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May Day 10

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Everything posted by May Day 10

  1. that is going to be so great when this is no longer hanging over our heads. Golisano isnt a bad owner at all. He goes away. He wanted the Sabres to be viable or near viable, and he spent the maximum amount he could while achieving that goal. The Bills easily make money and I could see Golisano increasing $ out if the team's balance sheet matches what it normally does with Ralph. The problem is Quinn was the President and likely would in a Bills scenario (unless he just doesnt want the stress which is likely based on his health). Quinn was too hands on it seemed and it truly bungled things up and resulted in the complete dismantling of that 95-97 team. But sign me up if Golisano is the owner and Russ Brandon is the President. As long as Brandon is completely overpowered by the personalities of the Football side.
  2. At this point in time, I like: Luck, Moore, Foles, and L. Jones
  3. I think a team in Toronto would be a success. The city is huge, affluent, and growing by the day. I really think if they have their own team, it will be supported and there will be a lot of hype around it. This 'sharing' arrangement is silly. With that said, there is no reason the NFL shouldnt expand to LA and Toronto. Of course this takes away threats to milk the public for dollars.... but cmon, there is room at the table for everyone.
  4. how awesome would it be if we had Todd Collins?
  5. I think he is pretty good. I really fear the return the Eagles will want though and I dont think it is worth it, as opposed to Fitzpatrick, and maybe a good drafted QB next season. I also really enjoy rooting for Fitzpatrick
  6. unlikely. However, I wonder if they are planning on making a move for Kolb.... if they dont already have some sort of agreement in place.
  7. I heard Buddy Nix yesterday on Shredd and Regan and he said similar things about drafting one of a couple 'potential franchise quarterbacks' vs waiting and drafting one of the other guys who you hope end up as good as fitzpatrick.
  8. I dont really have an opinion on him. I do believe there seems to be about a 90% chance he is the pick at #3
  9. i know I would be complaining up a storm if it went the other way.... so Ill say, Im glad they made the Toronto game the most worthless home game.
  10. that looks like a tough schedule (at this time)
  11. great. a bunch of 1:00 games. would 1 primetime game be too much to ask?
  12. I am usually pretty 'turned off' at this point anyways so its tough to gauge. The draft will be a nice test, because I usually watch a good chunk of the draft coverage. But then I turn myself off again until I realize that Training Camp is starting in a couple days. Im not too angry about the lockout I guess. The Sabres are occupying about 95% of my sports attention. Cleveland Indians winning 8 in a row is taking up the other 5% I guess if its the 1st or second week of september and Im not buying tailgate supplies Ill be a bit P-O'd
  13. it is a lot bigger than the win or the playoff run. It is the optimism, improvements with the organization, respect for the fans and the alumni, mandate that profit is not the motivation, etc...
  14. The Sabres are my primary team I would say. Im a big Bills fan, but Im a bit more into the Sabres. It has always been that way for me. This past few months have been a dream come true as a fan. I dont think I have ever been so optimistic and excited for a sports team in my life. It would be very possible to do this with the Bills. Even with the current roster. Even this season we saw a possible 0-16 team emerge as a real threat to any team. They learned how to win and succeed. Need a little more experience, luck, and skill. Pegula came in and said right out of the box that this organization is going to be a champion. Then instead of firing everyone and demanding a full roster overhaul, not much changed. The players in place realized that they are part of this Stanley Cup vision and have really played like they believe in themselves. Just the attitude from the top down made the team one of the best in the NHL. If someone bought the Bills and had that attitude, it would be a different story. It kind of bothers me that the media, fans, and even organization's goal is to 'make the playoffs'. I am guilty of this too. I wish that we would hear our owner speak with confidence about creating a top flite Super Bowl winning football franchise.
  15. I dont believe it. Im a close follower of the Sabres and this guy has been eating and breathing Sabres since he has been introduced as owner. He has even diverted off and gone to a Portland game (at least 1). He has driven everywhere too. I know most billionaires can walk and chew gum at the same time, but it doesnt seem like he would be in the market for the Bills at this point. If this was when the dust settles and over the summer I wouldnt be overly skeptical... but the timing now seems like too much. I 100% believe he doesnt give the Bills much thought at all at this time... and he is happy as happy can be owning the Sabres as a family business. I do believe down the road, once he is intertwined a bit more in the community and the time comes that the Bills are in jeopardy in Buffalo... he would be willing to join a group to save the team.
  16. I worked for the Bills years back and it was a good company to work for. People are made to feel like they are valued there, and outside of entry level positions (and hot seat coaching positions), there isnt much turnover at all. It was nice working for RW's company, and Brandon (although I loathed the idea of him in a GM role) was a good guy to run the show from an employee standpoint. Most front office employees get reduced hours over the offseason/summer anyway as there is less to do in lot of roles. A lot of things are probably in holding pattern for now, so Im sure the reduced hours will be extended... especially if the training camp extravaganza is in jeopardy.
  17. Ill probably wait until after the Super Bowl next season so I can have the updated model with the Championship listed on the back
  18. i feel fine about it now. Dont care. but in September, if there arent Bills games to attend, it will be a little bit of a bummer.
  19. Im in Philly too. You cant watch the local news without seeing the over-the-top fellating of the guy, which is irritating to me.
  20. The smart move was Vick bearing down and playing some good football for a season. People in Philly arent too upset he is getting that money. They believe he gives them a legitimate shot at winning it all. I agree that the way he plays is high risk for big injury in today's NFL. I will be interested to see Vick's actions once he gets some money under his feet. Its one thing to go around and mutter that dog fighting is bad, then sign autographs for some kids... but it would be a whole different thing if he took a large sum of money organically and started something to improve the lives of dogs affected by stupid actions such as his own.
  21. Thats a great idea. A number of guys in our tailgate are UB alum and maybe we will do this for a few games.
  22. Im on board with that concept. Was never a fan of te white charging Buffalo helmet, but these look sharp with the whole package
  23. I gotta say, I dont get Phoenix. Dont really get Atlanta either. A championship in the last 20 years should be a disqualifier. I would say 1. Buffalo 2. Cleveland 3. Seattle
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