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Posts posted by Pondslider

  1. That's your opinion... cool... I understand. However, to throw around "bigot" and "stupid" isn't exactly the way to proving any kind of point.


    Fair enough. If you don't see what's wrong with an NFL team using a racial slur to describe a race of people that the US committed genocide against as its nickname then at best you're ignorant, and at worst you're willfully so.

  2. well.....if your sticking with Fitzpatrick.......then Welker is EXACTLY the kind of receiver you need.


    Fitzpatrick is not accurate enough for Welker. Part of Welker's success is getting the ball where he needs it either in stride or where he can make a quick move and get upfield. Fitzpatrick is not good at that. Paying a lot for old beat up Welker when the Patriots don't want him is a bad idea.

  3. To be fair, it was a blatant hold and it cost SF the game. I think even Jauron might have shown emotion under those circumstances.


    Harbaugh's ****ty playcalling after they got inside the 5 cost them the game. Refs missed calls all day. Some even benefitted the 49ers.

  4. Read the previous post. I'm not speaking particularly to the Rooney rule (wasn't even my post). I'm talking about the mindset. You seem like an obedient little lap dog who is happy to take what his master deems him worthy of. For that you deserve a cookie. Good boy.



    Thanks man. It's good to know there are a few who still get it.


    Haha. So instead of refuting what I said and explaining how the Rooney rule and holidays trees restrict personal freedom of choice you are just going to dismiss the argument.


    I will say in regards to Just In Atlanta' s list of scary things that obviously nobody here is in favor off censoring books and books being banned by specific school boards is wrong but as far as I know the government isn't burning books so we can drop the Nazi bull ****.


    Also all of this is so far removed from the subject of whether Redskins is derogatory term or not that its really just clouded what should have been a pretty simple point. Changing the name of a sports franchise because it is archaic and embarrassing restricts nobody' s rights or freedoms.

  5. You're really asking me how political correctness has taken away freedom and free choice?


    California mandating gay history. Colorodo mandating that private daycare centers must carry dolls that represent at least three different races. A RI town banning daddy-daughter dances. Schools calling Christmas trees holiday trees. Municipalities banning Nativity scenes. Universities banning the word freshman. Universities banning certain words and requiring that students take inclusion training. Kids getting expelled for hugs and drawing guns. Censorship of various books. The Rooney Rule.


    Do you want more?



    None of those take away freedom of choice. Sorry the world is changing. Seems to be pretty scary for you.

  6. Dude, most of the Indian tribes that were here were pretty savage. That's just how it was. This Disney image we have of peaceloving agrarian saints being at one with the land ignores the brutal reality that existed. If you're arguing that it's unfair to the modern day decendents of those tribes (although most of us have some Indian blood in us) I suppose that's a fair argument, but the image isn't necessarily a false one when taken in an historical context.


    They were no more savage than the Europeans. History is written by the winners and the Native Americans lost.




    This Disney image?


  7. Take the Sologne "Circle The Wagons" its credited to Western Pioneers circling their wagons together to fight off attacking Indians, so shouldn't the Bills stop using it


    And I am not shouting down anyone, I am are just point out facts & so are others, nobody has to agree with each other but it be cool if we could be civil about it, I see other opinion, all I am saying "Where does it end"


    Have the Bills ever used that as an official slogan? It doesn't matter anyway because its not a derogatory term.

  8. When someone gives a crap about the hideous Cleveland Indians mascot/logo, I'll take complaints about the Redskins name a lot more seriously.


    Funniest in this exercise in PC - people complaining about the Florida State name and mascot, and the actual Seminoles tribe telling the complainers to shut up.


    neither of those examples is what the discussion is about, but for the record Chief Wahoo needs to go too. Nobody here is complaining about Florida State.


    The only reasons anyone can give for not changing the highly derogatory name are tradition and some imaginary line in the sand against the "pc police" and frankly both of those reasons are pretty terrible. You don't change the name because it's not pc or any other buzzword. You don't change it because the original owners were racist or fans that support it are racist, because I don't believe either of those is true. You change the name because it's a relic from a time in our history that we have moved past. We are better than that. Or we should be. You change the name because it's the right thing to do.

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