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Everything posted by bills1960

  1. Nice screen by MacCarthur on that goal.
  2. I don't understand his reasoning on why billeck won't be an option.
  3. i think they need one more consistent goal scorer to be a real contender for the cup. not saing they wont do well in the playoffs though. Maybe they could get one at the deadline.
  4. That's a good point, they wouldnt meet twice just to say how ya doing.
  5. Id say good enough! he won a super bowl with an average QB. he made his reputation as an offensive asst. with the Vikes, yet as a head coach with the ravens he had a defense-oriented team. That shows the ability to coach to the talent, not force the talent to fit a pre-convieved scheme.
  6. The guy wins, thats what he does. I don't care about his postseason record because we haven't been there in 10 seasons.
  7. Anyone that doesn't like Nix should take a look at some of his drafts in San Diego.
  8. "How much did that sandwich platter cost?"
  9. Talking bout common sense and ow important it is. breathe of fresh air.
  10. He also got wood, levitre, byrd, nelson and harris. that to me is atleast decent.
  11. Eli won a super bowl, something we've never done. He also consistantly gets into the playoffs, again, something we don't do. So don't trash him.
  12. If you overlook the maybin pick, (which i know is hard), it was a pretty good draft last year. anytime you get 3 starters and a couple guys with some potential is a good draft.
  13. I got a sabres thrid, one of the best items i've ever bought.
  14. Don't forget your Josh Stammer jersey!
  15. O yeah, the last thing we need is some compition at QB for next year.
  16. I like this. Give guys a shot that haven't had one all year. Now, we need Stevie Johnson to get in there.
  17. Well, it could be worse, we could have drafted Orakpo.
  18. Not, lose, improve. And incognito had two penalties today, although one was a bad call on the block in the back.
  19. A positive is that all of our weakness came out today in one showing, so there should be no doubt of what we need to do this offseason.
  20. But he's had chances to prove himself, this year and two years before. He is very inconsistant to say the least, he's scared to throw the ball more than 3 yards, has terrible pocket awareness, and not to mention a terrible leader. This guy is a back up at best.
  21. He is an awful coach. 8 minutes left in the game down by two TDs, and hes virtualy milking the clock. Hurry up! you're only down by two scores! It's not actually over yet!
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