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Posts posted by Pondslider

  1. The slippery slope you should be afraid of is what Just in Atlanta said; that's how it starts first it is an offensive term then its anything that offends anybody


    I not say the Redskins Name is right but changing it because of Political correctness is dangerous


    Or, ya know, adults can judge each situation on a case by case basis, because slippery slope arguments are largely based on bull ****.


    The idea that if one team changes its horribly offensive nickname then ALL THE OTHER TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE will have to change their names too defies all logic.


    Just go back to these uniforms:




    call them the Warriors and be done with it. I'm sure the league would love to be able sell all new merchandise.



    Yes I am sure if you " Pack Cheese" for a living you might be offended by that name & "Cheese Head" could also be offensive



    Yes "Redskin" was once used as a derogatory term but this is what I mean, first it will be offensive terms, then next it will be any & everything


    we already live in a PC dominated society, where now compliments are saw as bad taste, how far do want to got down that road till you can't turn back


    It's pretty awful that you prefer some stupid pointless tradition over changing the obviously offensive nickname.


    What slippery slope are you afraid of? That all of the offensive nicknames would be changed? What a disaster that would be!

  3. No as in going for the uninspiring no-name guy they can get on the cheap. And I wouldn't be bragging about first time NFL coaches from college. Besides Harbaugh (who was a great NFL qb for years and had credibility coming from a great coaching family) name another first time coach from the college ranks that has done well in the NFL.


    Who is bragging? I was just pointing out that a first time NFL coach from college is the OPPOSITE of the #SameOldBills. And I'm not sure how uninspiring he is when several teams were interested in him. He has an extensive NFL resume and success at a college program that put him on the radar of multiple NFL teams.

  4. I have little doubt that Chan and Nix were both involved in investing in Fitz as their starter. Even conceding that point the GM didn't add any qb prospects or alternatives to the roster in three years. When Fitz predictably faltered who was Chan going to replace him with? Thigpen? T. Jackson? The majority of the onus falls on the old school GM for not having any credible options at qb. As bad as Fitz was what would have happened if Fitz got hurt early in the season? The season would have been lost even earlier with a Thigpen caliber of qb taking the snaps. The person who mostly failed the franchise was Nix. Knowing that Ralph Wilson was involved in such a critical hire preordained the disasterous outcome.


    Stop blaming the GM for things that fall under the duties of the GM.

  5. Fortunately for the skeptical there will always be reason to grouse about the Bills, no matter what.


    Hire HC? Should've hired someone better.

    Draft or sign a QB? Should've got the other guy.

    Make the playoffs? Big deal. We missed 13 years.

    Win the AFC? We lost 4 SB's. Here comes #5.

    Win a SB? Other teams have won more.


    If pessimism were a fuel, Buffalo would be the new Saudi Arabia.




    Please tell me how this news today compares to winning a Super Bowl.

  6. Who is defending Ralph Wilson? Ralph Wilson should absolutely sell the team and it's not a bad thing that he's no longer involved. What is incredibly disappointing about this news is that aside from the change at the top everything else is essentially staying the same. I don't think Buddy Nix has earned the right to stay as GM even if it just through the coaching search and the draft so he can get his QB or whatever. I would have been much happier if Doug Whaley had taken over today. I think even on the surface that would be viewed as a bigger move than this one.

  7. Really? A press conference, an article on the main page, and a 30+ page thread, and you still can't identify that the difference is that Ralph Wilson will no longer be approving any decisions related to the organization?


    Honestly guys, what is so hard to understand?


    Does anyone really know how involved he was in decision making in recent years? Did Ralph tell Nix to hire Gailey or not draft a QB? Did Ralph demand the switch from the 4-3 to the 3-4 and back to the 4-3?

  8. Read the last few pages. Its already been discussed and explained. First by Brandon, and then by a few different posters.


    I have. So Russ Brandon doesn't have to get permission from Ralph Wilson. Nobody really knows how involved Ralph was in hiring Gailey or in drafting a QB or any of that in the first place. They talked a big game today about leaving no stone unturned and hiring the best guy available. In 2010 they said they could spend $10 million a year on a coach. Obviously they didn't do that.

  9. There it is, the trifecta has been completed.


    I've seen the terms "kool-aid drinkers", "rose colored glasses" and now "realist/reality check" thrown around by the complainers.


    We et the skepticism. ALL Bills fans understand where that is coming from. We've all been through this for the past 13 years and it sucks. But pissing in the cherrios doesnt do anything. If you arent enjoying this, then why bother? Find another hobby and be happy.


    So not being excited that the same guys are still making the decisions for the team going forward means you should stop following the team? They sold status quo as change and want people to pat them on the back. If they hire a good coach, great! I would love it, but right now it's the same cast of guys saying that they are tired of losing, but the group of guys who have been here for the losing are the best they can get. Ok. So what's new?

  10. Yes he should be a candidate.

    -Led the broncos to the playoffs one of the two years he was coach. The non-playoff year was an 8-8 season.

    -Led the bills to the playoffs two of the three years he was coach. The non-playoff year was an 8-8 season.

    -With Dallas he did better with similar talent than Bill Parcells. Made the playoffs two of the three season he was coach, including a 13-3 season.

    -He was been one of the top 3 defensive coordinators with many teams.


    Summary: Swallow your pride bills and give him a look.


    The Bills can swallow all the pride they want, Wade isn't going to answer the phone.



    Look at last year in Denver, Tebow wins 6 straight and is being threatened of losing his job after 3 losses.....as if the Broncos were supposed to be good and he was holding them back. They were 4-14 previous to him becoming QB. Talk all you want about the Denver D and/or special teams, those same guys were 1-4 to start the season and abysmal the season before.



    How are those same guys doing this year with a real QB?

  12. 10 teams that would definitely take Fitzpatrick?


    New England - Nope

    New York Jets - Nope

    Miami - Nope

    Buffalo YUP


    Pittsburgh - Nope

    Baltimore - Nope

    Cleveland - Nope

    Cincinnati - Nope


    Houston - Nope

    Indianapolis - Nope

    Jacksonville - Nope

    Tennessee - Nope


    Dallas - Nope

    New York Giants - Nope

    Philadelphia - Nope

    Washington - Nope


    Green Bay - Nope

    Chicago - Nope

    Minnesota - Possibly but probably want upgrade from Ponder, so nope.

    Detroit - Nope


    Atlanta - Nope

    New Orleans - Nope

    Tampa Bay - Nope

    Carolina - Nope


    San Francisco - Nope

    Seattle - Nope

    St. Louis - Nope

    Arizona - Maybe? Probably his best chance if he gets cut by the Bills. They are starting a 6th round rookie this week, so it's possible that they would take a mediocre veteran for a little while. So generously, we'll call it a yup.


    Even teams that haven't gotten great QB play this year have at least drafted a guy recently (Jacksonville, Minnesota, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Tennessee, Carolina, Miami) that they are attempting to groom. I don't think any of those teams would take Fitzpatrick as their starter over the potential of their young player.

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