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Gary M

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Everything posted by Gary M

  1. It was a debate!!! Why not say "bedfellows" oh thats right #heelsupharris slept with a married Willie Brown to get ahead (pun intended)
  2. I don't support you, have you seen the pee tape yet? And Kevin Clinesmith is still on line 1 for you.
  3. Better trade deals, less wars, booming economy (prior to covid),
  4. When? because democrats refuse to stop it, and in some cases encourage it.
  5. I don't think they are idiots, they are intellectually dishonest. They refuse to see the facts, jump from one argument to another and ignore anything that disrupts their narrative. And when all else fails they play the race card.
  6. actually that is the only thing you have right. POTUS can not do anything about the rioters until he is asked by the governors. He is working within the constitution. Are you suggesting he should ignore that?
  7. https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/25/jacob-blake-shooting-white-house-says-evers-turned-down-federal-help/3439506001/ https://www.npr.org/2020/06/02/867565338/governors-push-back-on-trumps-threat-to-deploy-federal-troops-to-quell-unrest https://www.voanews.com/usa/democratic-governors-reject-trumps-call-send-military Democrats own the mess they have allowed.
  8. has anyone yet figured out why NFL players aren't putting Harvey Weinstein on their helmets?
  9. and the shutdowns continue without any indication of when governor cornholio will set us free.
  10. gubment employees don't work weekends, it's in their union contract. So if you die on a weekend you get counted some time Monday, after coffee.
  11. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-joe-biden-should-not-concede-on-election-night-idUSKBN25L2FJ
  12. https://nypost.com/2020/08/26/cnns-don-lemon-warns-dems-about-ignoring-riots-nationwide/ “I think Democrats are ignoring this problem, are hoping that it will go away,” Lemon told fellow anchor Chris Cuomo during his 9 p.m. Tuesday handoff. “And it’s not going to go away.”
  13. That's why America is Great, you can choose to stay home and Kyle can choose to do something. And as a father knowing my children I am not sure that I could stop them, so I would make sure they were prepared.
  14. Why? he was well within his rights to be there, and he seemed very prepared for the situation. I hope that I am never in a situation like that, but if I am I hope that I can stay as levelheaded and controlled as he was. Are you okay with 3 felons rioting, or where they stupid too?
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