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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. I believe he is still alive!!! Stupid is attacking someone with a rifle, or a shotgun for that matter (Ahmad Aubrey) He is still alive!!!! You can't fix stupid
  2. So you think he should ignore a lawful order from an officer? What were the police supposed to think he was reaching for, a bag of skittles?
  3. When they ignore a lawful order from an officer and reach for a weapon, yes.
  4. Fire until the threat is neutralized. I wasn't there and from the video can't see what the officer saw, but as long as he was trying to retrieve the weapon I would fire. Maybe he should have obey the lawful command of the officer?
  5. https://www.wired.com/story/solar-panels-are-starting-to-die-leaving-behind-toxic-trash/?utm_source=pocket-newtab Well no kidding
  6. He was running from the crowd. When the police say stop you really should stop.
  7. https://www.revolver.news/2020/08/new-york-times-confirms-kyle-rittenhouse-self-defense-argument/?fbclid=IwAR3q4OxX-l8pcNMYEKY8aj2GjUw5hnQRTOPSfBmEvdnpyTLU_XwJ-Da8rlg
  8. No the assault on his person justifies the shooting.
  9. Well, did she really need to wear those tight pants?
  10. The problem isn't affecting the people the reaction by a few turds is. Trump tried the dem govenors/mayors wouldn't let him, now they are begging for help The FBI is arresting them, and the marxist news is claiming it is abductions.
  11. most are no for me, would have to have the blond turn around, the one on the far right is a yes
  12. Anyone that has been to a walmart or target in the last 6 months
  13. Bottom line, stopping flights from China kept 1.5 million Americans from dying from the Kung Flu.
  14. Brine Ingredients One quart apple cider (Juice is OK too) 1/4 cup of kosher salt or 3 tbs. of canning salt 2 bay leaves – crushed 1 clove of garlic – crushed 1/2 teaspoon Peppercorns – cracked or 1 tbsp ground black pepper Goose or Duck 1 to 1.5 lb of duck or goose breasts - skinless Container Glass is best, plastic (Tupperware) is OK too Process Mix all ingredients – making sure the salt dissolves. Soak duck or goose for at least 2 hours, but 12 hours is best. After brining, rinse duck or goose and pat dry with paper towels. Place in 210 – 215 degree smoker – I prefer pecan or alder wood, but hickory or oak work fine as well (they're just a little stronger). Smoke for 4.5 – 5 hours. Allow to cool a bit, and put into the refrigerator. Eat Eat it cold. Slice thin for Charcuterie with a game sauce like Bronco Bob's Raspberry Chipotle Sauce! Slice thin for sandwiches with cheese, mustard and mayo. Lasts a week or so.
  15. Big difference between optimism and incompetence. cuomo killed people. Trump saved 1.5 million.
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