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Everything posted by wjag

  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  2. When he let number 4 go, over the LB and between defenders I was sure that was going to be an INT. To me, that was an insane pass to throw and it was expertly executed. That was a pro's throw. That was next level. That is Josh year three, not Josh year 1 or 2.
  3. Damn Dallas. You had 12 days off. Did you not watch the Ravens last game?
  4. If you saw the puff piece they did on him just before the start, he said he was dealing with depression. This is probably legit.
  5. Be interesting to see who else gets yanked for close contact tracing.
  6. Back for Miami. Need some reps before the January games.
  7. That game was a long, long time ago. Miami has really got their defensive act together since then. I doubt we’ll see the same defense in December. But for me it’s more about the weather than anything else. Next four games all have potential to be crappy weather games. That’s what will hold the TD count down. True Josh plays well against the Fins, but late December in Buffalo might he run-first type games. We’ll see.
  8. I said no. @Den, @NE, Pitt and Mia. Four tough defenses. Lousy weather coming.
  9. I want KC in a stomp. Bills aren't catching KC in the standings. No how, no way.
  10. He had a fantastic play I saw yesterday. The OLINE opened up right through center and a LB came in untouched. Ben just spun away from the guy and the LB went sailing right by, .
  11. Keyshawn has a short memory and judges what he sees by the current standings. When the Bills dethroned Russ from the MVP crown, that was signature. Now looking back on it, it dims a bit because the Hawks talk is diminished. The lingering issue is being embarrassed on B2B games by the Titans and Chiefs. Makes no matter what he thinks. Folks who pay attention see the Bills are coming. I've heard several people using the SB-team moniker in talking about them today. The tide is turning. The team is surging and they are going to show the difference between Pittsburgh and Buffalo this week. The only game I truly worry about are the Patriots. Please LAR, please put a stake in their heart Thursday night. The Patriots are playing way above their weight class right now with a roster full of no names. Kill 'em. Kill 'em now.
  12. Yeah. I'm sure of that passing attack was in deference to the Washington DLINE and the push they generate with four guys.
  13. After watching the last three Bills games, I would prefer they play in warm, sunny locales. Playing in Buffalo with the fans, K-Gun and Thermal running were one thing. Playing four wide in the rain, sleet WIND, and snow, not so much. With no fans in the stadium, WIND would be a great equalizer.
  14. So I saw a report in the last few weeks that says Benny is throwing the ball very quickly now. He isn't as mobile so he relies on a quick read and release. That doesn't give him much time for the deeper routes to develop. Eelers get Pouncy back this week and I'm guessing Connor too??? Should help. I see this as a grind it out game of short to intermediate passes for both teams. To quote our fearless QB "I like us!"
  15. So move them all to Edmonton? Seemed to work for hockey 🙂
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