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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. what does your super duper top secret clearance intel say about a black swan event?
  2. who was the guy who showed up at brett kavanaugh's house with a gun? maybe you can educate me on that?
  3. Christmas was starting to be celebrated around the 3-4th century but really not widespread until hundreds of years later. Christianity is the first century. good try though
  4. It’s hilarious. Now that kid will be a huge chiefs fan and hate the raiders for life
  5. raiders have got to get a td onthe opening driver
  6. i hate how patty gets that smug look on his face and runs up pointing when he gets those flags. i'm really disliking him more and more
  7. Man I’ll be rooting hard for the raiders today. Gives us the shot at the 2 seed
  8. Birmingham. When was last time they had a democratic mayor?
  9. https://www.vox.com/2017/8/15/16154028/trump-press-conference-transcript-charlottesville once again. i'll post the full transcript which very clearly shows you are wrong.
  10. if you ignore the nukes and Dresden and Tokyo fire bombing and others sure
  11. how often do you tell people about your security clearance on a daily basis? Do you wear a badge around lol? Jfc
  12. Your party supported and planned the blm riots. Have the right come close to that amount of damage in anything? lol you can’t be serious I have not laughed so hard at your follow the rules line. I needed that man. Thank you. Just hilarious
  13. you mean like failing to recognize the electoral votes? Organizing mass riots, burning cities, holding government buildings hostage, people being killed investigating a president for four years over a dossier concocted by a dem think tank? Things like that?
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