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Everything posted by mrags

  1. This we disagree with. Every team has injuries in the playoffs. Even if last year was an exception, the year before, and the year before, and the year before. Once is a fluke, 5 freaking times is what this coach is. A choke artist
  2. I’m really not. But it is what it is. Get on board with it I guess. Hope I’m wrong.
  3. Naw never played. I did play WOW for years though.
  4. No. He doesn’t take the heat for that. He takes the heat for pushing too hard. Being successful, and then when a big game matters like the chiefs game this year in the playoffs he goes right back to his old ways. It’s infuriating.
  5. I was more making a point about him than singling you out. My point is still that if we’re so short on leadership and captains that we’re taking guys in the draft and hope they become that were in trouble.
  6. lol. I came here for the same. D&D.
  7. If we’re expecting some 3rd rd rookie to come in and be a team leader and captain in his rookie year; we have more problems than I thought.
  8. Omg he absolutely has a bend but don’t break defense in important games and in the playoffs at the end of games. That’s 13 seconds to a T. He’s done it multiple other games as well. He did it firing the season this year (can’t remember the game) and then did it again against the chiefs in the playoffs this year. He continues to make the same mistakes coaching. Doesn’t learn from his mistakes. It’s absolutely frustrating.
  9. I am not a fan of drafting these players as early as they do with the speciation that they will be rotational players. It’s more on my dislike of mcduppie using his 13 man rotation on game days on the DL that bothers me. He’s every team rotates; not to the extent that McD does. He believes it works because it keeps guys fresh. This is a false argument. You get good players at positions and you keep your playmakers in the games when it matters most. and I am perfectly fine picking guys off the street that are bagging groceries to come in and battle for backup to the backup roles. Naw. It was stated that EVERY TEAM passed on him 3 times. This is a false.
  10. The browns didn’t pass on him three times. They only had 2 picks
  11. That point goes both ways. The other argument is we have continued to throw defensive pick after defensive pick and FA after FA and we still can’t stop teams when it matters. I have a hint for you. It’s not a lack of talent in the defense. It’s between the ears of our idiot head coach
  12. Won’t happen. They see things the same. Even if they didn’t, mcdouche holds more weight with Terry Moneybags than Beane.
  13. It’s funny because of your screen name. lol
  14. I liked McCaffrey but shocked he went rd3. Think he’s getting the name recognition here. Shocked he’s gone before some of these WRs
  15. I agree 100% and the biggest reason I want mcdouchnozzle gone
  16. This is exactly where I’m at. Cuz defensive has worked so well for us so far
  17. Ok we’re up. Look for us to trade the pick for all the 7th round picks in the draft
  18. Getting close enough. Use a 6th and get your guy. You pancake eating MFer
  19. I do like McMillan a lot too Huh?
  20. Something is def odd. For months we’ve seen him go as high as first rd to no later than the 50s generally in mocks
  21. Am I behind! I just got Arizona picked
  22. Cmon Beane. You literally waste extra picks all the time on moving up for guys like Elam and you can’t move up for a WR that you need!!!! Waste one of those 5th or 6th rounders and let’s go
  23. Edit. They just said he’s still there.
  24. I think Wilson went in rd2. Idk
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