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Everything posted by thewildrabbit

  1. So what,and on third down they run again...even if they get no gain they can still punt the ball away with less then a minute to go the Jets get the ball on their 45 and would need A FG to tie and a TD to win. Throwing the ball when you need to run out the clock is simply moronic.
  2. have to totally agree Anything OTHER then another run is a stupid play call...when all you need to do is run out the clock ...a roll out pass play is monumentally stupid
  3. I wonder if Schonert keeps his job and Jauron also stays? Anywayz ... Here is to the 12 th pick in the 2009 draft
  4. After thinking about that call for a few min, It comes to mind that Jauron already has his extension and what would winning this game mean to the team overall? They won't make the playoffs so why win? Why not go for the better draft pick slot? Here is to the 2009 draft
  5. To the retards that agree it was a good play call WORST PLAY CALL EVER!!! IF the Bills had run the next two plays and NOT made the first down and punted I doubt the Jets could have won that game.Thanks for the better draft pick coaches.
  6. I agree, it was the absolutely the wrong call. Don't put the game in the backup QB's hands! The RB's were killing that Jets defense and they call a pass play on 2nd and 5 when all they wanna do is run out the clock. The Bills had FINALLY run the ball on third and one and got the first down with 2:20 to play,first play a 5 yard run and on second and 5 ...play fake and #71 wiffs on his block, JP rolls to thow...OH NO! Leave it to the Bills OC to snatch a defeat from the jaws of victory! Turd 'shotgun' Schonert strikes again
  7. When the Bills first hired Jauron I thought OK lets see what he can do. His coaching philosophy in Chicago was power running game and stout defense and that seemed like a better Idea then what Mularky did in trying to get a raw QB to win games. Man was I wrong, same crap different year. The Bills seem to just ignore the running game and only dabble in it to set up the pass. Which seems so retarded because the running backs on this team are way better then the QB's,at least in my view. Ahh well another 3 years of Buffalo Bills mediocrity 9-7, 8-8 , 7-9 what does it matter. This team will never see another dollar of my money as long as the owner keeps playing scrooge with the coaching staff. Three more years of Dick Jauron and Turk "shotgun" Schonert
  8. You think he isn't a total and complete failure,please enlighten me. Yes I think he is the total reason the Bills are failing. The guy can't stop calling passing plays, its like he uses running plays just to throw the defense off for a bit. I'd say the Bills used the shotgun formation 90% of the times previous to the Cleveland game and since that game perhaps 75%-80%. Its like he just discovered play action at week 11 !! He can't figure out how to make the running game work so he constantly calls the shotgun,I suppose that play that is in vogue with all the NFL hotshot OC's so he figures he needs to call it just like everyone else. Instead of trying to make the running game work he tries to make the back up QB win the game. That just seems totally stupid in my view. Even when the running game is working so well that the main running back has 132 yards in 3/4 of a game he stops using him in the 4th QTR,explain that to me please because I just don't understand It.
  9. Whats wrong with the Bills offense and why have they only scored 6 points in the last two games ? excuse me #9 should say, His Failure IN forcing the Backup QB to throw and NOT run the ball more
  10. What My FULL statement said was, JP is only going to be as good as the offense allows, meaning that until the OC removes his head from his backside and realizes he is starting a back up QB on a cold snowy day that is not conducive to throwing the ball all game. First of all you cannot equate this current team and coaches to past teams and coaches and how or why they failed. the complete teams are different ,players and coaches. Second, Kevin Gilbride is doing a fantastic job in calling NY Giants offensive plays be cause he has the best offensive line and best power running game in the NFL ATM and has had since he has gotten there. Don't forget that the Giants were a playoff contender with Tiki Barber when Eli Manning arrived and have had a dominate running attack since Coughlin got there. Mike Mularky was with the Dolphins last year,wha happened? This year he has Michael Turner and a head coach who wants to build a team with a power running game,just like Tom Coughlin, HUGE difference between last year and this year for Mularky. Lets not forget how we were all laughing at his play calling during some of those Dolphins games last year!!! Lastly, If the Bills were to establish a power running game like the NY Giants / Atlanta Falcons have it would take immense pressure from the QB and allow him to make plays. I think you and Turk Schonert both fail to realize that forcing a BACKUP QB to try and win games with little or no run support is almost impossible.
  11. This seems to be the consensus throughout this board that Jauron and Schonert are the main reason this team is failing.I have to concur to a degree. The main reason this team is failing is because Turk "shotgun" Schonert's catastrophic failure to find a way to make the running game work. He is so dense that even when he he did have the running game going in that 49er game he stopped using Lynch and kept forcing the backup QB to throw. So Schonert's failure is also Jaurons failure because he picked him,he continues to support him and the team continues to throw the ball all game long.
  12. I think a good portion of the Bills fans are so upset at how the bills lost the last few games I honestly doubt even sweeping the next three would make anyone happy again, I know I wouldn't be. The fans were forced to watch helplessly as the morons coaching this team failed to utilize its best players in Lynch and Jackson...Meanwhile the coaches try and force the back up QB to throw all game long. Jeez, talk about putting the QB under pressure with no help whatsoever from the running game because the incompetent OC fails to call running plays that work. I know If I were Trent Edwards my groin would stay Injured until the season ends
  13. This coaching staff seems pretty clueless about most things. Like when the starting QB gets knocked out of the game and the back up QB enters the game you would think that the OC would simplify things and try and get the running game working to help the back up QB out. Instead the OC keeps calling passing plays like nothing has changed,clueless Like when the Bills have a player so hot he rushes for 136+ yards on 16 carries for the first 3/4 of a game and then the OC stops calling running plays in the 4th QTR,clueless. At this point I keep hoping that someone on that coaching staff will wake the up and start utilizing the best players on offense in Lynch and Jackson instead of trying to make a back up player win the game.
  14. From what I'm reading I have to doubt that the readers here ever watched that Sunday night Raven game against the Redskins. That last drive of the Ravens was a thing of beauty. I was in total awe of Cam Cameron's offensive genius and that 'unbalanced line' with THREE O line tackles on one side. A fullback in Lorenzo Neal (5'11" 255) blocking for the Jerome Bettis clone in Le'Ron McClain( 6' 0" 260). 80 yard drive and they ran the ball 11 of 12 plays and ate up 8 minutes of the play clock. The Redskins knew they were going to run it and still couldn't stop them The last play of that drive was a play action pass for a touchdown,needless to say that the Redskins were not ready to handle that Raven Offense. Its no wonder that Joe Flacco is playing so well,with that running game of the Ravens he has no pressure at all on him to win the game by himself.
  15. The Balitore Ravens ran that "unbalanced" offensive line against the Wasington Redskins. They stated out in normal formation and then shifted to the "unbalanced" line using THREE tackles on one side. NFL rule book, Digest of Rules Main Position of Players at Snap 1. Offensive team must have at least seven players on line. 2. Offensive players, not on line, must be at least one yard back at snap. (Exception: player who takes snap.) 3. No interior lineman may move abruptly after taking or simulating a three-point stance. 4. No player of either team may enter neutral zone before snap. 5. No player of offensive team may charge or move abruptly, after assuming set position, in such manner as to lead defense to believe snap has started. No player of the defensive team within one yard of the line of scrimmage may make an abrupt movement in an attempt to cause the offense to false start. 6. If a player changes his eligibility, the Referee must alert the defensive captain after player has reported to him. 7. All players of offensive team must be stationary at snap, except one back who may be in motion parallel to scrimmage line or backward (not forward). 8. After a shift or huddle all players on offensive team must come to an absolute stop for at least one second with no movement of hands, feet, head, or swaying of body. 9. Quarterbacks can be called for a false start penalty (five yards) if their actions are judged to be an obvious attempt to draw an opponent offside. 10. Offensive linemen are permitted to interlock legs.
  16. While I agree it is drastic, it is also what this offense needs at this point in time. JP has shown he is playing with very little confidence the last few games and taking the pressure from him and putting on the running backs is just what the team needs. Seriously,wouldn't you rather see Marshawn Lynch and Fred Jackson with the ball in their hands trying to make a play then in JP's hands trying to make a play?
  17. Sundays game should be cold 30 degrees and windy 40 mph,that said it should favor running the ball rather then throwing it. Will Turk "shotgun' Schonert continue to try and force the back up QB to win the game or will he grow a brain and focus on building a running attack? What we want to see...The Bills run the ball 35+ times Lynch 20+ carries, Jackson 15+ carries, I know I do! The Bills steal some plays from the Ravens and go with an "unbalanced" line, meaning they have 3 tackles on one side of the line,Peters,Chambers and Walker and run right at Kris Jenkins until he is sucking air so hard he passes out! ------------------------------- TE T T T C G TE TE ---WR---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------FB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------RB------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only throwing the ball using play action plays and only in third and long situations Schonert needs to start calling more miss-direction plays and less draws and delayed plays. Fake screens,end around's using Josh Reed / Lee Evans as the RB. Utilize the "wildcat" and alternate Fred Jackson and Marsharn Lynch as the player behind center and vary the plays from running right,left cutback ect.Use slight counter running plays so the backs can make use of cutting back more often.Alternate Fred Jackson at the fullback position so the Jets don't know which back will get the ball! Just...freaking...run...the...ball...down...the....Jets...throats! Don't let Farve see the Ball!
  18. JP is only going to be as good as the offense allows, meaning that until the OC removes his head from his backside and realizes he is starting a back up QB on a cold snowy day that is not conducive to throwing the ball all game. Also, the offense needs to run the ball with authority in order to win.The Jets stadium is as bad as Bills stadium as far as wind is concerned, that said JP might actually be more effective then Edwards or Hamden because he has a much stronger arm. This Bills coaching staff is a QB killer whether it is Edwards or Losman, the OC thinks he has Drew Brees as his QB and tries to force the QB to win the game by passing 35+ times. Until Schonert wakes the up and utilizes the teams best players in Lynch and Jackson by pounding the ball on the ground the bills won't be successful on offense.
  19. The thing is with Ralph Wilson is he wants the franchise to support itself and actually make some money so it shows a profit.There are other teams and owners who spare no expense to buy players,coaches and stadiums. those owners can afford to do those things because their franchise is in a much larger city that sells their tickets for a considerable amount more then the Bills charge. What he needs to do at this point is throw caution to the wind and hire a great GM like Charlie Casserly or head coach like Bill Cower and raise the ticket prices accordingly. He is most likely afraid if he does something like that and the Bills fail to make the playoffs the Buffalo fans won't buy tickets. There comes a time when a man needs to take a leap of faith in his ability to pick a winning coach,GM I honestly don't see how he could go wrong with either Marty Schottenheimer or Bill Cowher. I know I'd buy season tickets for the next 5 years if he did hire either of those two men Just like I did when He hired Bill polian who hired Marv Levy, who then hired the real deal in Ted Marchibroda as the offensive coordinator.
  20. Lets talk GM! Ralph Wilson in a money saving move didn't replace the old* GM in Marv Levy after he left buffalo. Anyone else notice that the Raiders are also without a GM. Not gonna bash Ralph Wilson because he has been loyal to the city of Buffalo and kept the Bills in western NY when he could have easily moved elsewhere for lots more $$$ like Al Davis has done numerous times. Still,until the Bills must fix the most glaring problem in the lack of a great head coach and offensive coordinator they will continue to lose and say its lack of talent. The Bills need a new General Manager! Look what Atlanta did whith a hiring a new GM,he hired a new head coach in Mike Smith From PFW, “What (Falcons GM Thomas) Dimitroff has done in Atlanta has to open up the eyes of owners. It definitely can’t hurt scouting directors with the way he has been running with the banner. I thought it would’ve taken three years to turn that team around. He walked in, and they are fighting for a playoff spot out of the gate. I thought (the selection of Matt) Ryan was a great move. I thought he would’ve been the first pick in the draft. He hit on (Michael) Turner like you only dream it. You’ve got to take your hat off to him. … (Bill) Belichick rules New England with an iron fist, and he does not allow a lot of opinions to be heard in the building, but Dimitroff is clearly proving himself as a decision maker. He’s made all the right moves.” The guy I'd like to see the bills hire, “When you look at Charley Casserly’s last draft in Houston, you’ve got to give him some credit. Mario Williams and DeMeco Ryans are Pro Bowl players. Eric Winston has been solid. Owen Daniels is emerging as one of the game’s best all-around tight ends. (Casserly’s) last draft was a helluva draft. The biggest problem he had in Houston was building the offensive line. He paid a lot of veterans in the supplemental draft that never panned out. But he has hit on high picks. Dunta Robinson has turned out to be a better cornerback than DeAngelo Hall. Andre Johnson has become one of the premier receivers in football. And he uncovered some late-round gems, if you can call them that — guys like (Buccaneers DE) Greg White and C.C. Brown.” Or Hire Bill Cowher as GM head coach and pay him as such. I'm afraid to say it, but sadly I doubt Ralph Wilson will make the "jump to lightspeed" and hire anyone he has to pay a high salary to, even though it will put more money in his hands eventually. *no pun intended
  21. Not EVERYONE is fooled, Bill Polian took Payton Manning and the Chargers took Ryan Leaf next. In 1999 many Colt fans watching the draft live no doubt anticipated the selection next of the still-available Ricky Williams. But Polian shocked almost everyone by drafting Edgerrin James instead.He took Joseph Addai in 06, Bob Sanders in 04, Dwight Freeney in 02. Meanwhile drafting in the later rounds every year. Lets face it that the Bills had a genius in Bill Polian and Ralph Wilson found a reason to fire him
  22. Martin Edward Schottenheimer Head coaching record Team Year Regular Season Post Season Won Lost Ties Win % Finish Won Lost Win % Result CLE 1984 4 4 0 .500 3rd in AFC Central - - - - CLE 1985 8 8 0 .500 1st in AFC Central 0 1 .000 Lost to Miami Dolphins in Divisional Game. CLE 1986 12 4 0 .750 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to Denver Broncos in AFC Championship Game. CLE 1987 10 5 0 .667 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to Denver Broncos in AFC Championship Game. CLE 1988 10 6 0 .625 2nd in AFC Central 0 1 .000 Lost to Houston Oilers in AFC Wild-Card Game. CLE Total 44 27 0 .620 2 4 .333 KC 1989 8 7 1 .533 2nd in AFC West - - - - KC 1990 11 5 0 .688 2nd in AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to Miami Dolphins in Wild Card Game. KC 1991 10 6 0 .625 2nd in AFC West 1 1 .500 Lost to Buffalo Bills in Divisional Game. KC 1992 10 6 0 .625 2nd in AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to San Diego Chargers in Wild Card Game. KC 1993 11 5 0 .688 1st in AFC West 2 1 .667 Lost to Buffalo Bills in AFC Championship. KC 1994 9 7 0 .563 2nd in AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to Miami Dolphins in AFC Wild-Card Game. KC 1995 13 3 0 .813 1st in AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to Indianapolis Colts in AFC Divisional Game. KC 1996 9 7 0 .563 2st in AFC West - - - - KC 1997 13 3 0 .813 1st in AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to Denver Broncos in AFC Divisional Game. KC 1998 7 9 0 .438 4th in AFC West - - - - KC Total 101 58 1 .635 3 7 .300 WAS 2001 8 8 0 .500 2nd in NFC East - - - - WAS Total 8 8 0 .500 - - - - SD 2002 8 8 0 .500 3rd in AFC West - - - - SD 2003 4 12 0 .250 4thin AFC West - - - - SD 2004 12 4 0 .750 1stin AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to New York Jets in AFC Wild-Card Game. SD 2005 9 7 0 .563 3rdin AFC West - - - - SD 2006 14 2 0 .875 1stin AFC West 0 1 .000 Lost to New England Patriots in AFC Divisional Game. SD Total 47 33 0 .588 0 2 .000 Total[4] 200 126 1 .613 5 13 .278
  23. What planet are you from ? In Cowher’s 15 seasons, the Steelers captured eight division titles, earned ten postseason playoff berths, played in 21 playoff games, advanced to six AFC Championship games and made two Super Bowl appearances. He is one of only six coaches in NFL history to claim at least seven division titles. At the conclusion of the 2005 season, the Pittsburgh Steelers had the best record of any team in the National Football League since Cowher was hired as head coach. Team Year Regular Season Post Season Won Lost Ties Win % Finish Won Lost Win % Result PIT 1992 11 5 0 .688 1st in AFC Central 0 1 .000 Lost to Buffalo Bills in AFC Divisional Game. PIT 1993 9 7 0 .563 2nd in AFC Central 0 1 .000 Lost to Kansas City Chiefs in AFC Wild-Card Game. PIT 1994 12 4 0 .750 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to San Diego Chargers in AFC Championship Game. PIT 1995 11 5 0 .688 1st in AFC Central 2 1 .667 Lost to Dallas Cowboys in Super Bowl XXX. PIT 1996 10 6 0 .625 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to New England Patriots in AFC Divisional Game. PIT 1997 11 5 0 .688 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to Denver Broncos in AFC Championship Game. PIT 1998 7 9 0 .438 3rd in AFC Central - - - - PIT 1999 6 10 0 .375 4th in AFC Central - - - - PIT 2000 9 7 0 .563 3rd in AFC Central - - - - PIT 2001 13 3 0 .812 1st in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to New England Patriots in AFC Championship Game. PIT 2002 10 5 1 .656 1st in AFC North 1 1 .500 Lost to Tennessee Titans in AFC Divisional Game. PIT 2003 6 10 0 .375 3rd in AFC North - - - - PIT 2004 15 1 0 .938 1st in AFC North 1 1 .500 Lost to New England Patriots in AFC Championship Game. PIT 2005 11 5 0 .688 2nd in AFC North 4 0 1.000 Super Bowl XL Champions. PIT 2006 8 8 0 .500 3rd in AFC North - - - - PIT Total 149 90 1 .623 12 9 .571 Total[11] 149 90 1 .623 12 9 .571
  24. Like I've stated on other threads,the bills could put a helmet on a frog and send him in to play and Turk"shotgun"Schonert would try and make it throw out of the shotgun every play. He will do to the same thing with JP Losman! If the Bills win the game it will because JP plays above his head and makes some incredible plays,doubtful tho. This Bills OC thinks he has Drew Brees as his QB and will force him into passing situations he can't possibly complete. Naturally Schonert will forget he has two great backs and will abandon the run after the first few failed attempts. I just wish he would do that with the passing game instead of forcing the back up QB to try and win the game
  25. Joe Montana is wealthy enough so that he can do whatever he chooses to do. I'm fairly certain if he chose to be an NFL coach he would be one. Instead =Montana resides in Lafayette, CA. He now owns horses and produces wine under the label Montagia. I don't see how my reasoning is flawed. If someone is involved with something for 20 years you would think they would understand on how to best succeed with whatever it is they are doing. Schonert doesn't get that you can't win games with a back up QB slinging the ball all over the place, this is especially perplexing considering the bills have two really good running backs and could easily win games with a diverse ground game.
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