of Jane's Addiction playing the six string after John Frusciante quit. The only decent song that album had was a cover of the Ohio Players "Love Rollercoaster" which graced the Beavis and Butthead movie/soundtrack.
  22. 1: Mark Sanchez: Jacksonville 2: Michael Crabtree: Cleveland 3: Brandon Pettigrew: Buffalo 4: BJ Raji: Bengals 5: Brian Orakpo: 49ers
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