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C-zone Umpa

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Everything posted by C-zone Umpa

  1. Dont want either of them on the team also!!
  2. I disagree.....the true talent in FA is only "available" the first wknd. That is why the first wknd is such a scramble. They got a center----cool...a versatile lineman....now lets see if the next 24 hrs is to prove what we were promised in December.
  3. I know it is only 16 hours into FA period but I must say I am quite disheartened with what the Bills are doing right now!! It is unamimous as to what our needs are; center, D-line, another reciever, another O-lineman, & TE (not in that particular order, everyone has a different desire as to what they wanna see happen) So why are the Bills entertaining players in position as running back and backup QB??? It is kind of insulting I go back to the last few weeks of the season to the uproar over Dick Jauron's retainment as head coach...Ralph made his decision, Dick took responsibility and assured us all of our needs would be met.....well are they really being met? Coles, in my opinion, is not a fit here especially for the money he is gonna want. Why in God's green earth is are the Bills talking to the likes of Fred Taylor? Even considering Marshawyn's legal trespasses we had the best dual back tandem in the league last year. I am 100% confident that Freddy can carry the load through Lynch's potential suspension. Fitzpatrick??? Why now? deal with the backup later.......the talent is out there now for the positions we NEED NOW!!! I appreciate depth at the QB position and Hamdan is there and officially JP is still here. DEAL WITH IT LATER. Pull Testeverde out of retirement in the stretch if need be. OK..............a guard is in town...and a backup guard on from Denver on Fri. This is baffling...again we were promised our ailments would be tended to. Jason Peters is a priority, whether it be a trade deal of signing before a hold out. Why the F&^* has this not been even mentioned??? I am just an everyday schmuck, I am no NFL scout, or agent, or team exec but I see this as the perpetuated smoke screen the Bills throw at the best fans in the league.....but like Pavlov's dog we all come running to the dish when that bell is rung. I cannot shake the feeling that we are being run through the gamet just to be heartbroken in December again. I just pray that we are all in for a late Xmas gift.
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