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Everything posted by thewildrabbit

  1. Any coaches on sale at Walmart out there,if so Ralph will find and hire them Seriously though with Marv Levy's hand picked coach about to fail here I have a tough time understanding why he hasn't tried to help him ?
  2. IN NFL.com today post"Jauron hears Jeers" For someone who appeared secure in keeping his job following a 5-1 start, Jauron's tenure is suddenly uncertain as he completes the final year of his contract.
  3. Per BuffaloBills.comBills head coach Dick Jauron said Marshawn Lynch was limited in practice due to back problems. “Marshawn had back spasms so that kept him out for part of the practice,” said Jauron. “When you have back spasms you have trouble bending and about anything at all. He’s had them before.” When asked if he expects Lynch to play on Sunday Jauron answered in the affirmative. From Rotowire Marshawn Lynch was limited in Thursday's practice due to back spasms, but Bills coach Dick Jauron fully expects him to play in Week 14. "He’s had them before," Jauron said. "When you have back spasms you have trouble bending." Lynch, the No. 14 overall fantasy back in non-PPR leagues so far, should return to a full practice Friday and start against Miami.
  4. I'd be will to bet that if Cowher ran this team he would have broken his foot off in some lineman butt and they would be making holes you could drive an 18 wheeler through
  5. Absolutely ! Steve Mariucci was hired by Millen to help Joey Harrington( one of Millens picks) When Mariuci went to Millen and told him Harrington couldn't get the job done as starting QB Millen wouldn't listen. Mariucci has spoken about this on the NFL network. Millen would be in the draft room and wouldn't listen to his coaches or his scouts and went ahead and drafted who he wanted. Millen left broadcasting to assume the job of the Detroit Lions' CEO and de facto general manager. At that time, Millen had no prior player development or front office experience. Since Millen's arrival in 2001, the Lions were 31-84, 26 games below .500, and had lost nine or more games each season. During the early part of Millen's tenure (2001-2003), the Lions failed to win a road game for three years (0-24) before opening the season with a win at the Chicago Bears in 2004. Overall, the Lions are 8-50 on the road since 2001. Millen himself admitted to an interviewer in 2008 that the team's record under his leadership has been "beyond awful"] The Wall Street Journal said that NFL executives admit in private that Millen "has made more bad draft decisions than anyone else in two centuries"
  6. Screen passes are setup by the O lineman releasing and moving towards the running back to set up down field blocks.The QB drops further in the pocket to draw the rushing D linemen to him and away from the RB.None of that happened, JP didn't see anyone open so he took the safe route and tried to dump it off to the RB in the flat who was at the line of scrimmage by himself. JP over threw 2 of those and finally completed the last one to Lynch for a one yard gain when he needed 10 for a first. What really gets me is the 49ers only ever rushed 4 players and always dropped the safeties deep on that entire series,single coverage on everything underneath. The linbackers were dropping back in coverage,a run on any of those plays would have at least gotten a first down.
  7. You do realize he is the head coach and takes full and total responsibility for everything his team does,assistant coaches and players. So yea it has everything to do with Jauron! Anyway,JP has a hearing device in his helmet to hear the incoming play calls correct? Was there something holding Jauron back from letting JP know that dump passes are not acceptable. He can't let shotgun Schonert know that he wants to use play action more often and running plays? sorry, he takes full blame for that game.
  8. Your joking right? Millen made all the decisions for years on the people hired and players drafted.He would often over rule his coaches and scouts and drafted who he wanted. The ONLY GM I know worse then Millen was Terry Bledsoe who was the bills GM before Bill Polian. When the Bills went 2-14 twice in the 80's Polian once stated "We were 2-14 on merit--we have the worst personnel in the NFL"
  9. I agree I used to like Jauron but now I think he wears that headset so he can be told from his assistants if he should throw a challenge flag or not ...He often times looks like a deer In headlights on the sidelines. This last game against the 49ers sealed it for me with only one hand off in the 4th qtr for Lynch when he was owning the 49ers... The Bills get the ball with 1:47 left and 81 yards to go and JP over throws a dump pass to Lynch...next play he is sacked...next play he over throws Reed in the flat.2 dump off passes and a sack. I mean IF there was ever a time just to take a chance and wing it down field it was then,so on 4th down he finally hit Lynch on another dump off pass...when he needs 10 yds for a first down,wtf Turk "shotgun" Schonert naturally calling shotgun every chance he gets,called shotgun all four plays
  10. The Bills also had Bill Polian who hired Marv Levy and brought in all that talent over the years Marchibroda was by far his best assistant coach and hire I can remember Jim kellys first year with the Bills in 1986, Hank Bullough was the head coach before Levy.
  11. Not gonna talk personality here because Marv has one,Jauron doesn't. Not gonna mention emotion because Marv would blow up at officials and Jauron at times looks like a deer in headlights on the sidelines.Not gonna talk quips and quotes because Marv had his marvisms and Jauron....well he is stoic to a fault. The biggest difference I see in coaching is... Marv Levy hired an experienced savvy ex-NFL head coach to run his offense. A man with some really good credentials on running an offense. Someone who knew how to set up a running game and passing game and knew how to develop a young QB.This offensive coordinator who noticed that Jim Kelly was at his best in the 2 minute drill so he said lets run the 2 min drill for 60 min and installed a no huddle offense. Marv Levy was smart enough to hire an offensive coach who built one of the most explosive offenses in NFL history.Who tutored his QB "old School" to call his own plays on the field.The result was this well oiled offensive machine even kept working after he left.This man is probably a big reason as to why Mr Levy in in the HoF IMO. --------vs Dick Jauron hired Steve Fairchild who had been the bills RB coach and moved to the rams to be the offensive coordinator for 3 years,he studied under head coach Mike Martz. Martz being known for his explosive passing offenses. So it stands to reason Jauron wanted an explosive passing offense in Buffalo.I'm not really certain if Marv Levy had an influence on this hiring but he was the GM at the time. After Fairchild left Jauron promoted from within the org and hired the QB coach,Turk Schonert.Dunno what is involved in the Bills front office,were there money constraints regarding this hiring ? Anyway this is the Buffalo Bills current problem. The Bills are trying to build an explosive offense and they simply don't have the proper components, OC and QB. Losing one of the best O line coaches in Jim McNally didn't help either,they replaced him with an assistant O line coach who is a rookie this year. I think ole Turk has forgotten what helped the Bengals reach their only super bowl in 1988. It wasn't just Boomer and the no huddle.It was Icky Woods gaining 1066 yds and James Brooks gaining 931 on the ground and that play action pass that they threw to Eddie Brown, it was called "sell out play action",thing of beauty. Boomer was the best at play action pass,he would fake the hand off to Icky and hold it until Eddie Brown was by the CB and Boomer would let fly,usually for a huge gain or TD.They ran this only once or twice a game but it was enough keep the D honest, which kept them from cheating up to close. This current Bills team is simply trying to hard to make the passing game work and over looking the running game This team rarely used play action up until the Cleveland game. Those constant shotgun formations need to stop. Right now the Bills need to stop trying open up the passing game and focus on the running game, Marshawn Lynch is the key play maker on this team and the Bills need to utilize him more often,irregardless who the QB is. They should start the game against the Dolphins with Marshawn in the 'Wildcat and go from there. Give Marshawn 25+ carries, Jackson 15+ touches.The Bills should run the ball all game long, 35 rushes 15 passes.
  12. he sucks...he lost control of a good ravens team Brian Billick was hired from Minnesota because he was supposed to be an offensive wizard.... kyle Boller ring any bells?Billick couldn't get any QB to play well for him,even "air McNair" The Raven's won that super bowl because of their defense ,that defense is back now that Harbough is the head coach. Billick lost the players confidence and was fired . What makes you think he is an upgrade over Jauron?
  13. First off, it IS Jauron's fault for the state the Bills are currently in,because the Buck stops with him! He put his total trust in Turk Schonert when he promoted him to offensive coordinator after Fairchild left. It has become totally clear to me that the bulk of the problems with this current team are the result of this particular decision. Schonert calls all the offensive plays and the major problem with this rookie OC is the learning curve involved in his gaining play calling experience.The guy has been pass happy all year. This last game left me really fuming with Schonert! The Bills had a running back with a hot hand who was killing the 49ers on the ground and Schonert called ONE running play in the 4th qtr when the bills needed to utilize him most.Instead he tried to get a back up QB win the game...galacticly stupid or...intentional ??? I've come to the conclusion that after the Arizona game Schonert realized he has control over Jauron's fate as a head coach and decided he can do that job better.No doubt in my mind after watching this last game that Schonert wants Jauron fired so he can get a shot to be head coach. This makes perfect sense because he knows Ralph Wilson is so cheap he will most likely promote someone from within the organization to replace Jauron. If Jauron continues to let Schonert calls the offensive plays so he certainly deserves anything that is the result of that play calling.He deserves anything he gets if he doesn't take control over the offense. Lastly if anyone prods me enough I'd explain how the Bill could easily beat the Dolphins with Hamden as the QB.This post will most likely be ignored I'm thinking,logic seems lost in this forum for the most part.
  14. In the late 1990s Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. was involved in a corruption investigation and lost control of the team and his big spending no holds barred ways ended. Head coach Steve Mariucci -- whose published statements about his degree of power in the organization had frayed already-strained relations with management -- was fired by John York, despite a winning record. York has since said he made the correct decision to fire Mariucci, but could have handled it better; for instance, he admitted he should have made the announcement himself rather than hand that responsibility to general manager Terry Donahue. Mariucci was with the 49ers from 1997-2002 he was 60-43 and went to the playoffs 4 times. He took over from George Seifert and got Steve young at the tail end of his career. And Look where the 49ers have gone since he left... Anyone would have pooped the bed with the Idiot for a GM (Matt Millen)they used to have. Mariucci even stated on the NFL network that the Millen went over all the coaches and scouts heads and drafted who HE wanted.Also when he was told straight out by Mariucci that Joey Harrington was a waste,Millin refused to listen.So basically his hands were tied behind his back in Detroit. The thing I like about Mariucci is the fact that he has a cheat sheet "style" that the intelligent coaches like John Gruden and other ex-offensive coordinators use. Meaning every play has a specific call assigned to it. Instead of just winging it and calling whatever you feel like. Which BTW is what Turk Schonert is constantly doing You would never,and I mean never see Mariucci call shotgun on 3rd and one and actually try and throw for the first down. The sheet says run the ball= gives 90% success so that is what he would call. Turk Schonert call shotgun on 3rd down and one three different times during the new England game,all three went incomplete passes and the next play was a punt.
  15. You forgot to mention the best of them all---PFW is saying that OC for the Patriots, Josh McDaniels is gonna get some long looks for bringing along Matt Cassel so well,he might move if the right situation happens.
  16. When you have a dominate power running game like the Falcons have its easy to setup the pass with the run, its making Mularky look like a genius. The very same thing is happening in Baltimore with Flacco,it is also how the Steeler's won the super bowl with Big Ben
  17. Another game where the Bills throw 38 times and run 20. If at some point they manage to flip flop that and run 38 times and pass 20 times they will most likely win
  18. Did you actually watch the game or just look at the stats? Even the announcers were stating that Lynch was gashing that 49ers defense on almost every run.Not for nothing but why does the Bills OC go pass crazy all the time and not go with the player who is hot? Take away the 2 carries,the one for 50 yards and the one for 11=66 yds - the 134 total,thats still 68 yds on 14 carries,still 4.8 yards per. My entire point is you have a running back that has a hot hand and is killing the other team and yet they ignore him when they need him the most,Instead they tried to rely on a backup QB to win the game. It just makes me crazy to see stuff like that happen. Even Jason Peters and Lee Evans came out publicly and stated they should have run more,especially in the 4th qtr. Lastly,Marsharn Lynch was doing so well I don't understand why when they got inside the red zone they pulled him out and went with Fred Jackson??? Sorry but some of the stuff the coaches are doing its like they are either monumentally stupid or are purposely trying to lose the game.
  19. Bill Cowher is said to have been house hunting in Cleveland for months now. It looks like both Crennel and Savage are gone; Savage for his really stupid comments to a fan are said to have really bothered the owner and NFL comish Besides,Wilson would never spend the 10 mil on Cowher
  20. There could actually be that many changes The 49er are said to looking at Mike Holmgren. Doubt the Eagles will fire Reid Browns,Cowher for sure. Norv Turner should be fired but I'm hearing his job is safe for now. PFW is saying that OC for the Patriots, Josh McDaniels is gonna get some long looks for bringing along Matt Cassel so well,he might move if the right situation happens. If the Bills do make a move I'd hope that Ralph Wilson gives Steve Spagnuolo a shot
  21. Did you actually read the post or just part of the first sentence? I said, Actually Turk Schonert is improving as he is learning,it just sucks that he is learning at the expense of the Bills losing. I've been saying all season the guy is pass happy,the Bills get behind 7 points and he calls passing plays 95% of the time. ONE run for Marshawn in the 4th qtr is just plain stupid...considering he already had 120+ yards on the ground. The Bills have a chance to be like the NY Giants if only Turk would grow a brain with the running game.
  22. Granted this Bills team has a rookie offensive coordinator and offensive line coach. Has Dick Jauron lost the teams confidence much like Brian Billick did in Baltimore? Seems like the Bills failed at this home game on several levels,special teams...offensive passing...refusing to run the ball in the 4th qtr...Penalties, mistakes with the play clock and time outs...just an overall crap effort in a lot of areas. Even the players are now questioning the Play calling, both Lee Evans and Jason Peters are saying the bills should have run more. Is the OC Turk Schonert trying to get head coach Dick Jauron fired,he sure seems to be working hard at it IMO. Anyway,should Ralph Wilson fire him now or wait until after the last 4 games?
  23. I agree I've stated this before that I think Jauron gives his coordinators complete autonomy over play calling,which is a really stupid thing to do considering his OC is a rookie. Its gonna cost him his job! Jauron has been noted in the past of building a team with a strong D and power running game.Clearly the Bills just don't seem to focus at all on the ground game. If they don't get yardage on two run plays its suddenly all out passing the rest of the game.
  24. Actually Turk Schonert is improving as he is learning,it just sucks that he is learning at the expense of the Bills losing. I've been saying all season the guy is pass happy,the Bills get behind 7 points and he calls passing plays 95% of the time. ONE run for Marshawn in the 4th qtr is just plain stupid...considering he already had 120+ yards on the ground. The last few games he actually started calling play action passes instead of constant shotguns. I'm not seeing the 3 down and one shotgun anymore (thank god). And when he does use a shotgun on a short yardage play sometimes its a hand off to the RB,which can be an awesome play considering the backs the Bills have. The thing is when the Bills are faced with a red zone situation they usually do two things,either go elephant formation and try and run up the middle,which always usually fails because the Bills big FAT* linemen can't move the line of scrimmage an inch when they need to. Or,they go shotgun and usually pass. The one play that had me jumping this last game was when it was first and goal from the 10 or so and Schonert calls shotgun (I'm thinking oh no) and instead of a pass its a hand off to Fred Jackson for 8 yards... great freaking play call. What I don't get is the Bills use the wildcat offense once in the entire game for and end around that gained 9 1/2 yards,why not use it again! Why not use the run in many different ways instead of constant throwing.For the love of god be creative in the running game. The Bills have a chance to be like the NY Giants if only Turk would grow a brain with the running game. End around,toss sweeps to the open side of the field. miss direction plays would work so darn good against the defenses the Bills have faced. The best player on the Bills roster right now is Marshawn Lynch, the OC needs to find more creative running plays and find a way to feed that guy the ball 25-30 times a game! *Langston walker,man what a huge gut.if he replaced 30 pounds of that gut with muscle he would be unstoppable and make it into the pro bowl.Seems like the Bills overall conditioning has fallen since they lost Rust Jones
  25. Brian Billick was hired from Minnesota because he was supposed to be an offensive wizard.... kyle Boller ring any bells?Billick couldn't get any QB to play well for him,even "air McNair" The Raven's won that super bowl because of their defense and Rex Ryan (Buddy Ryan's son),that defense is back now that Harbough is the head coach. Billick lost the players confidence and was fired . Jim fassel sucks,Billick hired him to run the offense because he got the NY Giants to the super bowl with kerry Collins,but again it was John Fox's defense that got them there. Screw the washed up has been's like Billick and Fassel The NY Giants are heading back to the super bowl and a lot has to do with their defense. In another post someone mentioned Steve Spagnuolo
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