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Everything posted by BillsZubaz

  1. It has already been established that it is all the fans fault. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=93995 We should be ashamed.
  2. I am very eager to see how our offense- Particularly our Oline- hold up running their new no-huddle in a hostile environment against a 3-4. My bet is that they will struggle somewhat. But that is what preseason is for, I am glad that they are getting this gametime experience in a hostile environment against this type of defense. Considering how much they struggled against it last year and the fact that they will see it 10 or so times this year... On a side note: This is the inaugural game for my new LCD TV and Surround sound setup!!!!!! I bet they look glorious!
  3. I lost the "Magic Hat" after the 4th Superbowl. It is entirely my fault.
  4. Obviously you do considering the fact that you read the post. If you do not, then that means you read the thread with the intentions of making this rude and antagonistic remark. Which makes you a jerk.
  5. It baffles me they won't be able to sell out a single game this season even while tarping sections off. They don't deserve and NFL team.
  6. That is why they have remote controls. Turn ESPN OFF!
  7. Fair enough. But why does it bother you if people stand during a TV time out? What are you trying to see? Just kidding. I understand your point. But my point is...why complain? It will never change. When you get a bunch of drunk people (and sober people) that congregate for a single goal...people get excited. Personally, people standing never really bothered me. It is just what happens when you go to a Bills game. If I feel like sitting, I do so during time-outs. If the people around me want to continue standing...who cares?
  8. Chris Simms will be starting before the year is over.
  9. It would take a good mourning period. I would probably follow Cleveland eventually. They are close, have a passionate fan base.
  10. I guess we should all sit on our hands and be quiet. It is kind of hard to sit and watch the game when everyone else stands...so...no...I'll keep standing too... Do some people get out of hand and be obnoxious? Absolutely. Could we do without that? Absolutely. But that is what happens at Bills games, always has and always will. Stop bitching about it. If you don't like it then stay home. BTW I see a plenty of 30 somethings 40 somethings and older who are all bagged up and out of control. Don't blame it all on the kiddies.
  11. If I want to take my shirt of during a game I damn sure will. Its a blast when you get other people around you doing it too! If a fat guy with "moobs" joins in all the better.
  12. I am so excited I have had to change my pants twice this morning...
  13. No. Injuries can strike anywhere. Rusty Jones doesn't deserve blame for the bears injuries and John Allaire doesn't deserve blame for the Bills. I'm not attributing all of the injuries to a strength and conditioning coach. It is foolish however to dismiss the impact that a higher quality strength and conditioning coach can have. Truth is, they can help prevent injuries. The question was...at one point do we look at our injuries and ask is our Strength and conditioning coach taking the necessary steps/utilizing the best techniques to help prevent injuries. I agree...some of us do need to get a clue.... :rolleyes
  14. You are absolutely right about this. John Allaire was one of Rusty Jones' assistants prior to his departure. AND it was a regime change that ousted him..
  15. Haha GREAT post. Unfortunately, I lack this ability also..
  16. The Bills could be 0-15 and Lord help me I would still have to suffer through each game, Radio pregame show and all.... Its an illness.
  17. I don't. If the Bills win I have a great week. If the Bills lose my week is rather melancholy until I get excited for the upcoming week on Wed. I am quite aware how sad this is...
  18. I hadn't thought of this but its a good point. Youth and being unseasoned could very well be a contributing factor. Hopefully we are able to stay healthier than we have been in recent years.
  19. In Turks defense, we really don't know the quality of a coach he will be. He has had success at every level thus far. I like some of the things he has done...so I am reserving judgment on him until after this season. Fairchild was atrocious. I can't believe he wasn't canned.
  20. Favorite: Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers Least: Tom Brady, Chad Pennington
  21. That is a tough question. My vote would go to Tasker. Only because I feel like Reed will have a better opportunity to make it on his own merit. He just may have to wait a little while.
  22. 1. We have yet to play a preseason game, yet we already have 8 listed injuries. Granted several of these are injuries that are carried over from last year. I just see the injury bug already creeping up on us and we are only 2 weeks into camp. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/buf/inju...pFg8QeYubt.2bYF 2. I don't need to assume that we have had more injuries than every other team over the past couple of years. It is a documented fact. 2007: 17 players on IR. Including 10 starters....this is an extraordinary amount. ...http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/buf/injuries;_ylt=AgV5gOF6_mgUfpFg8QeYubt.2bYF (2007) 2008: While last year was better in terms of players placed on IR. We still had 10 by the end of the year and 9 when this article was written. In additions, impact players such as Jabari Greer, Donte Whitner, Terrance McGee and Trent Edwards all missed significant time (several weeks.) http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/buf/inju...pFg8QeYubt.2bYF As I stated, I understand that injuries will happen in this league. They are the unavoidable sum of what you so eloquently described: "pitting human wrecking balls against one another" However, proper strength and conditioning can in large part act in preventive capacity. I believe there could be a direct correlation between the promotion of John Allaire several years ago and our increase in injuries (serious and minor).
  23. Works for me. Thanks for the H.O.F./opening weekend present.
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