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C-zone Umpa

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Everything posted by C-zone Umpa

  1. I didnt get to see much of him last fri during his first day in camp but I'll tell ya the kid is electric. He was continuing on after the "contact" was made, running hard and his cuts are damn fast and clean. It's been a while since I felt this way bout a Buffalo Bill, well maybe when T.O. breathed a sense of life when he was signed I did but, S*#& beats the dungeon of Jauron. I hope this kid is something special. Just to shut the national media up or give them something positive to say for once. GO BILLS!
  2. It amazes me that, actually it don't w/ our politicians, our stadium is not on the waterfront! I truly do not understand why this was never a priority. If anyone has ever been to Chicago, Cleveland or any other damn lakeside city they would appreciate the frustration here. It is nauseating that there are historic battle ships sitting in a harbor w/ a delapitated grainmill next to them falling w/ time. Not to mention the ten other mills scattered and tainting that waterfront. Hey but some idiots in Hamburg are worried bout the wind mills. We have a gorgeous waterfront w/ nature reserve and a damn thruway along it. The old Freezer Queen plant is rotting along w/ (I believe its vacant) the cement plant, the old Fr Baker's, and many other rotting concrete eyesores. I understand the concept of cost and the damn state goverment's fiscal irresponsibility and not to mention the only reason the Bills are profitable is due to the fact that Ralph owes nothing on the stadium now but come on. They're screaming to develop the waterfront well hell.............why wouldn't you use the heart of this area to build off of?? My Sunday morning coffee frustration!
  3. That was worse............. Orakpo was definitely a name everyone heard, same as Spiller. It took a while to wrap my head around it but he was the best player on the board I get that but Maybin??? That was a travesty!! Unreal........it proves how senile Ralph is when that happened. I hate Jauron more than watching SB 25 for 12 hrs straight.
  4. I didn't read any of this thread..................all I can say is AMEN!!!!!!!!!
  5. NO WAY!!!!!!! He is a schlep half-ass cancer!!!!!!
  6. I think we all need to sit tight w/ the QB apprehension. Although, I too am frustrated w/ the lack of a LT to be drafted. We have to assume that there is something else going on there. I cannot imagine Nix, and the run savey Gailey ignoring the desperate need to fill that gap. With that being said, We have 3 QBs on the roster. IMO you need to let Edwards & Brohm duke it out. Yes, the BS talk of salvaging Edwards is just like having mamma bird ram our regurgitated dinner down our throats but we have him signed, TO is gone, we are not making the playoffs again so give him a gut check & see what happens. Fitz is a career back up. If he stays he stays. Now Brohm...................this kid has talent. He threw for over 4000yds @ Louisville, he was a Heisman candidate, had over 155 QB rating every yr and hes a big durable kid. I kept getting texts furious why the Bills didn't draft Clausen, then McCoy.......we have a great young kid in the barn. I love his mechanics too. I think this kid beats Trent & Fitz out hands down!!! Still cant believe he was behind Flynn in GB.
  7. I dont know..........you look at it at face value & say "Hell Ya!" but I believe Boldin is only set to make 3mill next yr and Whitner stands to make over 5 mill so IDK if a draft pick would even come into play except to entice. It would save money & I think its pretty much common knowledge the wiggle room is with Whitner for trade. IMO it still goes back to the fact that no matter who we have under center (which is still another bag of worms) they still cannot get the ball to a man with magnetic gloves & a steel football with the severe lack of protection w/ the O-line. Besides Boldin wants to go to a contender not severely anemic offense with a totally unproven coaching staff & a baffling front office.
  8. Would hate to see Bellichek revive him........not a far fetched idea.
  9. Apparently Matt Moore from Carolina is not recieving a deal so far and I think the Bills should REALLY & SERIOUSLY make an attempt to sign this kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stepped in & looked GREAT!!
  10. Its true though, as much as it hurts, and as much as it stinks ITS TRUE!!!!!! We have become the joke of the NFL especially after Jauron's crappy calls, the idiotic moves w/ the O-line & the pathetic list of IR additions from last yr.
  11. I dont like it. Seems too inconsistent & in need of a specific enviroment to be successful. Kinda like Trent! Not much ability to adapt. I think that Brohm needs a good look. I like his release, he seems confident. All this derived from the short time we saw him play but still needs more of a chance IMO. Lets not forget that GB tried to keep him & that Merrill Hodge was super high on this kid during the draft. Just a thoght.
  12. Joey Porter gone in Miami, Vick being talked bout all day on WGR. Can we really go wrong w/ either?
  13. Kinda scenic compared to Military Rd, Abbott Rd, S. Park, Grider, Humboldt, Genessee, but hey we have a world renown art museum, a great med school, the philharmonic, & the falls. OOOOO SH&$ cant forget all those beautiful grain mills downtown & the sexiness up Fuhrman & Rt 5 (but the windmills are the eyesore). God if the politicians of the last 50 yrs havnt ruined this town.
  14. Obviously we are awaiting a whole coaching staff but who would you like to see w/ our 1st pick? Or who/what would you trade for?
  15. I stand corrected then. It seemed that they were still getting into the secondary and there were still missed tackles at the line.
  16. Idk if I can go on feeling so ill of our team. I think to win we have to put the disappointment behind us and take what we can from a hard fought, heartbreaking loss. GOOD 1. The O-line shocked me. For the most part the played pretty damn well. Levitre & Wood played up to expectations. Bell, well he did the best he could and I guess he gets a pass for his mistakes. I am still impressed. 2. Maybin is a phenomenal athlete & they need to play him more!!! 3. AVP is doing his job well!! I am ecstatic that not only did they run screens but they did it effectively! I think they need to try to go deep more but TV only allows so much of a down field view so who knows what was available. 4. Edwards showed us he does have a set of balls!! Instead of the checkdown he ran. NO INTs EITHER!!!!I am not giving up on him yet. Jim Kelly on the sidelines is a great thing, not only for Trent but for the future of our Bills 5. Freddy Jackson is the real deal also 6. Ellison made alot of ppl eat their words, myself included. He should of had tighter coverage on that winning TD though. 7. WE FINALLY GOT PRESSURE ON AN OPPOSING QB & DID IT CONSISTENTLY BAD 1. TO needs to get in game shape. He was mouth breathing early and it affected his hands. 2. We need to stop the run....the downfall w/ Ellison 3. The loss of Poz is gona hurt unless they can muster up another effective LB. This could be the downfall of the season 4. Jauron 5. Have to correct the penalties. I suppose all we can do is hope for some confidence! You win when you believe you will. Free your mind, your ass will follow!
  17. Its not the talent, I expect players to make mistakes, although Edward's "smart" play has been anything but smart. I'd term it "nutless". My true feeling on this team is that it REEKS OF HORRIBLE COACHING!!!!!! Jauron is a gutless, clueless idiot. I have no faith in him. If Schonert was expecting to start a successful career its not happening under Jauron. Perry Fewell & that 4-3 is a joke. If the Bills are gonna rebuild they need to start up top. Throw Brandon back in F'n marketing, GET RID OF MODRAK! Ten years of sub mediocrity!!!!!!!!!! Hey but then again us NYers put up with what government does why should we be not expected to swallow this.
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