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Everything posted by GOBILLS78

  1. In typical Sullivan fashion, he contradicts himself and offers no solutions. In one breath calls Lewis "serviceable" and "decent" before calling him "marginal" and saying the Bills need someone more reliable. I'm sorry, but if your backup quarterback is serviceable and decent, you're in pretty good shape. Who should they go after then, Jerry? I'll take Lewis over Skelton, Carr, Moore, Cassel and most others. I still don't think Lewis has reached his ceiling, either. Yes, he needs to limit turnovers -- like any quarterback -- but he seems to go through his reads and makes pretty good decisions on where to go with the ball. Accuracy is an issue -- he and E.J. might as well hang a tire from the tree in the backyard and stay there all spring. Still, Lewis is a fine backup option, in my opinion.
  2. I was happy when the Patriots when 11-5 and missed the playoffs, so I'm not going to complain if it happens to the Cardinals.
  3. the former Mr. McCheese, whose unfortunate surname was the result of parents who
  4. Definitely Carolina. If it can't be the Bills, it might as well be the city where I live.
  5. I'm surprised this is a question. They will get a good player no matter where they draft. The bottom line: Beating the Patriots is awesome.
  6. Wow, that's impressive. I'm definitely under .500 on Bills and Sabres.
  7. a ventriloquist doll whose go-to zinger was "ground up and in the freezer," and
  8. Wait, wait, wait. There's a baseball card show? HAHAHAHAAHA
  9. was a pretty awesome memory toy in the '80s, you know, the decade that
  10. his spot-on Jacob Marley impression and his ability to
  11. the damn flux capacitor in the DeLorean misfired YET AGAIN, and
  12. wobbled the throat of, in a grove of men, which was weird, because
  13. he was held up for years at a secret curmudgeon convention in northeast
  14. I'm no help here, I stopped hitting on tight ends after I got married.
  15. "These boots are made for walkin," which is a favorite among
  16. and asked, "Do you like the song 'Moon River?' before finally
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