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Everything posted by TheLynchTrain

  1. Ok, we'll have to agree to disagree on the witnesses. When it's all said and done, do you actually believe the street racing charge will stick? That Marcell won't plead to lesser charges?
  2. Is there any reason why you have to continually be a jerk on this forum? Every one of your posts always has to snarkily point out how stupid you think the other person is. I don't want to get in a long flame war with you here, I just wish you would have a little more respect for the other people that post. Regarding "scaring away" witnesses, I'm not talking about Marcell personally, I'm talking about the fact that this story now has high visibility due to the fact a public person is now involved. In this day and age, the witnesses MAY feel they wouldn't want anything to do with something that would put their name in the public sphere. Again, even if they were able to identify (sorry I offended you with fingering talk) him on the stand, I still feel the charge of "street racing" may be difficult to prove. Skid marks may only prove he was speeding and possibly reckless, not the fact he was speeding. Like Fergy said, he'll get something but it will probably be watered down.
  3. Those numbers would be awesome, but you realized Julio missed those three games because he was injured, right? Injuries tend to happen to rookies because, you know, they're rookies. Especially things like hamstrings, which I believe was Julio's injury early on that year (multiple games over different weeks - 6,7 and 10). Sammy may turn out to be a good (or great) player, but I think its unfair to him to expect anything other than being a rookie this year.
  4. Did he actually leave the scene? I hadn't heard that part.
  5. Ok, so Marcell was "arrested and charged with reckless endangerment in the second degree, a class A misdemeanor; reckless driving and participating in an illegal speed contest, both unclassified misdemeanors; and traffic violations." Jerry Hughes was involved as well. Other than the fact this was incredibly stupid (especially for Marcell), let's take a deep breath here. I'm no lawyer, but to me it sounds like it's going to be incredibly hard for a prosecutor to get the "illegal speed contest" charges to stick. We don't know the full story, but from reports it sounds like police only arrived on the scene after Marcell's car hit the tree. They supposedly have "witnesses," but will those witnesses actually testify once they know its a Buffalo Bill that's charged? Will they get scared away from the media attention and pressure from friends? Also, would they actually be able to finger Marcell on the stand as the one they saw in the driver seat? Considering Marcell will most likely buy the best lawyer money can buy to create this doubt, I would assume the prosecutor will probably cut a deal that might include reckless endangerment or a similar lesser charge, some serious fines and possibly a suspended license. Can't see Hughes getting anything worse than that if, again, no police actually saw the crime being committed. Money buys justice, and this is a slap on the wrist for something that could have ended much, much worse. Regarding an extension here, the Bills are in a tough spot. Hopefully this will FINALLY serve as a wake-up call to this kid and hopefully he'll prove to them he deserves it in the next two years. EDIT: I'm not arguing that Marcell should avoid punishment if he actually deserves it, I'm just speculating how I feel this will work through our legal system.
  6. I don't want this to turn into a Tim Graham bash fest, but wasn't he the one who kept repeating in the News, on the radio and on twitter after Ralph passed that the Bills chances of staying we're slim to none? I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure PSLs, while paid for by fans, shows up in the "team contribution" category. For example, when someone above mentioned Jerry Jones was on the hook for $350 M of the stadium, he just turned around and funded his contributions with PSLs. I think Chris Heff is saying some Bills fan group (like the one that's attempting to put the no interest loans/Bills bonds together) should actually turn around and think about using that money towards partially funding a new stadium rather than give the money directly to the owner. I think the NFL would be happier to see this be done rather than the loan to the owner.
  7. Why not? Urbik and Williams are the penciled-in starters, while the Bills probably hope Cyril will push hard for playing time this year and possibly parlay that into a starting role sooner rather than later. I would imagine Legursky is cut at some point without serious offseason improvement, and Unga, McClain and Colling are camp fodder. Asper is intriguing because he was a long lost Bills 6th rounder who spent time on two other teams before resigning. I believe he played some Center is college which may bode well for depth, but I would imagine he's got a steep road ahead of him. I'm more interested in the battle at tackle. Do we keep Pears and his 3 M salary? I sure hope we do, but the Bills don't like paying starter money to backups, and if Cyrus wins the job that may be a tough call for Whaley. What about Hairston? He's shown promise for a 5th rounder, but the Bills may also believe he's shown he's injury prone. Do we keep Seantrel or try to sneak him on the practice squad? So many decisions!!!
  8. I live in Washington, DC and go to a lot of Nationals games. I know baseball is a completely different sport, but you can still have fun without full tailgating per se. When the Nationals moved to DC, the city demolished an entire neighborhood and gave most of the surrounding stadium land to the owners (quite controversial). They built a few high-rise buildings but they left a square block across the street that they converted into an open air venue that's been quite a hit. Yes, its kind of like the "beer tents" we dread but you can drink beer (6-7 bucks I believe), sit at picnic tables, play cornhole and they do have (somewhat passible) bands play on game days. They also use the space for concerts and other events on non-game days. It's obviously not tailgating I know and yes, it is baseball, but friends from out of town always tell me how much more fun Nats "pregamming" is versus their cities' baseball venue. If keeping the Bills in Buffalo forces us to have a stadium downtown or in a venue in a more concentrated urban area with minimal "DIY" tailgating, as long as they do something like the Nationals did, I think I can stomach it. Check ou the pictures on yelp
  9. Anybody have access to any high-powered databases that might be able to pull up that newspaper article from the video at the 3:15 mark? I've tried googling it but came up with nothing - it looks like it was the Miami Herald's Sports Weekend section on Friday June 10(?), 1983 with the title "Did secretary doom the deal with Bills?" I'd be interesting in reading that!
  10. Have they released the details of those two 49er trade downs (and one trade up I believe)? I heard the 49ers got 4th rounders for moving down, and in one instance only one spot I believe. I love we got Cyrus but could we have squeezed more?
  11. I'll preface my comment that I think the Redskins name should be changed, both because it is kind of offensive and also I find humor in any chance of screwing over Dan Snyder. Anyhow, Metzelaars_Lives, I think there are plenty of similarities with the Irish and what you mentioned about Native Americans above. If you took out "South Dakota" and inserted "Ireland" and added the "British" after "foreign culture" you'd have a pretty accurate representation of Ireland the last thousands of years (and to some extent the first few generations of Irish Americans in this country, who were called "apes," "drunks," "subhumans," and yes "fighters." The reason why the "Fighting Irish" is acceptable and the "Redskins" is not is because the folks at Notre Dame who picked the name were for the most part actually Irish Americans who I believe attempted to take ownership of a common slur against them. The Redskins, as we all know, was created by a racist white owner who didn't allow blacks on his team until 1970 and then tried to revise history by saying it was done in honor of their first coach. Just my two cents...
  12. Gotta love how it was an Executive Order rather than a law by passed by the state legislature.
  13. I've sat in the clubs a few times - once when they were updated over a decade ago and another time a few years back. What ever happened to the heated seat warmer thingy? Did they just stop working and nobody fixed them?
  14. Jeez, sounds like he's lucky they only used a taser.
  15. What would Bradford's trade value be worth straight up? A fourth? A third maybe? Right or wrong, I can't see the Vikings selling Bradford to their fan base, especially with Spielman on the hot seat.
  16. LA would make sense, since the NFL Network is located close by.
  17. I find it interesting he's been on almost every side of a deal - whether its a league (MLB in Miami), a new buyer trying to stay in a market (Rangers), or even most importantly, an owner that wanted to move a team (Expos to Nats). I'm hoping that means he's seen it all and can spot the BS
  18. I know Poloncarz tweeted out the erie county link to the Non Relocation Agreement last month, but does anybody think Kryk might have been perusing the board this weekend when we were discussing this? The timing here makes you wonder... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/167222-non-relocation-agreement/page__st__20
  19. I'm not 12 and neither are these women that are cheerleaders. Why are they treating them as such? Exactly.
  20. Wait, so you would tell your female employee this? "12. When menstruating, use a product that right for your menstrual flow. A tampon too big can irritate and develop fungus. A product left in too long can cause bacteria or fungus build up. Products can be changed at least every 4 hours. Except when sleeping, they can be left in for the night." Let me know how that goes.
  21. Exactly, I'm not sure why this is so hard to understand - there were plenty of people that made quite a bit of money off of them. All the Bills/contractor pass through needed to do was pay minimum wage and this wouldn't be an issue.
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