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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Can you point to exactly where i said I wanted her to be raped? Or she deserves it or anything close to that? I’ll wait
  2. no it causes people to question her credibility in the accusation. But you knew what I meant didn’t you?
  3. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/e-jean-carroll-makes-sexual-assault-claims-against-trump-and-moonves-new-york-magazine-2019-06-21/ that's a pretty emphatic denial of events. not just the she's not my type quote you mentioned. why was the interview of her with anderson cooper not allowed in the trial? seems pretty important to the case.
  4. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/web-stories/countries-with-lowest-crime-rates/photostory/104526748.cms why does the us have a high crime rate? what part of the population here commit 52 percent of the murders but are 13 percent of the population? you often here the lefties describe the safer countries on the list and then get all flustered when you ask them what those countries have in common.
  5. No evidence of a rape fyi. No charges. Going onto a tv show and claiming rape is sexy which is then not allowed at the trial seems a bit odd right? You want him to be guilty of rape but there is no evidence of such acts
  6. Tara reade would disagree with that statement I think Biden is one of the worst if not the worst human beings to walk the earth last few decades. His imprisonment of millions upon millions of minorities and lack of accountability is mind blowing. But sure trump is awful for saying he didn’t rape anyone and never even charged
  7. Lots of people aren’t respectable. But being mistaken in looking at a photo isn’t grounds for being sued. Biden doesn’t recognize the grandchild hunter had with the stripper. That’s not respectable right? Should be grounds for an 80 mil lawsuit right? These are all frivolous lawsuits.
  8. You raped me! no I didn’t. im suing you for defamation. i win defamation suit what a world we live in. No charges.
  9. We don’t do it enough. japan does it better though. They never tell the person their execution date until they take them to be executed. Therefore any time the door opens it could be their time.
  10. Is there a way to add years to vons contract to lower the cap hit?
  11. i'm well aware these groups exist. i'm saying your claim of seeing these posters is bull####. claiming to see nazi posters is wrong and hurts efforts to curb racism. it's like a woman falsely claiming a guy of rape. they should be imprisoned just as long as an actual rapist for the harm it causes. be better
  12. No there’s not. It would be a classic viral post. Instead you make it up. Also a classic smollett situation
  13. lol nobody saw it. There would be evidence online
  14. you claimed you saw nazi recruitment posters
  15. We knew they would be shifting to stopping the run throw it all 3 downs there bad joe bad joe
  16. Hasn’t it only worked like 2 times or something? One was this year
  17. Be a sweet gig for a Sunday. Get him a chair, propane heater and just hang out in the pit
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