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Everything posted by Pozitive51

  1. Go back to the slant to Evans. Nice pickup block by Lynch on that last play.
  2. Gotta make that INT and try for a return. I dont blame Corner on that one. I think AVP might have found something on the last drive. Look for Evans again.
  3. The JETS coaches are morons if they call one pass
  4. The defense needs to win this, I like our chances of Sanchez throwing another pick. He has looked awful. The Byrd is the word.
  5. yeah! Talking Proud. Nobody circles the wagons, they make me wanna shout,
  6. We actually might have a chacne of winning this debacle
  7. George Wilson! Sit TO and move onto Stevie Johnson.
  8. we got a chance! I am sure our brainstrust of coaches will put together a great gameplan in the second half!
  9. Didnt we draft a DE with the 11th overall pick?
  10. go for it Ryan. Just like is daddy, a big dumbass
  11. Lynch has a case of the Antwon Smith dancing feet.
  12. called it. Kid is a ballhawk... next Ed Reed.
  13. He will be back, Sanchez throws a INT on this drive.
  14. Get what you can for him and play our youth. Its going to get much worse with TO on this team, we have enought negative national press!
  15. Wrong. A new contract will void the Broncos contract. We have zero shot at gettign Shanahan. We would have to OVER pay significantly to get him here and give him 100% control... not going to happen. My prediction is that Shanahan goes to Dallas, Gruden to Washington and Cohwer to Carolina. Marty Shottenheimer is the best fit and most quailified candidate available for the Bills.
  16. If you live in Buffalo go to the games. Its a good chance that the Bills will move and the opportunity to see the Bills in Buffalo will be gone forever. Stop pretending a boycott will have any effect much less one with positive results. Strong fan support and attendance is one of the only things that will keep the Bills in Buffalo when new ownership arrives.
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