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Everything posted by TheChimp

  1. Yes, and tackles. They miss those, as well.
  2. Come on, BILLS!!!! Play like MEN, for Christ sake!!!!!!!!!
  3. I swear to God, Bobby April USED to run a GREAT crew out there. WTF is he doing wrong???????????
  4. I know!!!! What a !@#$ing joke we are. I hate today.
  5. Watch the Jets fake the FG and get a TD.
  6. I soooo thought they turned the corner this year.
  7. We play a team leading the league in INTs and we don't even come CLOSE to getting one.
  8. What a piece of crap this whole team is right now. WTF is going on?????
  9. WHAT??? They said he went out of bounds before the line to gain?????? Thank GOD the rules didn;t allow them to hand the ball to Brett. HOLY CRAP are the refs Mafia members or something? Because I have never seen such crooked calls in one season in my life.
  10. Watch them uphold the call on the field. Watch.
  11. So, we'll challenge it and have to punt it, anyway, when we win it.
  12. Oh perfect. Holding. And they might even spot him short, to boot.
  13. This game is still totally winnable, even at 20-7 if they do score here. But these overpaid linemen are really pissing me off this year, both defense andf offense. And the coaches of both units are really shitting the bed, too.
  14. Come on, Defense, sack this stupid asswipe for God's sake!!! Where the heck is Stroud???
  15. Is it just me, or is Pozluszny sorta disappointing?
  16. We're totally dominating them, but for dumb mistakes and bad coaching.
  17. Unreal. They don't challenge the obviously bad spot on the 4th and 1, and then challenge an obvious catch. WTF
  18. Har har har hee hee hoo hoo ha ha. Um, Bills up 16-7 (two scores) in the middle of the Third Quarter, but end up losing by 9 points, due to multiple ridiculous implosions at almost every position. I'm not one who made a prediction, but those who did certainly don't have to just accept THIS loss because they expected 3 or 4 of them in the season. So for you guys to laugh at THEM is sorta stupid.
  19. You ever see a team play an error-free game in your life?
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