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Everything posted by Pozitive51

  1. That was absolutely ridiculous.... 46 yard FG in swirling 45mph winds. Bunch of Freaking Ivy League brain surgeons!
  2. Bills win, DJ stays. They will spend big bucks in Free agency and all of us will be fired up again for the 2009 season. Brandon recognizes the need to bring a big name to Buffalo in order to sell seats. The money saved on coaches will be spent on the field.... Wilson already has set the table with the lack of talent comments. Of course if I am wrong and they keep DJ and don't spend, a lot less folks will be watching another sub 500 season!
  3. Its pretty simple, the PR machine has been in motion since Wilson publicly announced we don't have the talent! We will retain Jauron keep his guy and save money on a potential contract buyout. Brandon will recognize the need to add a top shelf free agents to keep the fans in the seats and enter the 2009 with renewed optimism.
  4. We have had great starting field position the entire second half of the season. With teams kicking away from McKelvin, Jackson has capitalized.... once again special teams is the strenght of the team.
  5. After the first quater, there was no way I thought we would be in this game. If they win the next two games, Jauran stays. Like it or not.
  6. Kicking away from McKelvin.. guy has talent. We will score on this drive, long pas to Evans
  7. We definitely dont need to rebuild. We have a great up and coming core of talent with a potential Pro Bowl player at every key position. With the addition of a few key additions. I disagree with with Wilson, its not the players its the coaching. My only hope is that Brandon the marketing genius realizes that if he keeps the coach he must spend in free agency to keep the fans interest. Pro Bowl Caliber players Offensive Line - Peters RB - Lynch QB - Edwards WR - Evans TE - Winslow ( free agency ) D line - Stroud LB - Poz - Peterson ( free agency ) DB - McCelvin S - Whitner Add Peterson and draft Orapko and we have a the makings of a great defense. I think the Oline will continue to improve and have played well this year. We need another threat and Winslow gives us that. He needs a change of scenery and is a talent.
  8. Have we blitzed yet? What happened, during our winning streak we were playing aggressive Defense
  9. Lynch 3 straight times. But probably will see another genius call
  10. Dierdorf is an idiot. JP will never start for another NFL team Marshawn is our best player
  11. If this is true, Wilson and Brandon will see a monumental walkout. I dont know the details of the contract, but I am sure its near the bottom of all NFL coaches. Demote him to DC and pay for a real HC. Another note -- now that we sold our soul to Toronto, this CASH to CAP policy must end. Wilson must think our fans are idiots. He pockets millions to send a game to Canada, stays well under the salary cap and then claims we dont have talent.
  12. They look like crap. Unfortunatelty 10-6 would be great, but a reach at this point. We all need to relax and hope for at win against NE next week.
  13. if its a first down ( which it is ) can they decide to accept the penalty? Or does it sick and actually give us a first and the ball?
  14. We will score on the 1st posession and swing the MO big time. We need to get Favre into passing situations, our pressure is looking good and we know he will throw the pick. The home field advantage will be huge in the 2nd half. I agree with the 4-1 play call, but we should have challenged the spot. Does anyone know what is wrong with Lynch?
  15. We need to go for points if we get it back with time on the clock. Getting the MO back is huge!
  16. ThTHis game has been the biggest give away I have ever witnessed!
  17. I am coming to town for the game. Does anyone know if there is a hotel putting together a bus trip type tail-gate package? If there isnt one what is the most convenient location to stay? I will be renting a car and not all that familiar with the area.
  18. Does anyone know where I can download the Shout Song?
  19. Hardy needs to get in the game mentally. We can't have him on the field if he is going to be a liability to the offense. I was disappointed that Stroud and out starting D-line was not given more plyaing time. In general I think Jaroun and staff kept everything extremely simple and used the game almost exclusively to evalate talent rather than get our 1st team reps. I went to the game with my 7 year old son and his two buddies. We had them all in Bills jerseys and they chanted and cheered for the Buffalo Bills all game. It was a great time.... we may have two more Bills Fans in the fold. GO BILLS!!!
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