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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. I'm with you guys. Not that the O-Line isn't playing like garbage most of the time, but Jackson is FAR the more versatile back so far and think he should be the starter at RB.
  2. One of the CBS Keys to the Game today is "Man Up and play like an NFL Football Team", directed at our O-Line. I'd extend this challenge to the D-Line, AND the Special Teams. Because REAL fans recognize when their guys go from playing well to not playing well, because we're more aware of the little things that go into the games we watch than other fans are. Don't be jealous. Be like us.
  3. Without Youboty, we suck. Not a huge fan of his, just observing what has happened this season with him and without him. We stink without him in there. Hope that changes starting tomorrow.
  4. Did Dickie J cry and scream for Ashton Youboty to come back? Because that would be something. But seriously, I haven't bothered to listen to him, because all I wanna hear is him lambasting his assistant coaches and their crappy game preparation pretty much 6 of the 8 games this season already. But he never will do such a thing, and frankly, who cares? Great players overcome mediocre game plans and playcalling with audibles. Our guys are skilled but obviously, the smarts are presently less than needed.
  5. Cheer up. I've been a fan for decades, and this team looks alot like the 1988 Bills.
  6. Even the holier than thous have to admit that the team is playing like lost little boys out there recently, though, right?
  7. This coaching staff needs a good three weeks to get their collective heads out of their asses. Can we have another Bye week?
  8. Only difference is, the Jets don't have gerbils for coaches.
  9. Youboty, baby, Youboty. The defense has stunk since he got hurt.
  10. Pats are about to lose tonight. Three-way tie for first in the Division, one game ahead of the Fins. This is actually pretty freaking cool.
  11. Are there really still people here who think that JP Losman is even half as smart as Edwards is? He has a fantastic arm, and if he ever gets a coach that lets him run when he gets confused by the reads, or even creates DESIGNED runs for him, he might actually be fun to watch. But he simply can't make his reads, or throw short quick passes accurately, and these are not opinions, these are proven facts. Big whoop. The supporting cast is still not as full of primetime players as it needs to be, and the playcalling is still mediocre, so EITHER QB is gonna have major bad days occasionally, until THOSE two things are addressed. Can't be consistent if your Captains and coaches are not that good, can you?
  12. Not that I'm as smart as everybody here, but I'd have liked to see Hardy actually TRY for that ball, even if it WAS underthrown. Dude lacks passion.
  13. When Ralph "leaves" (so polite to not call it DYING), the Bills will no longer be "we", unless of course you're moving to Canada.
  14. ....it all comes back to the O-LIne....AND the quarterback holding the ball too long and not throwing it out of bounds.
  15. Jauron's underlings are letting us all down. Fewell, Schonert, and April, for God's sake, even HE is screwing the pooch lately. If Dickie J. can get them to start taking their jobs seriously, he will have earned my respect back.
  16. Oh that's really fair. The thread said "Lunch", not "Lynch". Brats. At least delete my post if yer gonna cheat like that, Mods. Sheesh.
  17. Trent's taking the blame in his interview. Good start. Now let's hope his coaches know how to make him better. So far, I haven't seen a whole lot of great coaching, amking any of the guys actually better than they started, and that's a coaching issue.
  18. How often have we seen that sweep that got Lynch the TD behind that awesome block by Freddie Jackson against the Chargers, since that game. I think NOT ONCE. Same with that great play fake by Edwards to one side and the great pass to the TE or FB for 20-25 yards. No misdirection. Smashmouth runs on 4th and 1, when your smashmouth guy is on the bench. Not running the no-huddle even a TENTH as much as Turk SAID he would this season. This is Fairchild-style playcalling again, and I'm pissed. Bobby April and Perry Fewell have PLENTY of 'splaining to do, but Turk Schonert is looking quite mediocre right now, yes.
  19. Did that "best line we've had here in five years" PLAY really well today? Sheesh, people.
  20. Sure, if the Bills coaches keep their collective heads in their rear ends, and the O-Line and D-Line continue to underperform, and our underrated players, Schobel, Reed, and Youboty are out, we might very well get our asses handed to us. If not? Who knows.
  21. There's a BIG difference between saying a guy played like crap and saying he sucks. Once people learn that, we can have discussions about games that don't sound like they are taking place in a kindergarten classroom.
  22. Why don't YOU answer ME? Trent's pick-six had nothing to do with protection. His pass to Hardy was underthrown. He stood there for at least five seconds on at least two of those sacks. He wasn't all that great today, can you just admit that?
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