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Everything posted by billsfanone

  1. Passing to Shelton won't fool anyone. Even if it does, so what, it gets 3 yards max.
  2. I like how the CBs play 10+ yards off the ball.
  3. Yeah. firebombing of abortion clinics is a frequent event.
  4. Mularkey blows. How many Shelton passes for zero yards can fans stomach? Or today's dandy to Shelton that went the other way. Shelton passes are a running joke we have. Proves Mulakey is an idiot.
  5. The reason we see less is because they are not as hot.
  6. A bunch of us are gathering at Tracks in Penn Station. I'm not sure how many single ladies will be there though... $50 all you can drink beer, wine, and food from 9-1. http://www.nycbbb.com/emails/2005/122905.shtml http://www.tracksbargrill.com/about.html
  7. If they'd wear shorts, I'd watch.
  8. I'll be there. NYCBBB is throwing a tailgate in 16C. http://www.nycbbb.com/features/jetstailgate.shtml
  9. One of our Backers was silenced! http://cybermessageboard.fatcow.com/nycbbb...0d8d99fc2ebed39
  10. http://www.nycbbb.com/images/giants03/10.jpg Remember 16C is the place to be.
  11. You fellas joining forces with NYC Backers? Lot 16C! I'm going to wear a bag on my head.
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