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Everything posted by thewildrabbit

  1. Yea, if they are fired they will continue to be paid by the team that fires them, and If they part ways there is no more money from the team. So there is a difference. John Fox will have another head coaching job within a week, and probably for more money.
  2. There are already talks that fox will end up in Chicago, and Gase will be the new Broncos HC.
  3. This is similar to Harbaugh mutually agreeing to leave the 49ers. Anyway, I get the feeling that both the 49ers, and Broncos will regret these moves
  4. I'm thinking he doesn't get an interview as that would able him be seen as a credible NFL OC, and he isn't. Perhaps Marrone goes back to college next year, and hires him.
  5. need to change the title of the topic, as Fox mutually agreed to part ways = not fired
  6. The Broncos fire their HC for going 12-4, wins the division and the Bills just hired a HC that went 4-12, and was last in the division....
  7. Expect Adam Gase to get the HCing job in Denver, and looks like Manning is also gone if they are going cheaper
  8. wow, just wow I guess 12-4 and winning the division is not good enough anymore for the Broncos
  9. This~ Something happened either at the end of the Raider game that carried over to the St Louis game, or it happened in that week 11 Rams game. 54 passes for 389 yards 1 TD, 2 INT's Its a big time problem with an injury (bursa sac elbow, shoulder, neck) that he doesn't want to discuss with the rest of the world. i'm fairly sure his team knows whats up because they came out running a whole lot more after that Rams game. They then developed a power ground game, and limited Manning's throwing.
  10. Woody Johnson loved Rex Ryan, and hated that he needed to fire him. Heck, he fired Mangini after a 9-7 season, and brought in Ryan. Rex knows very little about the offensive side of the game, so lets hope the Bills give Greg Roman all the help he needs to succeed.
  11. He has a higher rank then that with the Cowboys as he is their run game coordinator. I suspect he will need a better title, perhaps say assistant HC along with run game coordinator to pull him away from Dallas.
  12. I think back to Marrone not even knowing that the defensive staff had benched Hughes during a game and think this HC doesn't get involved in the game day calls. Mike Williams stated after the Texans game that they didn't make offensive adjustments until late into the third quarter. This tells me that it was all Schwartz, and it was all Hackett. From calling nothing but runs last year, and +70% of those up the middle to calling mostly pass plays all this year. If Marrone stepped in at all on the offensive side it might have been in the second half of the Green Bay game when the Bills came out and run 9 straight run plays to kick a FG in the opening drive. That series was so very un Hackett like. Hackett is what he is, and that is someone with a very limited understanding on how to correctly run an NFL offense. I don't care if he stays or goes, as long as he is no longer calling plays or setting up the game plan. What really stinks is Greg Roman will only be as good as his O line allows. Lets not forget that he had one of the very best O lines at San Fran, and now he is moving to a team with one of the very worst lines. Will the Bills finally fix that line, and who will the QB be?
  13. So many questions still unanswered. Does the HC & GM still report to the finance / marketing guy, and is he still even in the football side loop. If so, then why? Who is going to upgrade the offensive line and how? The current GM has tried and failed the last two years, and the offensive scouts stink. Bill Polian mentioned that after he was hired he would need to revamp the scouting dept. Who is the starting RB, as Fred should just be limited to being the 3rd down back, and not be used as a up the gut every down back anymore. Spiller gone? Who is the starting QB, and if its EJ will he be given an opportunity to continue to develop or be pulled every bad game? Hiring a defensive minded head coach to an already good defensive team with a DC who did enough to deserve the head coaching job himself made no sense to me. I don't get hiring a defensive minded HC that just went 4-12, and his offense & QB's were the leagues joke. All I can do is hope the new owners have a plan, and that it will take the team into the playoffs.
  14. The man is ranked about the best DT in the league, and one of the defenses best players. The defense is a different animal when he is not in there. So no to this trade.
  15. I've read that some are saying how do you hire a defensive HC noted for his high pressure defense, and then not run it? 3-4 vs 4-3 and one defense blitzes 38%, and the other around 24%. While both defenses work well, and each have their own unique way of getting QB sacks, pressures. I gotta wonder if the Bills FO just came up with a super hybrid formula for an ultra defensive scheme or just mixed oil and water? I'll be honest, as I thought Schwartz did a brilliant job with the defense last season by leading the NFL in sacks, and being #3 in pass defense while mostly rushing just the front four. I can only imagine the defense will get better with Kiko returning this year. I still don't get the Ryan hire when the team was desperate for a top offensive mind, and didn't need another defensive mind.
  16. Sorry, I don't get the correlation between a HC that after taking his team to five straight division titles, three of those were conference championships, and was fired for not reaching the super bowl vs a man who just had a 4-12 season. Rex Ryan inherited a good team, and won immediately. 9-7, 11-5 Then after six years got progressively worse to 8-8, 6-10. 8-8. to 4-12. Fans want to blame the GM, and not the HC for this. Yet in Buffalo they want to blame Marrone for the bad O line players, and not the GM. I'll go on record in saying I don't get this hire. Rex Ryan was 3-12 against the Patriots in his six years in NY, and 1-7 the last four years. The NY Jets finished the season 4-12, and as a Bills fan I enjoyed Big Mouth Rex getting his arse beat 38-3 in Buffalo. Then watching his hapless QB's get destroyed by the Bills defense. I mean c'mon, the guy just finished 4-12. I'm very confused as to why the new owners think Ryan is this teams best option this year. But, they are billionaires and they seem to have a plan for the future of their team. As a Bills fan all I can do is sit back and hope for the best.
  17. The majority of the problems with that 49er offense stem from the very same problem that the Redskins, Panthers are having with RG3 & Newton. That NFL defenses have caught up to the read option QB play in the NFL. Kaepernick needs to find his way in becoming a top pocket passer to succeed. This is not Greg Roman's fault with Kaep, nor is it Shanahan's or Gruden's fault with RG3. Then the entire team went into the toilet this season over the problems between the HC & GM, and at some point they became so hostile between the two of them that they stopped talking and communicated only between emails. Greg Roman has always run the ball more then he passed it, and has had a top 10 running offense his entire time with the 49ers. That includes his year with Alex Smith at QB. Think back to 2010, and the entire world had given up on first overall QB Alex Smith as a starting QB. That was Greg Roman as the Niners OC. I think this is a big upgrade over Nathaniel Hackett.
  18. The Rex Ryan to Atlanta was all from the Rex Ryan camp because if they actually wanted to hire him he would have already been hired by them. It was Ryan who was super pissed he lost out on the Falcons job in 2009. The GM Thomas Dimitroff, and Scott Pioli both are pushing hard for, and want Patriots OC Josh McDaniel's as the Falcons next head coach. So I highly doubt anyone is hired in Atlanta before they get a chance to interview McDaniel's. As for Ryan, his last team just finished 4-12 and he would have to be a complete idiot not to take 5.5 mill for 5 years to coach the Buffalo Bills.
  19. I'd have to think Orton might be more inclined to wait to see how the O line shapes up first. Then i'd also think that he was already considering retirement before the season ended, and if that was the case the old NFL adage applies. "if you are thinking about retiring, then you already are retired".
  20. It was in the now closed thread. "Rex is scheduled for a second interview" posted by Leroi From what I surmise he must have an inside source to the family (pure speculation), as they seemed to be the only people that knew in advance of the second interview. Or Whaley, Brandon and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't leak anything. Read between the lines, QB situation is already planned out, Jay Cutler, Mark Sanchez, Matt Moore et al. The free agent scenario, and the draft already planned out QB, OG, OG, & TE perhaps? The Pegula's have a plan, and they are installing it. While I certainly share your profound concern over this hire. The new owners are billionaires and they have a plan, and are running it. Time will tell.
  21. At this time all we can do is hope the new owners have a plan. "Quote" This is just the tip of the iceberg. The things I am hearing will literally blow your mind. (QB situation,Free Agency,'draft) it's all really amazing. Are you prepared for the Pegula Bills? Reborn... Imo This was from Leroi who broke the Rex Ryan, Greg Roman hiring yesterday It appears they have a plan for QB, for the O line.
  22. Considering on how bad the offense has been the last three years I was hoping for an NFL experienced offensive minded head coach, and one with a history of winning. Bill Cowher doesn't want to leave the TV booth. Mike Shanahan was probably overly greedy again, and wanted 50 mill over 5 years like the last time he interviewed. The only remaining guy was Gary Kubiak who was able to build a very solid, power zone blocking run game. Along with tutoring an average QB into being a playoff QB in Matt Schaub. He did take the Texans to 10-6 in 2011, and 12-4 in 2012 before he was fired during that 2-14 season. That year all his RB's were injured, and his QB played all year with a bad foot. Kubiak has done a brilliant job in building a great zone blocking offense for the Ravens this year, and he helped Flacco become a better QB. 2013 Flacco 19 TD, 23 INT's along with an offense that was ranked 25th in points, 29th in yards. Then this year the offense improved to 8th in points, and 12th in yards, huge difference. Flacco this year went 27 TD's 12 INT's while backup RB Justin Forsett became a star rushing for 1266 yards, 8 TD's with a 5.4 YPC avg. If not those others then Broncos OC Adam Gase who built a power run game in the middle of the season once Manning started to falter. His backup RB CJ Anderson came out of nowhere to dominate in the last 5 games.
  23. I dunno. All we can do as fans is hope new ownership has a solid plan to fix all the offensive woes. We might not yet see the bigger picture that they visualize for the team.
  24. They had the very same RB's in 2012 when they went 6-10 in LT, Greene, McKnight that they had when they went 11-5 in 2010, and yet threw 547 vs 443 rushing attempts. They simply started asking Sanchez to throw more while running less. All I see that meddling the owner did was to keep Rex Ryan after an 8-8 to 6-10 season when he fired Mangini after a 9-7 season. I would describe Jets owner Woody Johnson as a "hands off" owner who lets his GM make all the moves. If Johnson is guilty of anything, its being talked into hiring a GM with a financial background in John Idzik in 2013.... sound familiar? GM Mike Tannenbaum was fired after the 2012 season in which the team was already in a downward spiral after a 6-10 season. Ryan should have been fired at that time, but the owner loved the guy.
  25. One of my favorite things this year happened when Rex Ryan talked about how his team would be 1000% better in the second game against the Bills. Then watching his jaw hit the ground in that 38-3 romp, as the Bills destroyed his team. In 2009 Rex Ryan inherited a pretty good team from Eric Mangini that already had a a bunch of good players on both sides of the ball, a solid O line as DaBrick, and Mangold were drafted in 2006 under Mangini. Then the next year it was under Mangini that Darrelle Revis was drafted by the Jets in 2007. Mangini was fired by the Jets after taking them to a 9-7 finish in 2008. That first season for Rex Ryan with the Jets in 2009 they only drafted 3 players in that years draft, and they were all offensive In QB Sanchez, RB Shonn Greene, and OG Matt Slauson . So that #1 overall defense came from previous drafts. In his first season he drafted Mark Sanchez, and went to the conference championship with a record of 9-7 as a wildcard. The managed that by pounding the rock, and playing great defense. The Jets did the same the very next year at 10-6, and went to the conference championship. For whatever reason the Jets got away from what made them a formidable team in pounding the rock, as they kept asking the QB to throw more while they ran less. Then they went 8-8 in 2012. They went 6-10 in 2013. They went 4-12 in 2014. That's right, 4-12 in 2014. To those fans who think that Rex Ryan will now give the New England Patriots / Bill Belichick- Tom Brady fits. Rex Ryan's Jets went 1-7 against New England the last four years. 2014 0-2 2013 1-1 2012 0-2 2011 0-2 2010 1-1 2009 1-1 The final result is 3 wins vs 9 losses against the Patriots in six years. I have no idea why the Pegula's hired Rex Ryan as their new face of the team, a guy who I loved to hate as the Jets head coach. The guy was a big mouth bumbling doofus the last few years in New York. 4-12 really? All that said, I can only hope the Pegula's have a plan!!! A plan to find a decent QB!!! A plan to fix the O line that Whaley couldn't fix the last two years!!! A plan to hire a team president to oversee the football side so the GM isn't trading away #1 picks for anything other then a franchise QB. A plan so the GM & HC are no longer reporting to the finance / marketing guy.
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