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Everything posted by BillsZubaz

  1. Antoine Winfield is a better DB than Clements. He is one of the best tacklers in the league despite his size. He is also a LOCKdown corner. The one knock against him is he doesn't come away with all that many INTS...which has been true..
  2. Good enough that he was canned 1 week before the season by a team that in all likelyhood will be a bottom feeder this year.... Who knows why KC axed him. Power struggle, differences in philosophy? Maybe he just didn't get the job done. Regardless, it would do more harm than good bringing him in 1 week before the season....
  3. I am not watching the game because I am in the adirondacks and they are showing the GIANTS/JETS game. So I am keeping up with it via the NFL tracker and this thread.... Do they look as bad as it sounds? I hope not. I feel sick just reading about it....watching it must be unbearable.
  4. Now what is the reason? 1. Is it Edwards inability to play against the 3-4? 2. Is the coaching staff unable to prepare the offense to play a 3-4? This is sad....downright sad...
  5. I'll try to find one. I'd be willing to trade.
  6. Any clue who made them or where I could find a pair? I think they are outstanding and somehow lost mine.
  7. Thanks for the try. Unfortunately none of these are them.... The glasses I'm referring to have the lenses painted a solid red or blue with the Bills Logo on each lens. They are the 90s "Risky Business" style glasses that are also red and blue plastic.
  8. Does anyone remember the Sunglasses that were distributed (early 90's I believe). That had the Lens' painted with the Bills logo in the middle of each? You could see because there were small holes punctured throughout the paint... Who made these? Where can you find them? This is now my mission for some reason.... Any info is appreciated.
  9. CLASSY FIND! Garage sales are great for this type of this stuff...
  10. Agreed. Unfortunately I think he will still be waiting.
  11. ^^ What she said ^^ Reed was a GREAT receiver. He will be in the HOF. BUT there is no way he is getting in on the same ballot as Rice, Brown and Carter. He'll be waiting a few years....
  12. This is what happens to me when drink bourbon out of my sippy cup.
  13. Actually, Peyton Manning and the Colts have run A LOT efficient of no huddle over the past 4-5 years.
  14. Who says it won't be long term if it is successful? AND what exactly is "lowest of the low" about it?! The no-huddle has been a "gimmick" that has been run (yielding both success and failure) since is inception by the Sam Wyche and the Bengals in 1988. "Currently the Indianapolis Colts with Peyton Manning ,New England Patriots with Tom Brady, Cincinnati Bengals with Carson Palmer, and more recently, Atlanta Falcons with Matt Ryan employ their own variations of this approach." Offensive and Defensive strategies are constantly being reused and recycled (see the recent re-emergence of the 3-4 as a more popular scheme.)
  15. I know this to be true: "2. I don't need to assume that we have had more injuries than every other team over the past couple of years. It is a documented fact. 2007: 17 players on IR. Including 10 starters....this is an extraordinary amount. ...http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/buf/injuries;_ylt=AgV5gOF6_mgUfpFg8QeYubt.2bYF (2007) -----LED THE LEAGUE------- 2008: While last year was better in terms of players placed on IR. We still had 10 by the end of the year and 9 when this article was written. In additions, impact players such as Jabari Greer, Donte Whitner, Terrance McGee and Trent Edwards all missed significant time (several weeks.) http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/teams/buf/inju...Yubt.2bYF" Although my mouth does occasionally spew diarrhea!
  16. Omitting this injury for the sake of argument... Its coincidence that we have been leading or among the league leading teams in terms of number of injuries over the past 3 years...right..?
  17. Perhaps Whitner hasn't lived up to being the #8 overall pick. Common though, he is not worthless as many of you suggest. Maybe the reason that he hasn't made a ton of plays is because he has played such a variety of positions. He is a natural leader and a very versatile player.
  18. Superbowl or Bust............. BUST... They looked like dog poop. (I have nothing else.) Yes its only preseason...preseason poop.
  19. 2 Words: HE FAILED! This offense looked in no way prepared or even capable. Maybe the players had an off night. To me it looked like they were clueless and playing scared...fingerprints of Jauron Ball? I have been the first to say give Jauron another chance....its becoming harder to justify it. They looked horrific against the 3-4 last year and if this is indicative as to what we can expect against the 3-4 this year then we are in for a long ride. Will T.O. help? ABSOLUTELY.....not that much..... I am now drinking the kool aid (Bourbon at this point). The first string tonight looked pitiful....Why were they pulled before the end of the half!?!?!?!? Looked to me like they should have played well into the 3rd...they need the work..(How about Ryan Fitzfreakingpatrick being the player of the game!?) PS. The Defense looked poor too. Nic Harris looks pretty good at this point (Highlight.)
  20. I would remove Derrick Dockery and John McCargo from that list. Here is my reasoning: Derrick Dockery: While underwhelming and no where near worth the money he received he was def at least adequate. John McCargo: Has had persisting injuries. that I believe effected his play greatly. He had a terrible relationship with his position coach (some personalities are like oil and water.) He may still become a player...but very well could end up on this list. I would replace them on your list with: DE Erik Flowers--COMPLETE first round Bust. DB-Chris "The Toast" Watson ---He was downright painful to watch. Honorable Mention---Larry Tripplett.
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