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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I had a half day refresher course today for a certification I have and the class was in Berkeley. I went geocaching the rest of teh day and got home a little while ago. I saw a bunch of Obama stickers and carscovered with tons of very mean bumperstickers . The one that are plastered with all the bile are usually old faded Volvo station wagons. You don't see many Republican stickers in the area because the immature dims/libs go and key your car if you have one.
  2. I hate it when morons can't see that we are fighting Islamofascists to preserve our way of life.
  3. How about 2004 when you enlightened , compassionate libs called Laura Bush a murderer? And since when is quoting someone's own words an attack?
  4. Saw Biscuit at The Pentacle in Depew one time. His shoulders were so much wider than his thin waist. That's why he could bring down those running backs easily. Was in Seattle barhopping with a bunch of Bills fans the night before the game and we saw Thurman in one of the bars. He was out with the bruised kidney at the time. At the 2001 San Diego game, Steve Christie showed up at the Bills Backers large tailgate. He was there to ask Butler for a job (had been cut just before the opener). He was very nice and posed for all pictures and signed all autographs. One of the people in our group let him sit in their folding chair in return for an autograph on the chair.
  5. The problem is that people who wanted a home, but had no business getting a loan , got them. For pete's sake, they were giving loans to illegal aliens.
  6. I'm going to be niggardly by having a picnic with only oreos for a meal.
  7. Funny thing is most dims care more about their party and not about the well being of the country. The oil companies make less profit (by %) than most successful companies. And most of their profit is from overseas.
  8. You have lost your man card and will be permanently blocked from getting it back! Start scheduling the sex-change operation NOW!
  9. Use Firefox instead of Internet Exploder. It will underline misspellings, but won't catch the to-toos, your-you'res and there-theirs.
  10. Sometimes when I'm inspecting apartment complexes for my job, I have to us a Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae template for the reports I write. They are a PItA. Athey are quasi-governmental now. It would be even worse if they are completely governmental.
  11. Design porn sites? Flash works on computers- has to be programmed doesn't it? To me, a non IT person, web site designers are programmers. I learned BASIC and FORTRAN thirty years ago and used punch cards for that in the intro to computing class at UB. Didn't you see my smiley face? Politicians= scumbags , unions + labor council = the mob. Haven't you ever heard of the laborer's union in Buffalo? Tony Soprano?
  12. This station immediately went to #1 in SF! The Mama Mia movie is sure to be #1 also there. Beerball, turn in your man card.
  13. The idiot should talk to Neil deGrasse Tyson , the Director of the Hayden Planetarium in NYC. He is also on NOVA on PBS (saw him yesterday) and happens to be black. His recent book is titled "Death by Black Hole". Maybe the councilman thought he said "Black Ho's"?
  14. They are planning to possibly closing down most plants around and in Beijing during the Olympics if the pollution is as bad as it was this week. The USSR and the eastern bloc was the worst until the USSR broke up. I remember seeing in National Geographic a town in Romania I think, that had a layer of soot on EVERYTHING because of the nearby coal mine and plant. It was actually impossible to dry any clothes outside because of te soot.
  15. The President should get on TV and tell the Congress "I'm the F'n President of the USA and I'm the F'n Commander in Chief. I run the military. If you don't like it F You!" That's the kind of honesty we need in government. Tell every idiot to Eff- off
  16. So you're a programmer for scumbags and the mob? I was in biotech, but now do environmental site assessments. When a bank loans $ for commercial property or apartment complexes, they cover their asses and make sure it isn't a chemical cesspool. I go to the site and observe if there are any environmental problems (hazmat, petroleum, asbestos, etc) with the property and the surrounding area. At least I think you aren't Molson- he wouldn't tell anyone, but you are might close to him.
  17. Tell us what you do then, or are you going to avoid the subject ?
  18. Besides terrorists, Condit is probably the only one glad that 9-11 happened.
  19. Yes it is a bad job if one can determine it was faked pretty easily. There have been many other incidents such as extra smoke over Lebanon to make it look like Israel bombed a lot more things when they were protecting themselves.- the cloning of the smoke was crudely done, and the "bomb magnet" woman.-A woman in the same pose wailing that her house was destroyed in two different cities. The western media just print these without looking at them because it makes Israel and the west look bad. Same thing with the Bush National Guard documents Dan Rather said were real. It took people sitting at home in their BVDs less than 30 minutes to prove they were produced with Word and not typed back then.
  20. Go to Little Green Footballs for evidence. Of course, the lame stream media does not question another fake. LGF is also the site that exposed the Rather docments as fakes.
  21. Jessie said "I wanna cut his nuts off" and made a motion like he was doing it. Isn't threatening a candidate for president something the Secret Service should be looking into.
  22. Condit just had his case charging Dominic Dunne with slander thrown out of court. An article said that he had moved from the CA Central Valley to Arizona and ran two Baskin-Robbins stores. He failed in that and the company took back the franchises.
  23. A "dirty bomb" is a conventional bomb that spreads radioactive material, making an area radioactive. A fertilizer bomb with yellowcake in it would do that. A A fertilizer bomb with a cobalt source from medical equipment could do the same thing. The yellowcake is radioactive. It needs a lot of purification to make it suitable for fission. Hence all the centrifuges we found in Iraq.
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