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Everything posted by Pozitive51

  1. Do you feel this franchise is truly committed to winning? If not, I find it hard to continue to be as loyal and die hard of a fan. I really thought Brandon being the marketing man would recognize that the fan base is thread bare and show the commitment to building a winner this off season. That commitment has got to be shown through free agency or trades. While I realize its not over, they certainly are starting off slow. The FO has had three months to develop a plan and take action. I am hopeful that there is a impact trade in the works, because other than Coles I don't see too many FA still available that would have an immediate impact and be a huge upgrade.
  2. The weather, the city, the facilities, the local nightlife and economy would not matter if these players believed the franchise was committed to winning. At the end of the day... it comes down to winning. What player with 5 years remaining in the league is going to sign with Buffalo for even money as compared to another team if they don't feel like the team is committed to winning?
  3. You gotta believe that if TD was given more time we would have been in the playoffs by now. The closest we have been in 9 years was in 05 when we lost to Pitt on the last game of the season. As loyal fans, we can live with disappointments during the season as long as we see moves and the desire to improve every offseason. In my opinion, the most difficult and depressing thing many of us are now struggling with is it seems the Bills are not trying to compete and moving towards being irrelevant in todays NFL. I'm not sure if I believe this yet.... but I sure would like to see something that proves this theory wrong.
  4. TD pushed Ralph to open his pockets and spend.... Brandon doesnt have the spine to stand up to Ralph. TD made some poor moves, but at least they tried and created some excitement.
  5. I believe Ralph's support of DJ is genuine and not a cost influenced. He has already gone on record saying the team doesnt have enough talent. Unless you truly believe is ENTIRE motivation is to screw the fan base by sucking as much profit from the franchise before he passes, a lot of indicators point towards a big FA offseason.
  6. He gets traded in late August once the Pats are comfortable that Brady is okay and a desperate team puts a great offer on the table. Nice move by the Pats.
  7. I know that this would go against history, but I think a few things are in play that might fuel a major spending spree for the Bills this year. Fan support was at an all time low at the end of the season b/c of the teams collapse and the extension of DJ. Since this fall the economy has detriorated further making tickets sales look bleak for 2009. Ralph needs to build excitement from a business perspective and Brandon is a marketing man that recognizes this need. The Toronto experiment enters season two. The first season was mildly successful. Canadian fans gravitate towards the big stars, did you see all NFL jerseys in the stands. Ralph has pocketed the infusion of cash generated because of the Toronto games and now needs a marquee player to get these fans attention. Ralph's induction into the HOF is huge. He will be on a whirlwind tour this spring and summer rubbing elbows will all the NFLs greats. The Bills will be the main attraction at the HOF weekend with two inductees and the current team playing in the game. This man is in the twilight of his life and is being recognized as one of the NFLs best owners. He will want to finish on top in all ways possible, and not allow his frugal ways detract from his and the teams national spotlight. Peer pressure, pride, and the opportunity to put a final stamp on his epitaph are powerful motivators. Lastlly, he as a solid foundation to build on. This team is not that far away and there is cap room to allow for unprecedented free agent spending. If this money is spent correctly, Ralph can position the Bills for one last Super Bowl run in his lifetime. We might just have the perfect storm brewing to create a great time to be a Bills fan!!! What a roller coaster ride it is!!
  8. It will not happen. He is happy in Baltimore and after losing Adalius Thomas a couple of years ago they will make sure Suggs doesn't walk. I think they will be more successful signing a stud LB ( I like Wilma ) and drafting DE first.
  9. Is anybody really buying the Crowell & Brandon lovefest? I don't see them resigning him and believe a LB will be one of their FA pickups... I am hoping for Wilma. TE will be the other big pickup in free agency and would like to see them go after Winslow. Depth at DT and a backup QB. In the draft they take the best DE available and trade up to get Mack.
  10. He is at the top of the Bills org chart... which doesn't translate to a promotion to another team. Its very obvious Wilson wants to be surrounded by "yes" men. Modrak is half retired and already has proven he has no ambition when he passed on the GM position. Brandon is at a different place in his career, but would need to take a big demotion in title if he were to leave the Bills.
  11. I belive Polian was a somewhat successfull in getting Wilson to spend during the 90's. This most likely was a contributor to their relationship and Polian going South.
  12. He won't leave, he has built his career with the Bills and whether he has stroke or not he is at the top of the org chart. The rest of the league doesn't respect the Bills and this discounts all the accomplishments on his resume. I believe he is a talented executive and only hope he starts to stand up to Wilson and most importantly gets him to go after some much needed top shelf talent. As it has been stating numerous times, being very active in Free agency is the only way to keep the fan base in the seats at this point.
  13. Now we know why Ralph has been kept out of the HOF all these years. This past season has framed the reasons why the voters and the rest of the league owners have little respect for the guy. The HOF is reserved for players, coaches and owners that achieved greatness, pushed themselves and others around them and utlimately had a positive impact on the NFL during their era. Ralph Wilson has done none of this. As we watch Levy and the great players from the Super Bowl teams enter the Hall, league insiders know the owner had zero to do with these teams. Put yourselves in Ralphs shoes. Your days on this earth are limited... you have the opportunity to effect generations of people by working towards keeping the Bills in Buffalo. You have the opportunity to put one last stamp on this team by showing the dedication and commitment to greatness your counterparts in the HOF have shown.... yet you sit idle. Sad but true.
  14. Has it been confirmed that Marty is talking to KC about a VP position?
  15. Marty Ball is a perfect fit for Buffalo weather! Sign him and let him bring in his son as OC.
  16. who is everyone cheering for this afternoon. Jets Chargers Are my picks.
  17. Its REALLY bad if Dierdorf is second guessing your coaching staff..... a quick kick.. we are watching our team get B word slapped like a bunch of girls.
  18. Hey DJ your Dumbass... you need more than 3 points this quater to win the game
  19. The play call to run was horrible. Should have been a throw to the endzone, that said the refs blew the whistle more than once which would have signaled a stopping the clock.... the refs and DJ blew it.
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