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Everything posted by angrygnome

  1. Thank you Dr. Ramius, that's pretty much exactly what I meant. A thread/forum where we could discuss and suggest books that we have read; book collecting, where to get good deals on books etc. I was thinking it could be open to all genres of books, and of course sports books. Also, while we're on the subject if anyone in the Buffalo/Niagara area has not yet read the popular Baseball book "Game of Shadows" it is available at both of the Dollar Trees here in the falls. So if your interested and live near a Dollar Tree you should check to see if they have it as well. A good read for $1.08.
  2. I know there are a lot of readers on this board, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in forming a TBD Book Club? I think it might be cool so reply if your interested.
  3. Hey Ramius could you bio medically engineer the Bills a decent pass rusher? just asking.
  4. Got my puppy Bentley two months ago from the Erie county SPCA.. Mastiff/Shepard mix... gonna be one big boy! But it is without a doubt the laziest/best dog i have ever owned. Parents owned a Goldie when I was younger, it was a great dog.
  5. Went to high school with Flynn. Really down to earth dude along with his basketball skill, and actually took his classes serious. Which is more than I can say for other NFHS/Syracuse stars. I hope he succeeds.
  6. That's what she said. Seriously though people are getting pretty aggressive
  7. So you spite your father... by chopping off... I mean... How did this guy get from point A to point B?. Anyone?
  8. Hmmm. From the front page story of the very same website you cite, CONDEMNING the killing. "The sword belongs in its' sheath! We reject intentional abortion because every procured abortion is the killing of a member of our human family. The dignity of that little human person in the first home of the whole human race cries out for changing the unjust approach to giving protected status to intentional abortion in America. However, this dignity is present in all human persons, even those with whom we disagree and those whose actions we decry. The counsel of Malchus the servant speaks to all who have ears to hear! All human life has dignity! The reason Catholics and other Christians insist on a love of preference for the poor is because they have human dignity. The reason many of us reject capital punishment is because of the human dignity of even those who have committed crimes. The reason we insist that any act of war must fit a criteria of what is called a “just war analysis” is because we recognize the dignity, even of our enemies. The wrongful killing of George Tiller presents a ‘Malchus Moment’ for the Entire Nation. " No matter what the circumstance, you cannot acheive good by doing evil.
  9. Wow. Newsflash: Specialists make decent coin. An oral surgeon makes just as much if not more. So whats your point? He's even more "evil" because he made good money at his legal medical practice?
  10. You didn't even bother to give me an actual answer. Plus, you do realize that this killing did absolutely nothing to save babies, that the women who chose to go to this doctor will simply go to a different doctor right? Which is why this killing is completely meaningless to the murderers "cause." And i agree Connor
  11. May I ask your opinion of what the sentence should be for the man who Murdered him in cold blood?
  12. I already fully regret getting involved in this thread. But for what it's worth, I am not liberal, or conservative, democrat or republican. I like to hear both sides of an argument and make a logical decision based on what I believe not my party leader does. From that, because we live in a country where women have the right to have abortions if THEY choose, it in no way compares to the holocaust for the following reasons. 1. In the holocaust, people were rounded up agianst their will, and killed. 2. For a abortion to take place, a women makes a decision which is her RIGHT to make, goes to a doctor willingly, and the doctor performs the medical procedure on her. As you can see from these two scenarios, unless the doctor is going out kidnapping pregnant women and performing abortions on them unwillingly it is not the same. The reason why the abortion debate will never end is because of everyone's own opinion of when life actually begins. Conception? When the fetus is fused with blood? When and independent heartbeat is established? If you ask 100 people the answer will vary. The point is no one really knows one true reason, therefore decisions are made based on the scientific knowledge we have not the religious beliefs we have because of the reason above. If a person doesn't believe in god, they may believe there is no soul and therefore, just killing body tissue. If a person does believe in god, AND believes that life begins at conception, then may believe they are murdering. This is the reason I am for abortion laws, because everyone has the freedom do make a decision based on what the INDIVIDUAL believes in. If they believe conception is the beginning of life they have the right to keep their child just as much as the next person who doesn't believe has the right to choose. This debate will never end, but for now a women has a right to choose. So please, let this thread die and avoid three more pages of useless arguing back and forth. The best point of the topic was made already.
  13. The most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this board. That includes the 3000 SKOOOOBY threads floating out there.
  14. My favorite comment: "I am the TrollSlayer Phong Nguyen .. Poo Pon ...Whatever...Anyways, I will sword fight with you and your Ninja Clan and the TrollSlayer Clan will be victorious. We have been slaying Trolls since the beginning of time and our powers are endless ... Whats that you say ? The breakfast sandwiches are on special ... Im in route Phong Wong ...Oh Thank Heaven For 7-11."
  15. I did a report on him in a U.S History class I took in college about famous and forgotten Buffalo soldiers. Basically Mays and a few other soldiers were escorting a paymaster with $28,000 in gold and silver to pay troops around the Arizona territory. They were attacked by robbers and Mays and another soldier Benjamin Brown, showed great heroism by fighting them off then walking and crawling two miles to a nearby ranch for help before the robbers could come back for a second attempt. The two men recieved Congressional Medals of Honor for their bravery. Here is a couple good sites with some other info if you are interested. http://oldguardriders.com/mays.htm http://www.9thcavalry.com/history/mays.htm Enjoy. It's a real good story.
  16. The Chroise does not pay attention to the game clock.. The Chroise decides how much time is left.
  17. Anyone here watch ABC's Wipeout? It's a very simple concept that i cant believe made it into a second season. For those who havent watched it; people go through the obstacle course from hell that is designed to have then fall in hilarious ways. It sounds stupid but it is HILARIOUS. It does one thing, but does it very well. If you ever saw Most Xtreme Elimination Challenge on Spike TV its a high budget American take on it. For your viewing pleasure. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKALGKTgPwY
  18. Agreed. http://www.dreadcentral.com/img/news/nov06/bear.gif
  19. Free agent LB Pisa Tinoisamoa is expected to decide between the Bears and Bills. Buffalo has a bigger need on the weak side, but Tinoisamoa is more familiar with the coaches in Chicago. He's probably going to take a one-year deal. Source: Chicago Sun Times and rotoworld NFL frontpage
  20. Also just wondering, did u just get the dog? If you did he might be used to sleeping with people so he wouldn't feel safe sleeping alone. Also what does the dog want? To go outside or to not be alone? If you are set in not letting the dog sleep with in your room you need to just ignore the barking. I know its hard but if you give in and let him out or whatever then he will keep doing it because he knows eventually you will let him out. If its for attention even punishment (yelling or hitting the dog) will only reinforce the behavior. You need to be consistent and set up a schedule. Example; last meal at 9, walk and bathroom at ten then right to bed until you wake up. Hes two years old so he should be able to hold going to the bathroom overnight. It may take a week or two but as long as you are consistent and dont cave in he will get it that barking wont help him getting up early.
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