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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. It’s always funny of how wrong you are in everything you say but are still the most confident inside your thoughts. It’s hilarious
  2. I’m sure you’ll tell me that your super duper top top secret clearance has info on the scariest people but you can’t tell me who it is because of your special clearance
  3. Shouldn’t he have stepped down the first time he was indicted like 15 years ago? If both sides were equal of course
  4. Except joe b gets killed cause no o line. We do need wr but we need a center next imo.
  5. So if the girls were of age I don’t see the issue. Epstein wasn’t known publicly as a monster yet. Wolf in sheep’s clothing
  6. it was reported Epstein tried to get a girl to have sex with him at trumps estate and trump had him removed and they never spoke again.
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